Wednesday, December 1, 2010

i'm in a bad mood right now want to hear why?

1. i was telling Maeve about my lesson and she thinks that it is my fault her horse did anything bad and she kept making excuses for him
2. it's raining.
3. i forgot my graphing calculator at school so i couldn't do half my homework and now i'll have to do it before homeroom tomorrow.
4. my mom volunteered to drive me up to the school since it would be open because there is a financial aid thing going on but i said i didn't want to go.
5. i'm tired.
6. i don't have lunch with Abby anymore. today's lunch was okay but half of it was filled with awkward silences and i could tell that Katelyn was ticked off that i wouldn't sit with her at lunch before but now that Abby is gone i go and sit with her.
7. in conjunction with number six, now the only time i see my bestest friend is for the few minutes before homeroom and during homeroom but that barely even counts because i'm still half asleep so in conclusion i never see my best friend and it sucks, but i understand why she needed to switch her class and i'm not mad at her, i'm mad at the stupid scheduling people and the way our stupid lunches are set up.
8. this is post number 600. which means i have officially gone crazy because who in their write mind writes 600 posts on a blog for no reason other than they want to? and my 500th post was less than 3 months ago. to be exact i wrote 100 posts in 74 days.
9. i am mad at myself because i shouldn't be complaining because my life is so wonderful and i'm sick of saying that too.
10. i don't have someone to talk to now and make it feel all better. Abby isn't on chat and i don't feel like texting her. and i have no one else to turn to talk to when i'm feeling sucky. which sucks even more. i need a freaking boyfriend who doesn't care when i'm in a bad mood and will just listen and make me feel better. i want him to make me smile even when i don't want to smile.

now i'm going to go watch youtube videos and pretend that i know Charlie McDonell in real life or that he made that video especially for me to make me feel better.