Friday, December 31, 2010

day thirty.

i lied. i said when i finished this it would be 2011. i thought december only had thirty days. it has thirty-one. so here we go last day.

challenge one - day thirty - anything you want to talk about
i'll be talking about that later in the post thank you very much. (:

challenge two - day thirty - take a picture of yourself right now and post it, or post the most recent one you can find
well the last picture i took of myself was wednesday after bowling. because i actually had a genuine smile on my face. let me see if i like that picture or i'll take another one. ehhhh. i don't really feel like posting those or taking one. so OH WELL. i started off this challenge thing strong but now i have other things to talk about.

LIKE IT'S THE LAST DAY OF 2010. 2010 went by really fast. i want to go see what i posted at the end of 2009 and beginning of 2010. brb. i was honestly such a loser. i didn't post anything on December 31st or on January 1st. i mean come on. so i guess i have to talk about it now.

i don't think new years is such a huge deal. it's not like everything is going to change tomorrow just because it is a new year. the only thing different is we will write "2011" instead of "2010." everything else is the same. but still i think people like the idea of a new year because it holds hope. this year i'll do this. this year will be better than last year. it is a universal point that everyone can go from. sure you could say "from this point on everything will be better" but it doesn't seem to have as much promise as the beginning of the new year. everyone makes resolutions and most of them won't last but at the beginning everyone has hope.

am i going to make resolutions? hm. i wasn't planning on it. but if i was it would go like this. 1. don't worry. 2. have fun. 3. talk more. 4. be yourself. 5. don't be afraid. 6. do what you want to do.

i feel like those are good resolutions. you know. 2010 wasn't a horrible year but it wasn't spectacular either. when i am thinking back i can't think of one amazing thing that happened, mostly because i don't think of my life in years. i can't really remember what happened in 2010. when i am trying to think in the past everything important that happened in 2010 isn't laid out for me. well good thing i have the blog so i can remember.

OKAY so enough of that new year stuff. onto the good stuff.

i was up until 11:30 texting Josh. yeah. we texted pretty much consistently for six hours. do people normally do that? well abby and i text back and forth all the time but you know it isn't really one continuous conversation. and i text dana sometimes but not that often, only when we have something we actually have to say. we don't just text about really nothing, which josh and i pretty much did. my phone organizes all my texts by person and says the number of texts for the person. i am not sure if it is number of texts i sent them, or number of texts back and forth, including the ones they sent me. it works up to a point. like on abby's it has said 206 texts for a long time. once it reaches 200 it sort of stop works but up to there it seems pretty accurate. want to take a guess as to how many texts josh and i have sent back and forth Wednesday night and yesterday? well Nicole and I texted back and for 35 times in that time period. I have texted Bella a total of 49 times, and that is from August, but i don't like texting her. And i have texted Katelyn a total of 47 times since September, but same thing there i don't text her often. okay so i have texted josh 86 times. again i don't know if that is texts i have sent or total. i am thinking total between the two of us. but yeah. that is sort of a lot.

texting is a two way conversation. so it's not like it was just me. in order to text for that long and that much you have to have two people contributing to the conversation. which we had. back over the summer i texted Danny once and it was like five texts long and we never texted again. because it was mostly me fueling the conversation and him just responding. this was a two way conversation. so that's a good thing right?

but at the same time i can't have a friendship solely through text messages. seriously. if we can't talk in person then yeah. but i think the text messages help. and until monday, when i'll see him next, i'll continue to text him. i'll text him later in the day since he made me wait until 5 yesterday.

that's another thing. is there like text messaging etiquette? like you don't text back too fast because then it will seem like you are just holding onto the phone waiting for them to respond. but you can't take too long either. so normally i will text back in the amount of time it took them to text me back. except for abby, i just text her back whenever i feel like it which is normally right away. but that doesn't always apply. but for the most part he always responded within 10 minutes, except for when he went down the basement but then he apologized for the wait and said why. and i did the same thing, it took me a while when i was trying to get our conversation on here for abby, so i stopped texting everyone during that time. then i apologized for taking so long and said blame abby. so you know.

