Friday, December 3, 2010

day one.

so yes, i am doing a tumblr challenge on my blogger blog. and i want to talk about december-not-yet-new-year resolutions. and i want to talk about vacations.

day one - challenge one - post a photo of yourself and ten facts about yourself

1. i have wrote in a blog for almost two years.
2. my favorite color is purple.
3. i'm going to be a successful business woman one day
4. i have the bestest friend ever named Abby
5. i'm book smart but i'm not really sure how socially smart i am
6. i think a lot
7. i wish that i was super awesome at a lot of things, especially music related things, but i'm not
8. but i am super awesome at riding horses
9. i can type really fast
10. i think like i blog but i don't always talk like i blog

day one - challenge two - your middle name and how you feel about it
Marielle! and I love it!
I have never met someone named Marielle, which I love. And it is so pretty to say. It was my mother's mom's name and I don't know much about her. I am pretty sure she was an alcoholic and the latest thing i know about her is this: julie said about her "Well she was already dead to us anyways" (us referring to my mom and her siblings) and my mom said/thought "maybe to you" which i think is because auntie julie had been moved out of the house for years when her mom died but my mom was 14.
but that isn't about my mom's mom. it's about my middle name, which we share.
but i really like my middle name. i used to use it when we played house. and my spanish name is after it, that's Mariela.

- the next time i see Adam at the barn i am going to say something more than "hi Adam" "i'm good, how are you?" with no exceptions.
- i'm going to give people the opportunity to start a conversation with me by saying something. like i'll give Josh the chance to ask me if he can read my book instead of just waiting.
- i'll try to keep a more positive upbeat attitude but i won't beat myself up when i feel like complaining
- i'll try to be a better friend to the one wonderful friend i have, and to the others who could be better friends if i put some effort into it
- [this is where i would put the one that says i'll try to talk in class more but i don't really care one bit if i go a whole class without saying a word]

in January i am going on vacation for ten days. i'm going to Tobago of Trinidad & Tobago. i am missing five days of school. a friday, then we have that monday off, then i'm missing tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and we get the friday off, and then i'm missing the next monday. i'm really excited, especially since Tobago is part of South America and if i go to South America that means that i've been to three out of the seven continents and i'm only 16. that's pretty darn good.
but what i want to talk about is how do you go about telling people this. i want to share it but i don't want to rub it in their face or make it feel better. i know that most people don't get to go on big vacations like this, a lot of them never get to go on vacation, and here i am going off to South America. so i really don't to make anyone feel bad. but i feel bad that they don't get to go places and the only reason why is because of their parents. i was lucky enough to have parents that have enough money and the resources so i can go to South America. so maybe i just won't tell a lot of people but then won't it be weird the day before when i am all excited and they asked "where are you going?" and i say "south america" and they go "that is so awesome! what didn't you tell me? how long have you known?" but anyways.

and abby in response to your blog, i know exactly how you feel. so much so. except for the fact that it looks like i have barely any friends at all other than Katelyn. at lunch the conversation is sort of awkward and strained because it's obvious i'm only sitting there because you aren't in my lunch anymore. and i barely see you. so it looks like Katelyn is the only friend i have. and i think that is why the past few days i've been down in the dumps, because i was feeling lonely. but i'm going to be spending all day with you next sunday which will be wonderful. but just to let you know, i very much enjoy your notes. if we are going to make that a regular thing we should get a journal or something.

i never told you about the little "conversations" i had with Adam but we're making progress. not today but the last time he asked me how my thanksgiving was as he walked by, he didn't stop walking to talk to me but hey he asked me a question other than "how are you?" and today he said hi first and said my name. it was pretty spectacular. i think that was the first time i heard him say my name. it made me smile.

isn't that amazing how much a name can mean to someone? just by saying their name you can make their day. or maybe that's just me and i just like it when people say my name. that is definitely possible.

and do you want to know how i know how to spell the word "definitely"? i know that the beginning is defini because i remember the "ini" but then i always get mixed up if it's "etly" or "tely" and i always want to do "etly" but i told myself there is no such thing as true love. because true love is "tl" and so there can't be "tl" there has to be an e in the middle meaning you spell it "tely". and that is truly how i know how to spell definitely. every time i have to spell it i say "there's no such thing as true love" and then i know how to spell it.

but i definitely do believe in true love.