Sunday, December 26, 2010

day twentyfour.

challenge one - day twentyfour - if you could change your first name what would you change it to?
i don't think i would. because i have grown into my name. now it fits me. sure other people have it to but it fits them in a different way. my name is Molly Marielle Ronan and that is the name that i would like to keep.

challenge two - day twentyfour - tell us about the last movie you saw in theaters.
i am trying to remember. i think it might have been Tangled with Colm and Kristen. but that was a while ago. hum. don't know.

today we were supposed to have a family christmas party at our house but we have a big winter storm warning for later today. my aunt called my family who were coming up from Delaware to tell them to turn around and go back home, but they didn't. so now we are having lunch at my aunt's house. so it will be the five of my family, Grampa, Auntie Julie, Cousin Sean and his wife T.C. (so weird to say that), and the three from the Delaware contingent. if we were having it my house we would have also been joined by Auntie Lorrie, Uncle Steve, Gramma, Cousin Jill and her husband-to-be Mike (that's weird too, but not as weird as Sean being married). so i am not really sure when we are leaving or whatever. it should be a pretty okay time though. i would have rather it was at our house so we could play with the Wii and Kinect and such. but oh well. maybe Sean and TC will want to come over afterward and get stuck at our house. probably not. i think they are supposed to go home tomorrow morning or later tonight. and then we probably won't see them for a while. oh well.

okay so i got this face stuff for "perfect complexion" and it makes my face look a little too orange for my liking. but i think it does work somewhat. i have to figure it out. but i am going to show you just because it is kind of cool. i am going to show you three photos. one is from before i had a shower. the second one is after the shower but before i put makeup on. and the last one is the final product.

photo one:

photo two:

photo three:

if this blog does get published maybe that wasn't a good idea. maybe seeing my face ruined the whole experience for you. the whole reading the blog experience. because you probably had your own image of me in your head and i am pretty sure that it wasn't that. am i right? i'll leave it for now. but yeah i look pretty nice. better than that last picture shows but i never look good in pictures so whatever, right?

now i have to see if we are leaving soon or whatever. time to go out into the wild.