the big question is does he actually want to talk to me or is he just being nice? well lets see each side. for he actually wants to talk to me: 1. he texted me first. 2. he kept responding in a reasonable time. 3. if it took him a while to respond he said why. 4. he asked me questions 5. it seemed like he liked texting back and forth 6. the reason why we stopped texted was because he said he had to go to sleep because he gets up late enough already 7. he said we will have to continue our conversation tomorrow. for he is just being nice: 1. i sounded like a fool often 2. he never actually asked for my number 3. i asked him to text me (but he did, he didn't have to) SO i guess it sounds like he actually wanted to text me. alright then.

so let me sum this up. texting josh makes me happy. but i am not too excited about this because i need to actually talk to him. i am going to have to figure out a way to slowly ease him into conversation because listen to this. i was in the car with maeve and my mom and maeve asked who i was texting i said i was texting Nicole. and she said oh tell her i said hi. and then she said "remember when i beat her brother all the time at riding?" and i was like "yeah, i just went bowling with him yesterday" then there was an awkward sort of silence. and then i asked maeve if she had anything else she wanted to say to Nicole. and that was it. maybe it was only an uncomfortable silence to me. but hey i went to Danny's birthday party and my mom was okay with that. so i just have to ease my family into this, IF this turns into anything. it may not. so i can't get too freaked out yet. so yeah. until then i am happy just texting him. and then we'll see how it goes one day at a time.

and Nicole is such a lovely person. on Monday i have to go and find her and thank her in person. i unloaded everything on about Pride onto her. and her is what she says: "oh my god im so sorry! :( but i actually know how u feel i used to have a halflinger named callie and she was so cute but she sooked at everything and i constantly had bad falls and one time she jumped on my leg luckily nothing was broken but we had to sell her because my instructor and my mom were worried for my safety and it was really hard but if i continued to ride her it could have been even more unsafte and it was the hardest thing ever" and then i text her back with another long paragraph and she says: "its really okay i understand it is really is hard i'm her if u wanna talk, but it took me a long time to get over callie but i think about it as she made me a better more cautious rider and its hard but she helped me to become a better rider and there will be a horse for you that is absolutely amazing i know" and she started to make her cry. but seriously. nicole is so awesome. i wish we started being friend earlier. i am pretty sure i can count her as a friend now that we have been bowling twice and and i unloaded all of that onto her. but yeah.

i never told you blog about pride. but my mom doesn't want me to ride him anymore. so there you go.

and on top of all this i might be going to my first funeral soon. my riding instructor's father had a heart attack and is in the hospital. Maeve sent me a facebook chat message that said "Percy is going to die this weekend :'(" which is horrible. Percy is an amazing horse person. someone said once "Percy has forgotten more about horses than I'll ever know" which is so true. he is such a great guy. it's going to be hard on his family.

SO THIS HAS BEEN AN EXCITING WEEK. it started off that i was in a bit of a slump. then i had a wonderful time at abby's house. then i went bowling. then maura was sick. then i found out that i am most likely going to have to sell my horse. then i texted josh for six hours. then i texted nicole about my horse problems. then i found out percy is going to die. then my aunt is going over today. then i am sleeping over katelyn's. good lord. this all happened/will happen within three days and i did nothing before that.


Thursday, December 30, 2010

day two of happiness. (day twentynine)

challenge one - day twentynine - ten life goals
um. i am not sure if i feel like doing this now. i have more important things to do. like relay a three hour long text message conversation to you. but i would do this. or give you my ten goals currently.

challenge two - day twentynine - your opinions on the television show Glee.
hmmmm. i wonder.

SO. after barley getting any sleep last night because i kept waking up to see if it was tomorrow yet. and then waking up at like 8, the earliest this vacation, and not being able to go back to sleep. and then waiting all day for a text message from him. checking my phone all the time even when i knew no one had texted. he finally texted me. and it made me smile a lot. and i am currently still texting him. i have to think that he must want to talk to me too or else he would have stopped by now. but here is the conversation both for my personal records and for those people who want to read it. i guess if we text like this more often i won't be able to put all our conversations up here because they will be too long but hey we'll take it one day at a time and today i am going to write out every word from the past four hours. this will be hard though because i am currently texting him, Nicole, and Abby so i am going to be interrupted often. but here i go.

