Thursday, December 9, 2010

day seven.

challenge one - day seven - best job you ever had.
well seeing as i haven't had an real "job" except for babysitting twice a week every week. i did like that but not enough to keep doing it this year. my dad did mention that i might be their main secretary in the office on saturdays, i would go and open up the office saturday mornings. but i have my lesson saturday mornings and i can't drive yet. so i guess i am saying i can't really answer this question because i haven't had a lot of jobs. so my best one is my only one, babysitting! yes!

challenge two - day seven - How you came across tumblr,and how your life has changed since joining.
Well tumblr I am pretty sure was Katelyn and my life hasn't changed that much because of tumblr.
But blogger? Hm. I'm not sure how I initially started or why. but how has it changed me? i am not sure how but i am sure it has. now sometimes i think like "i'm going to post that on my blog, what am i going to say?" and then i will plan it all out. i guess the person to ask would be abby, i think she would be able to see any change better than i would.

and by the way, i have a driving appointment on tuesday. super excited and nervous. just thinking about having my license is so great.

oh read this quote: "Finish each day  and be done with it. You have done  what you could; some blunders and absurdities  have crept in; forget them as soon  as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."