Tuesday, December 21, 2010

day nineteen.

challenge one - day nineteen - random fact about yourself.
-when i'm nervous i will play with my bracelet/ring/necklace. but for some reason today i was biting on the sleeve of my sweater.
-i pick off my nail polish when i'm bored.
-i have my library card memorized
-i have a blog

challenge two - day nineteen - the initials of your crush(es)
i hate that word "crush." so much. too many connotations. let me look up and see what urban dictionary says it is. okay some of this are funny so read: (1) "a burning desire to be with someone who you find very attractive and extremely special." (2) "a painful experience, very common amoung middle schoolers (and high schooler's and even adults to a lesser degree) that involves being obsessed with a member of the opposite sex (or the same sex, if u prefer), being attracted to them physically (most common), or emotionally- also called 'puppy love' also: the object of this affection Verb: crushing" (3) "1. the act of falling hard for someone even though it isn't love yet 2. a precursor to love 3. an amazing thing that gives you feelings of nerves and excitement whenever you see them"
those are the best three. i like the third one the best. so with that in mind.
J.R. A.M.
but i'm a silly little girl and don't talk to either of them. when i have the chance i shy away because i'm silly. silly is a nice word for stupid.

i skipped 4H today. i probably shouldn't have but i have more important things to do than 4H. like this blog. and a bunch of homework. history test tomorrow and thursday! THEN CHRISTMAS. Christmas gets built up so much but it is so wonderful. it's just a great day. sure there is all that blah blah about how it's stupid and everyone is selfish and just wants the gifts. but i just like the idea of christmas the spirit and i'm actually excited this year to give some gifts. my elephants in particular and the paperjam to maura because she isn't expecting it! but yeah i am excited. but then it will go by and we'll have to wait for next year. but it will come again!

there was a super cool total lunar eclipse last night and it occurred on the winter solstice, which makes it extra special. but i slept through it.

i miss abby.

i think i am going to go on tumblr for a bit now. or watch youtube. i should be at 4h. but i need to relax. or else i may explode.