Josh Rivard 5:45: Hiii
Me 5:47: Hi!
Josh 5:48: Whats up? =) ( see its a smiley face)
Me 5:50: I'm shopping in northampton with Maeve and my mother. What's up with you? (And thank you, I was thinking that it was "equal to parentheses")
J 5:53: just finished inner, and am about to be roped into a board game by my sister haha (makes me wonder what is equal to parentheses.)
M 5:55: I'm jealous, aBoard games are fun! What one? (I don't know. Do parentheses even have a formal definition?)
M 5:56: Stupid phone. I meant to say that I am jealous because all I have had for dinner is a rice krispie treat and i'm starving
J 5:59: Then its probably time for you to get something to eat, =p oh and rice krispies sound great right now, even though i just ate (and they probably do have a definition, but i'm not going to look for it haha)
M 6:01: It was very yummy! And speaking about food, want to hear a joke about butter? (I'm not either XD)
J 6:04: Sure =), never heard one about butter before, (and i'll probably end up looking for it anyway because ill be thinking about it all night)
M 6:06: nevermind, you might spread it. (When you look it up let me know (:)
J 6:10: Haha, that was a good one =), I only have knock knock jokes, and a few blonde jokes. (Ill let you know, but it will probably be after life (the board game)...and whenever i find a dictionary =) )
M 6:13: Corny jokes are the best but I can appreciate a good knock-knock joke too. (How did you know that was me who asked if you were playing the board game of life via abbys phone?) I love the game of life, we own a super fancy version with credit cards and all!
J 6:22: I like corny jokes too, but i can never remember them ( and i believe i didn't know until abby told me yesterday, as you were confused by my =p) oh and our life still has the good ol paper money, bu our monopoly has credit cards, and it makes it so confusing to be banker
Me 6:27: I can only remember some like this one. What did the acorn say when he grew up? (Well I'm glad you remembered my fail moment.) I haven't monoply in so long. The last one I played was Taboo that I got for Christmas.
J 6:37: I have no idea what the acorn said haha, never knew one =) (and fail moments are much easier to remember than jokes) i haven't played monopoly recently either, but i have played taboo, its a fun game =)
M 6:44: Hahaha, "never knew one" is a pretty good joke itself. (Wonderful because those seem to occur fairly often) and I love it. I've played it with all my family at all our holiday parties. OH I almost forgot to tell you the answer..."geometry". say it outloud slowly. XD
J 6:53: Every now and then I make a joke =D (good thing i can remember them well then) and my family used to play it alot too, but now we play guesstures, and that's another good joke XD
M 7:01: I am sure its more than every now and again. (-_-) Guesstures? I've never heard of that one before. I ahve a few good jokes memorized and then I google some more.
J 7:08: Ture, though most of them are at Abby's expense =p, (hehe) and guesstures is basically sherades with a timer and four cards that you need to mime winin the time limit, its a funny game =) and google is how i got my knock knock jokes haha
M 7:11: Well abby is a pretty easy targe and she loves it And it sounds fun. I want to hear one!
J 7:16: She does, even though she says she hates me =p, and the games even better with funny people, hmm, knock knock
M 7:19: Of course she does! (Less than p is equal to tongue smilie face, I remember) who's there?
J 7:22: Yup =) (M 7:24: (I messed that up, that's what you get for texting while walking in a mall. I'm not even going to try to fix what I said) Boo who?
J 7:26: Don't cry, it's just a joke XD (and i think its less than equal p)
