Monday, December 20, 2010


i might as well get this post over with.
i was hoping i would have some big revelation about what to post about because this is an important number. but none came so i am just going to post about a bunch of random things that i would have posted about if you know i wasn't waiting for something genius to happen.

but for those you who you don't know. 627 is my birthday. june 27th. so that number pops up all the time. like when it is 6:27. or the other day we were going through pictures and my dad said something like "6 out of 27" and of course i picked up on that. but i swear it comes up all the time. anyways that is why i wanted my 627th post to be special but it ain't gonna be. (<- improper grammar)

let me get my challenges out of the way since i missed a day.

challenge one - day seventeen - favorite genre of movie
ooo. this is actually a good question. but too bad i don't have a good answer. well i love corny movies. i just do. the ones that make me smile. i also like the ones that make me think and go "whoa" i also like a good chick flick. i like a comedy and dramas too. the only ones i don't really like are horror movies, but even that isn't certain because i haven't seen a lot. but there you go.

challenge two - day seventeen - your thoughts on Ugg boots
i like em. they are sooooo warm. after i had an hour and a half lesson in the cold my toes were frozen and these Ugg boots warmed them up. I don't care if they are attractive or not but they are so wonderful.

challenge one - day eighteen - favorite class/school subject
those are two completely different things.
so let's start with my favorite class, or period: i am not really sure. i like ceramics class, mostly because i am comfortable about Mr. Smith, i also like APUSH class, but i don't feel as comfortable in that class. psh. i don't really have a really good class. spanish is alright too but i feel stupid in that class sometimes, and uncomfortable. but i guess you can blame that on me. i should describe what i mean when i say "uncomfortable" but i don't wanna.
my favorite subjects: english, but i HATE my english class this year, which sucks. spanish, and my class is okay. and that's really it. i'm good at school but that doesn't mean i like it.

challenge two - day eighteen - Do you drink soda more often than milk?
that one was easy. i almost never drink soda. i drink milk all the time. i loveeeee milk. well maybe note loveeeee, but i do like it. a lot.

okay now that the challenges are done let me move down my list. and yes i do have a list, i created one while i was on the computer today and i added to it as i went throughout my homework. so next.

Dave Days. he is a youtube star. and he just release a music video today and i watched it and i loved it. so much. it made me look and think of how hard he worked to get this success. all he did was post videos on youtube and now he has a huge fan base from all over. it's so awesome. he put a ton of hard work into those videos and he got so much back. and i'm glad. and he is just an awesome musician and actor and i loved his music video. and i would buy his album but i have no itunes money, and i am old fashioned and actually buy artists' music from itunes because i like to support them. but Christmas is coming! but i just wanted to give him a shout out cause he's awesome. well i think he is. i've never actually met him.

Shaytards. yes another youtube thing. i was watching youtube while procrastinating today (i got all my homework done, don't worry). but Shaycarl is a youtuber and he started a daily vlog a year or more back and he is still doing it. i'm a new fan but i love watching his videos of his family and daily life. There's Sontard, Princesstard, Babytard, and Rocktard, and then the mother Mommytard or Katilette. but i was curious and i wasn't really thinking i looked up their real names. And it sort of ruined it for me. I found out what they were and they lost something. I don't know. I guess I didn't really want to know what their names were, but i didn't know what until i knew what they were. i wish i could go back before i knew their real names. but hey it's alright. i just wanted to tell you how learning their names made them lose some of their magic. but i love them all anyways. i especially like it when their teenage uncle, Shay's younger brother, Logan is on the vlogs. mmmhmmm.

next on the list is Emily & Adam, specially Emily Noonan and Adam Beaupre. they're dating. and i when i first heard that i was like "really? that seems weird" but since then i have only heard good things about their relationship. when i see them together and heard about them. i am not really sure why i am writing about them. i guess i just wanted to say... i'm not sure. i don't know either of them so i can't really say. and i don't like to judge people's relationships. ever. like you won't hear me say stuff like that. but i don't know. this seems stupid now. next item.

All I Want For Christmas Is You. that has become my favorite christmas song. before this year i never had one. now that is it. i don't care who sings it. i just really really like it. you can figure out why.

Abby got a callback! Yeah yeah yeah! I am very happy and excited for her! Yayyy! Woohooo!

Did I mention back months ago about a sketchbook project? yeah i never finished that. it seemed like a good idea at the time. now i feel bad for making my mother spend that money on something stupid. gah.

I made a music video. I like making them. I used Maeve and Maura. It's coolio. I have a list going up in my room about ideas for videos. I would love so much to have an audience on facebook and subscribers. Ooo. Subscribers would be awesome. But I don't have any. But you know I think if I just keep posting up videos and keep improving then eventually they might come. Maybe I should add annotations asking to subscribe.

I want to redo my room-ish. Mostly just one wall. Take down a picture and I want to add string and clothespins and print out some pictures and hang them up there. I think. I'm not sure. I also want to go through all my clothes. That's something to do over vacation. Vacation. Only three more days of school. Three more. I can do it.

I think I am done. or I think I should be done. Alright. Goodbye. okay my use of capitals and not using capitals is annoying me. SO Much. so MUCH. WooaHoooHaaahHH.