Friday, December 24, 2010

day twentytwo.

challenge one - day twentytwo - five people you are annoyed with right now.
i'm not really annoyed with anyone. you know i'm always a bit annoyed with ____. but i guess i am kind of annoyed at him but i can't really be since i don't talk to him. i guess the person i am most annoyed with is myself. but IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE SO I DON'T REALLY CARE!

challenge two - day twentytwo - do you play a sport? if not talk about a different hobby you might play
i ride horses.

today's christmas eveee and in honor of that i am going to go look at my posts from the last christmas/eve

okay in december of 2009 i only posted 12 times. but let's see what we got. ah come on. i was lame back then. i only posted on december 21sts about Sawyer (remember him?) and then on December 27th about Jill and Kevin's wedding dance thing. so lame. i'm cooler this year. why? because this will be my 32nd post this month. chyeahhh.

yesterday i was just going to go have some ice cream and see abby. we decided not to go to bright night. anyways i drove there and it was fine except when i was coming up to a light it turned yellow and my mom grabbed the handle and i didn't want to slam on the breaks so i kept going. and my mom was like "you probably should have stopped there" so that frazzled me for a bit but then i was fine. i just needed to mention it so i could get it off my chest and get on with my life. and then at ice cream Nicole was there. and Abby was almost done working. after i ate my ice cream i came over and sat next to Nicole and we were talking to Abby. and we decided to go bowling Wednesday but then, i think it was Abby's idea, she said "let's go bowling right now." so we did. Nicole ended up going home and getting socks then coming back. and i drove there. which was pretty scary. i had never driven that far. and i had to go through a 50 speed limit zone so i was going pretty fast but i managed. i think the worst parts of driving for me are 1. not letting the people behind me affect me. when there is someone behind me i feel like i should go faster. 2. going the right speed. i feel like i slow down too much at points and yeah whatever. i'm getting better.

but when we got the bowling everything went well! the three of us played two games. and it was very nice. it was the first night of vacation and we didn't worry about anything. we just had fun. i don't talk to Nicole often because we don't have any classes together and i never see her. but now i am going to say hi in the hallways and stuff. and you know it was a good time. we didn't really care about the actual bowling. Nicole and I got along well and it wasn't actually that awkward you know with the first time hanging out sort of stuff. i hope she got a good impression of me. at one point when i came back from bowling Abby was talking to Nicole and Abby said "her future boyfriend" and it was obvious they were talking about me so i was like, "what was that abby, i couldn't quite here you." and Nicole said, "i think she said 'future boyfriend'" and i was like "nah it sounded more like 'funny pickles'" but you see if i was thinking straight i would have said something like "me? boyfriend? nahh" and then they would have come back with something and i would have known what they were saying. because i am like that. i always like to know what is going on. even when i'm driving. i don't like not being able to see far ahead and i like to know what way i am going in advance.

but that was very nice. i am excited for wednesday. if it happens. then that will be me, abby, nicole, josh, colin, and jayna. even if josh wasn't going i would be excited to spend time with nicole and abby and jayna. i never see jayna. but i wonder how it will work out with the six of us. last time we all went bowling Mollie and Katelyn were also there. and then the last time it was just me, Abby, and Nicole. and then at all night skating it was me, Abby, and Josh talking for a part, then Colin, Mike, and Katelyn were also there for part of it. but we shall find out.

anyways i'm going to go tumblr it up and then maybe go through my clothes and get some breakfast. and do nothing all day. sounds like a plan.