M 7:30: Hahaha. Thanks I was getting a little bit teary eyed there XD (I meant to sa that equal sign and p is equivalent to a silly smilie face. I think that is right)
J 7:39: Hehe, gotta love good knock knock jokes =D ( and i think that works, though i'm not gonna tr it haha) just don't ask for another one cuz i'm really blaking on the jokes =p
M 7:44: Here's another one that abby told me, what did the letter say to the stamp? And hows the board game of life going?
J 7:48: Hmm, don't hit me? and life is goin good, apparently im a lawyer, and i have grandkids even though i didnt actually have children...
M 7:51: Stick with me and we'll go places. :) and that sounds like a fabulous life. You get the grandkids but you never had the expenses of the kids, you're all good!
J 7:57: Haha, many grankids outta nowhere that I can spoil. alright XD i shoulda bought another house though, i live in a mobile home hehe
M 8:01: Sounds wonderful. Well movil homes can be...cozy. XD
J 8:08: Yep, and i don't have to share it with my grandkids either XD, and now im retired, and really wealthy hehe
M 8:12: It sounds like you got life all figure out...the board game of life that is. (:
J 8:15: Right =) if onl real life was so simple, though im glad real life doesn't only last like 2 house haha
M 8:17: Agreed and agreed. And I hope in the game of lie they feed you dinner because I still haven't eaten dinner yet but I did have some smartfood.
J 8:21: well smartfood doesn't really constitute a real dinner, so i suggest eating something.. and Life is all jobs, money, and family, and sadly no food, guess they want to starve us too
M 8:26. It was delicious though. I shall be eating shortly though since our shopping excursion is almost done and I got some food at big e's that i have to eat. i would not survive in the board game of life, I enjoy eating, especially ice cream.
J 8:57: Food is good, and ice cream is especially so =d, good thing your finally getting some food, and sorry for the wait, my basement has the worst connection
Me 9:08: I have now filled my stomach with food. I will ahve to eat some mt.toms ice cream that is in the freezer. And we all have to go get our free ice cream from abby. and no problem. (:
J 9:15: Good =) And i'm prett sure we have so many free ice creams to get haha =D
M 9:18: Haha, I know! I don't know what abby was thinking when she agreed to that. But now we can have an ice cream party! :D
J 9:21: Yeah =D, cant forget to get a sample of everthing, and make the orders hard hehe (im so mean)
M 9:25: Haha. Of course. She will love it too! (It's alright. I've already been there so many asking for samples and mking hr scoop pints and quarts)
J 9:27: Haha, i have yet to go and ask for samples and such, i'll have tod o that soon, when i find out when shes working of course.
M 9:30: You should! I don't think she is working until febuary. And by then I might hae my license so I can join you! You just got your license right?
J 9:34: Yeah, so i can go anytime, though your right, she is off till february, so when you get your license we can both go at the same time =)
M 9:37: Do you have a car too? I know nicole was driving a little black one the other day, is that only her car or can you all drive it too? And I would love to get get ice cream at the same time as you in february. :D
J 9:41: Yeah, ive got one too, and we can all drive each others cars but we choose not to sometimes, and we definitly should get ice cream i february together =)
M 9:45: That's awesome! What's your like? And :)
J 9:52: Its a blazer, and its silver, its wonderful cuz it has heated ront seats hehe =D its pretty cool
M 9:55: That does sound like a pretty wonderful and cool car. XD I have a little black ford focus without anything fancy like heated seats. :p
J 9:59: That's still cool =) Sometimes i prefer a smaller car to get through those tight squeezes haha.

