Thursday, December 2, 2010

quotable quotes.

i think that when/if/whoamikidding this blog thing gets published and gets famous it will be a wonderful thing to pull quotes from. probably almost every post has a nice quote on its own. want some examples? I'll pull one from various days/months/years.

January 30, 2009: "i am a sucker for guys that can sing well."
June 17, 2009: "i'm judging you by how much effort you put into it."
December 11, 2009: "i want my voice to be heard in people's ears not in their eyes."
December 21, 2009: "hey. you're kinda of cute. yeah. you."
February 28, 2010: "it's nights like this when i want to leave even more."
August 30, 2010: "we block ourselves out from the people around us just because that is what we are used to doing. It sucks."

and those are just from me looking at certain months. imagine if you actually read the whole thing, you would be able to find all the wonderful things i have said. but to find those you have to look through all the nonsense i have said (or written) too.

i got my eyes dilated today. i don't need a new prescription but my mom set up an appointment later this month for me to get my eyes fitted for contacts. i'm sort of afraid to get contacts. for a few reasons. 1) i don't know if i will be able to get them in, the doctor says my eyes are "sensitive" 2) what if they get like stuck in my eyes or they bend or something weird? 3) what if i look better with glasses? meaning what if i look bad-like with contacts?

today was okay but it sucked because the only things i said to Abby is -i need to do homework because i forgot my calculator at school -something about poking -how i was sad that she didn't know where the note for me was. AND THAT WAS IT. if i had lunch with abby i would talk to her about this music video i want to do but i have no time with sunlight, and how i was going to go to the eye doctor today, and tomorrow i would talk to her about contacts. and i would ask her about her life. but now i don't talk to her.

maybe it's good. now i get to watch Becca talk non-stop to Sarah because she is the only one who is nice and will just listen to her. and i get to make polite conversation with Mollie. and I get to spend another half an hour of my day with Katelyn because i already don't spend enough with her. that was sarcasm. maybe i'll make some more friends. or maybe i'll just complain about it and be annoying and a bit of a bitch and not care. let's do that.

okay when i started this blog i was in a pretty good mood now i'm not. great. and i still have to do homework but my eyes are killing me. there i go complaining again. can you be anymore annoying Molly?

edit: quote of the day: "Music...takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto". – Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
you see that was what i was trying to get at with this blog. my words in this blog could be used as blogger's quote of the day. they could be used on pictures on tumblr and be facebook statuses. it would be awesome. i just hope they don't use the bad quotes to, like when i just called myself a bit of a bitch.

now i feel like talking about that word "bitch." it can be used so many ways. you can use it with your friends and it can be fun and not mean anything bad by it. you can use it about someone behind their back and then you mean something bad from it. or you call someone it to their face and you want to destroy. or it is the only adjective you can think of to use. but isn't amazing how a word can really hurt someone. maybe i shouldn't use that word ever. actually the only time i have ever used it really is in my blog because i don't like swearing at all out loud. the last time i can remember swearing was when we were playing laser tag and right after i recharged i got tagged and i said "damn it" and that was just a reaction, i didn't mean to say it. but anyways. i need to stop writing in this blog so i can give my eyes a break and do homework.