Wednesday, December 22, 2010

day twenty.

challenge one - day twenty - five people you are happy with right now (no names)
how the heck am i supposed to say who i am "happy with right now" without names? that is what this blog is built upon, naming names. because i can't do it in real life. so i get to do in my little secrecy. well i am happy with the person who is reading this. i am happy with my family. i guess that's it. i am not really mad at anyone but i'm not "happy with" them. i guess. that was fairly silly.

challenge two - day twenty - do you wear glasses? if so, what are they for?
yes. so i can see.
did they really just ask what i wear glasses for? jeez. but yeah i've had glasses since before seventh grade. and i guess they were probably getting at this: i need them to see far away. i can see close up fine. but i may be getting contacts. this is actually a perfect question to segway into what i was going to talk about anyways.

i got fitted for contacts yesterday. everything went fine, i got to actually put contacts with my prescription in and try them out. it was awesome. i could see everything. i didn't have the constraints of only seeing where my glasses are. i didn't have something o my face and i could see! so contacts see like a go. the next step is the doctor is going to order some more contacts and when they come in i'm going to go back and the nurse is going to teach me how to put them in my myself. and then i'll be able to take them home and wear them for a little bit each day until i can wear them all the time. then after two week i'll have a check-in with the eye doctor and then they will supply me with a year's worth of contacts. and i'll be all set.

i'm afraid though. i am mainly afraid that i will look worse without glasses than with. i know that it will take some getting used to but what if my face just looks better with glasses? i know i didn't wear them for the first 12 years of my life but i've worn them for the last 4 years and i'm used to them now. i guess that is a risk i'm going to take. if i really hate them i don't have to wear them. my hope is though that i'll look better without glasses.

today is a holiday concert but i'm not going. why not you may ask since i go to all those things. because i have an AP test tomorrow so i am going to be doing some more studying for that in a second. and i didn't want to stay up that late. but i sort of wish i was going. gah. i'll be okay at home though. me and my apush book and the rest of my family.

abbbbbbby i do miss you. i see you at school in the morning. but the morning doesn't count because i can't actually form sentences that make sense, so i'm just sitting there like "yeah i don't know what to say, i really want to be sleeping right now." and other than that i never see you. and i haven't talked to you online lately. it's sad. i haven't talk to you. i haven't talked to you about my contacts. and about Christmas. and i haven't been able to tell you how i'm not as stressed out as i probably should be. i haven't been able to tell you about what i'm doing in ceramic. and i haven't been able to tell you about 4H. and i haven't been able to tell you about the IEA christmas party. and i haven't been able to tell you about Christmas shopping with my family. and i haven't been able to tell you my new thing about drawing circles and snakes and squiggly lines. and i haven't been able to tell you about project for awesome. and i haven't been able to tell you about my driving appointment. and i haven't been able to tell you about free mail. and i haven't been able to tell you about probably more but i can't remember now.

how sad is that? very sad. i can talk all about it on here but it isn't the same. i miss telling you stories during lunch. and i miss hearing your stories. i have no idea what is happening in your life right now and i don't like that. maybe i should have went to the concert tonight just so i could have saw you. but this vacation i hope to see you. and we can tell each other stories.

now i must go study for APUSH. unit three multiple choice tomorrow, woot woot!