THERE YOU GO ABBY AHHHHH. my arms and wrists and hands and fingers hurt. but i hope we can talk in person as much as we can text.

day twentyeight.

challenge one - day twentyeight - career goals
okay so really i want to go to college. and i want to have a successful career. i am going to be a successful businesswoman. i am going to travel the world. pretty much that's it.

challenge two - day twentyeight - your first celebrity crush
oh. i have no idea. i've never really been into celebrities. i guess Charlie McDonnell is the first one that has sort of been all my own. like no one told me about him and was like "I LOVE HIM YOU SHOULD LOVE HIM TOO." but that is so recent. but i can't really think of any others. you know the Jonas Brothers but that was only because Katelyn liked them. so yeah. i don't know. but good question.

so hey. did you notice that yesterday was day twenty seven and i like the number twenty seven because that is the day i was born on. yep. twentyseven. anyways i just wanted to point that out.

and the reason why i am writing this blog right now is because i don't want to do history homework. i'm a lazy bum. but hey it's cool. it's vacation.

i don't have any more text messages to share with you but i'm not worried. i may later. it is still early for teenagers to be awake. but my phone hasn't left my side yet today.

but apart from the whole Josh thing, i love Nicole. much more than i thought i would. she is just so sweet and great and wonderful. seriously. why the heck haven't i been friends with her since 8th grade? OH RIGHT cause i'm a loser and too shy to talk to people. but she probably made my night with the whole "OMG I'M SITTING NEXT TO MOLLY!" it makes me smile thinking about it. she is just a wonderful person. maybe i'll text her a bit later. who knows. i don't really have anything to say to her.

ummm. hmmm. now what do i say? oh i can talk about how wonderful abby is. seriously. i love her so much. i hope she knows that. and the more i make fun of her that means the closer we are. cause i can't poke fun at everyone. people wouldn't get my humor or whatever...i guess they wouldn't get me? i don't know how i got so lucky to have abby as a friend. i have no idea why she even wants to keep being my friend. i don't know how we got to being friends in the first place. but i am so so so grateful. i should have given her a hug last night when we dropped her off. but really. she's lovely.

humdadohuma.humdadohuma. say that fast over and over in a sing song voice. it sounds cool.

anyways now this is where i am supposed to post this post to my blog but then that would mean i have to do back to doing homework. but i don't want to. oh listen to the quote of the day:

"I believe that if one always looked at the skies, one would end up with wings." – Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)

what do you think of that? lalalalalalala. i'm bored. the rest of my vacation is going to not be very good compared to yesterday, since i'm not doing anything else. oh right. i am though. i am going over Katelyn's tomorrow at 4 and sleeping over. and then saturday i'm not doing anything. and then sunday i have a 4H party from like two to six or seven. THEN SCHOOL. ah. i need to do homework. jeez school. i wonder how that will change things between me and josh and nicole. well i never see Nicole, literally, so probably nothing. but then i do see josh. maybe if he texts me i'll tell him that he has to say hi to me every time he sees me in the hall. but maybe not i don't know. i am not going to worry or build anything up.

if i have no expectations then i can't be disappointed, right?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

SO FREAKIN HAPPY. (day twentyseven.)

challenge one - day twentyseven - college you are attending or what to attend.
don't know and right now i don't care at all about college. can i just stay in high school longer?

challenge two - day twentyseven - list your three favorite girls name, three favorite boys names, and your three favorite names for a pet

ahhhh. listening to taylor swift right now. i am so happy. bowling couldn't have went better. nope i didn't win. nope i didn't get a strike. and i don't care one single bit. i'm not going to get into the technical stuff but i'll tell you what you need to know. for some reason we all started sending each other random text messages. and at one point abby stole both mine and josh's phone and put each others numbers in the other's phone. and then i sent him a random text message like i was sending to everyone else. and we started talking. and it was fabulous yo. see even if we can't talk in person we can talk through a cell phone. but we did talk in person too. we were able to make fun of abby. and tell corny jokes. it was all good. :D

but here you go so i can read this over and over and over again.

Me: Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Josh Rivard: Holaaa
Me: Hhhheeeeyyyyyy
Josh Rivard: Whaaatsss upp?
Me: You know just texting at bowling alley to people sitting right next to me.
Josh Rivard: of coarse, its not like we cant talk to the person next to us or anything haha
Me: Nope it's impossible. Way too scary and dangerous.
Josh Rivard: Right, such things are incomprehensible...woah big word
Me: I can not understand big words in text message. W3 sh0ld t3lk lyk3 th1s.
Josh Rivard: n0 way, 1 cant tak lyk3 that
Me: 2 c00l y0. iz hardr 3 txt lyke th1s.
Josh Rivard: it r311y iz, and n0w my batt3ry iz di3ing, l0l
Me: s000 n0tttt c000lz
Josh Rivard: I kn0000w
Me: dis izz embrzzing idk whtz 2 sayyz. ):
Josh Rivard: thatz finez, idont knowz eitherz, so that makezz twoz of uz, lolzz
Me: omg s000000 embrzzzed but yur phne iz gonna dieee so txt m33 2mrrw?
Josh Rivard: Sur3 thing, and 2m0rr0w w3 w0nt b3 s0 embrrzzed =)
Me: N0000p3. 2mrw izzzzz gonnnaa b3 a g000d dyy!!!1!!!11 :D

