Thursday, December 30, 2010

day two of happiness. (day twentynine)

challenge one - day twentynine - ten life goals
um. i am not sure if i feel like doing this now. i have more important things to do. like relay a three hour long text message conversation to you. but i would do this. or give you my ten goals currently.

challenge two - day twentynine - your opinions on the television show Glee.
hmmmm. i wonder.

SO. after barley getting any sleep last night because i kept waking up to see if it was tomorrow yet. and then waking up at like 8, the earliest this vacation, and not being able to go back to sleep. and then waiting all day for a text message from him. checking my phone all the time even when i knew no one had texted. he finally texted me. and it made me smile a lot. and i am currently still texting him. i have to think that he must want to talk to me too or else he would have stopped by now. but here is the conversation both for my personal records and for those people who want to read it. i guess if we text like this more often i won't be able to put all our conversations up here because they will be too long but hey we'll take it one day at a time and today i am going to write out every word from the past four hours. this will be hard though because i am currently texting him, Nicole, and Abby so i am going to be interrupted often. but here i go.

Josh Rivard 5:45: Hiii
Me 5:47: Hi!
Josh 5:48: Whats up? =) ( see its a smiley face)
Me 5:50: I'm shopping in northampton with Maeve and my mother. What's up with you? (And thank you, I was thinking that it was "equal to parentheses")
J 5:53: just finished inner, and am about to be roped into a board game by my sister haha (makes me wonder what is equal to parentheses.)
M 5:55: I'm jealous, aBoard games are fun! What one? (I don't know. Do parentheses even have a formal definition?)
M 5:56: Stupid phone. I meant to say that I am jealous because all I have had for dinner is a rice krispie treat and i'm starving
J 5:59: Then its probably time for you to get something to eat, =p oh and rice krispies sound great right now, even though i just ate (and they probably do have a definition, but i'm not going to look for it haha)
M 6:01: It was very yummy! And speaking about food, want to hear a joke about butter? (I'm not either XD)
J 6:04: Sure =), never heard one about butter before, (and i'll probably end up looking for it anyway because ill be thinking about it all night)
M 6:06: nevermind, you might spread it. (When you look it up let me know (:)
J 6:10: Haha, that was a good one =), I only have knock knock jokes, and a few blonde jokes. (Ill let you know, but it will probably be after life (the board game)...and whenever i find a dictionary =) )
M 6:13: Corny jokes are the best but I can appreciate a good knock-knock joke too. (How did you know that was me who asked if you were playing the board game of life via abbys phone?) I love the game of life, we own a super fancy version with credit cards and all!
J 6:22: I like corny jokes too, but i can never remember them ( and i believe i didn't know until abby told me yesterday, as you were confused by my =p) oh and our life still has the good ol paper money, bu our monopoly has credit cards, and it makes it so confusing to be banker
Me 6:27: I can only remember some like this one. What did the acorn say when he grew up? (Well I'm glad you remembered my fail moment.) I haven't monoply in so long. The last one I played was Taboo that I got for Christmas.
J 6:37: I have no idea what the acorn said haha, never knew one =) (and fail moments are much easier to remember than jokes) i haven't played monopoly recently either, but i have played taboo, its a fun game =)
M 6:44: Hahaha, "never knew one" is a pretty good joke itself. (Wonderful because those seem to occur fairly often) and I love it. I've played it with all my family at all our holiday parties. OH I almost forgot to tell you the answer..."geometry". say it outloud slowly. XD
J 6:53: Every now and then I make a joke =D (good thing i can remember them well then) and my family used to play it alot too, but now we play guesstures, and that's another good joke XD
M 7:01: I am sure its more than every now and again. (-_-) Guesstures? I've never heard of that one before. I ahve a few good jokes memorized and then I google some more.
J 7:08: Ture, though most of them are at Abby's expense =p, (hehe) and guesstures is basically sherades with a timer and four cards that you need to mime winin the time limit, its a funny game =) and google is how i got my knock knock jokes haha
