Tuesday, December 7, 2010

day five.

today i dropped my cookie on the cafeteria floor. then i ate it. and i'm still alive.

challenge one - day five - favorite memory from childhood
you're kidding me right? i have no idea. i remember memories in fits, something has to jog my memory and remind me that they happened. and pick a favorite?
but one that i am thinking of now. my dad, my sisters, and i took an adventure in our backyard. we climbed up the hill behind our house and crossed the river. or when we had the float and tried to go up the river.
so pretty much the whole family in the backyard thing.
or when we would dance around in my room putting on shows for my parents.
or [this is from a home video] on Easter when i said that i was going to be an egg-opener when i grew up.
or when i got Finn. i was at my grandparents house and i was told to sit down and close my eyes. i heard people coming so i opened my eyes a little bit and i saw a gray ball of fluff in my mom's arms. then i was told to close my eyes again and she placed Finn in my arms. and then we went out in the yard and played with her.
but those aren't good. i guess i don't have that one memory that i'll remember for the rest of my life from my childhood.

challenge two - day five - tell us your three favorite colors.
that's it.
all the other colors are chill too though.
ha i just said "chill"