Wednesday, December 15, 2010


here is abby's post for those of you who aren't abby or me:
"i guess thank you Ms. O'shea, you have me thinking...
as a student, i feel that we have no choice but to conform to everything that is thought as us. the whole thing is a never ending cycle of out our destruction. i should make a flow chart of this.

nonconformist on this level means being everything that the teachers and your peers don’t want you to be (examples: good grades, work hard, dress similar to those around you, have a few close friends, have a lot of general people you know.)

Conformist on this level for simple terms is following everything spoken above.

Choose is writen in this way, so as to show that sometime we don’t choose to act this way,we are just born this way, or our home life has us acting in such a way.

Choose to be a nonconformist(in the eyes of your peers)——-> you look like a looser to your peers (EVEN though we are told to be ourselves(( i know you are thinking i am an accepting person, i don’t think that. but please ask yourself.”have i ever though that someone looks so weird or acts different?))

Choose to be the conformist(in the eyes of your peers)——> you are just seen as a normal student.

nonconformist (eyes of your teacher)——-> you look like you don’t care about yourwork, your future or anything.

conformist——> you are just an average student, trying to do your best.

i am going to add here that i was told that being a nonconformist is risking being misunderstood. which i agree with. and i must also add, i am making this seem like everyone fits on to one of these levels, which they don’t. everyone has a little of both. i am just giving the extreames. because we all conform to some degree, such as we all need air.

i guess that my thoughts lead me to this:

we are told to be who we are, but at the same time told to be the same. so if we are all being told to be different then aren’t we the same? and if not, who are we?

answers would be great i would like to talk more on this topic."

i agree so much with this post. i'm trying to think of what to add or say without saying what Abby already said.

High school is a press mold. They get some kids in 7th grade, or 6th, or 9th, and then they start shaping them the way they want. Get your homework done in time. Participate in class, but don't talk too much. Agree with the teacher and then the teacher will like you. Don't question what the teacher says because the teacher is always right. Perform well on the tests and quizzes because that is what you are supposed to do.

That is what the teachers do. What about the kids?

Jeans can't be too short so ankles are exposed. Jeans. Sweatshirts. T-shirts. Pick your style and don't change it. Sit at the same seat at lunch everyday. Have your group of friends and stay with them. Don't say something stupid during class. Don't be too smart or too stupid. Don't do something out of the ordinary. Stick to the schedule.

Honestly come on. It's stupid. Everyone does it without even realizing it. It is like an unspeakable code at high school. Everyone follows it and whether they acknowledge it or not, they dare not break it. And it is even bigger than what I mentioned.

Okay that is good. I guess. I stopped because I had to eat and now I forgot my train of thought. And now I have to sleep.