M 7:11: Well abby is a pretty easy targe and she loves it And it sounds fun. I want to hear one!
J 7:16: She does, even though she says she hates me =p, and the games even better with funny people, hmm, knock knock
M 7:19: Of course she does! (Less than p is equal to tongue smilie face, I remember) who's there?
J 7:22: Yup =) (M 7:24: (I messed that up, that's what you get for texting while walking in a mall. I'm not even going to try to fix what I said) Boo who?
J 7:26: Don't cry, it's just a joke XD (and i think its less than equal p)
M 7:30: Hahaha. Thanks I was getting a little bit teary eyed there XD (I meant to sa that equal sign and p is equivalent to a silly smilie face. I think that is right)
J 7:39: Hehe, gotta love good knock knock jokes =D ( and i think that works, though i'm not gonna tr it haha) just don't ask for another one cuz i'm really blaking on the jokes =p
M 7:44: Here's another one that abby told me, what did the letter say to the stamp? And hows the board game of life going?
J 7:48: Hmm, don't hit me? and life is goin good, apparently im a lawyer, and i have grandkids even though i didnt actually have children...
M 7:51: Stick with me and we'll go places. :) and that sounds like a fabulous life. You get the grandkids but you never had the expenses of the kids, you're all good!
J 7:57: Haha, many grankids outta nowhere that I can spoil. alright XD i shoulda bought another house though, i live in a mobile home hehe
M 8:01: Sounds wonderful. Well movil homes can be...cozy. XD
J 8:08: Yep, and i don't have to share it with my grandkids either XD, and now im retired, and really wealthy hehe
M 8:12: It sounds like you got life all figure out...the board game of life that is. (:
J 8:15: Right =) if onl real life was so simple, though im glad real life doesn't only last like 2 house haha
M 8:17: Agreed and agreed. And I hope in the game of lie they feed you dinner because I still haven't eaten dinner yet but I did have some smartfood.
J 8:21: well smartfood doesn't really constitute a real dinner, so i suggest eating something.. and Life is all jobs, money, and family, and sadly no food, guess they want to starve us too
M 8:26. It was delicious though. I shall be eating shortly though since our shopping excursion is almost done and I got some food at big e's that i have to eat. i would not survive in the board game of life, I enjoy eating, especially ice cream.
J 8:57: Food is good, and ice cream is especially so =d, good thing your finally getting some food, and sorry for the wait, my basement has the worst connection
Me 9:08: I have now filled my stomach with food. I will ahve to eat some mt.toms ice cream that is in the freezer. And we all have to go get our free ice cream from abby. and no problem. (:
J 9:15: Good =) And i'm prett sure we have so many free ice creams to get haha =D
M 9:18: Haha, I know! I don't know what abby was thinking when she agreed to that. But now we can have an ice cream party! :D
J 9:21: Yeah =D, cant forget to get a sample of everthing, and make the orders hard hehe (im so mean)
M 9:25: Haha. Of course. She will love it too! (It's alright. I've already been there so many asking for samples and mking hr scoop pints and quarts)
J 9:27: Haha, i have yet to go and ask for samples and such, i'll have tod o that soon, when i find out when shes working of course.
M 9:30: You should! I don't think she is working until febuary. And by then I might hae my license so I can join you! You just got your license right?
J 9:34: Yeah, so i can go anytime, though your right, she is off till february, so when you get your license we can both go at the same time =)
M 9:37: Do you have a car too? I know nicole was driving a little black one the other day, is that only her car or can you all drive it too? And I would love to get get ice cream at the same time as you in february. :D
J 9:41: Yeah, ive got one too, and we can all drive each others cars but we choose not to sometimes, and we definitly should get ice cream i february together =)
M 9:45: That's awesome! What's your like? And :)
J 9:52: Its a blazer, and its silver, its wonderful cuz it has heated ront seats hehe =D its pretty cool
M 9:55: That does sound like a pretty wonderful and cool car. XD I have a little black ford focus without anything fancy like heated seats. :p
J 9:59: That's still cool =) Sometimes i prefer a smaller car to get through those tight squeezes haha.

THERE YOU GO ABBY AHHHHH. my arms and wrists and hands and fingers hurt. but i hope we can talk in person as much as we can text.