and then his phone died. but AAAHHHHHHHH OH MY GOD. I TEXTED A GUY AND I AKED HIM TO TEXT ME TOMORROW AND HE SAID "SURE THING" AHHHHHHHH. i am smiling so much right now. so happy. goodness. i really can't believe this. ah. maybe it will actually work out. we will see tomorrow if he texts me. abby says he will and that he told her that he wants to text me. and now i need to calm down.

i am gaining a friend. a nice friend. i need more friends. that's all. he is just a friend. and i am so okay with that. if having him as a friend means i get to feel like this every time i'm with him and afterwards. sure thing, let's be friends.

okay. i am just happy. so happy. and it is wonderful. and i'm listening to taylor swift. and it is wonderful. maybe i should go to sleep now so i can wake up in the morning and see if he texted me. but nah. i can't get that built up on a text message. because who knows what that text message will mean to him. maybe not as much as to me. but i'm okay with that honestly. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhappy.

today was fabulous. i got to hang out at abby's house and make a brilliant gingerbread house. then i got to go hang out with some spectacular people. and it was just wonderful. okay. i think i should end this post now.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

day twentysix.

challenge one - day twenty six - favorite book
goodness. i don't know. i have no idea at all. i love a lot. and i am not going to choose. because i'm not in the mood.

challenge two - day twentysix - name one place you would love to visit one day
every single continent. china. australia. south africa. chile. brazil. and SO MORE BUT I WAS SUPPOSED TO SAY ONE AND I ALREADY SAID MORE THAN THAT.

so i went to the doctors today. but that's insignificant.

and i found out i won't be doing new year's eve with abby. which sucks. so instead i'll probably go the katelyn party. yippeedoodaday. i just have to tell my mother and katelyn. my mother first but she is upstairs and isn't feeling good. i'm not feeling too good myself but i think that is because its 5 o'clock and all i've had to eat all day is 3 pancakes. and then i'll tell katelyn, she probably thinks by now i'm not going. WELL SURPRISE. yeah i'm upset. but whatever. i'll get over it. new years isn't that big of a deal anyways. nothing will be different between the time that is is 11:59pm and 12:00. i'll feel the same. nothing else would have changed other than the year, the month, and the day. so that's it. whatever.

i think i have been staring at this computer screen too long. i think i have been in this house too long. i should do some homework. and eat some food. or not. whatever. i don't care.

but good news. i have 102 followers on tumblr now. lots of friends for me! <- that was sarcasm because if i actually had a lot of friends i would be doing something everyday during vacation instead of one.

and guess what? we're getting pizza for dinner tonight! that means i'll have it for breakfast tomorrow and then for dinner tomorrow! but i don't really mind.

i'm just in a weird mood that is a bad mood. ahhhh. back to tumblr i go.

Monday, December 27, 2010

um yeah. embarrassing.

i told you i was going to sleep. and i even told you night.

but i am exactly where i was. i didn't go to sleep. and it's 10:53. and i have 83 posts in my queue. and i still have 99 followers. i am pretty sure i could get that one more but i want to see if he or she magically appears in the morning. i'm really going to sleep now. i don't like being up this late. i'm starting to feel sick.

why am i telling you all of this? there is no way this is become famous. no one would like this nonsense. i don't even know why you read this abby. maybe you don't. good then i'm talking to myself.


too late for that. hahaha.

hahahaha look at me i'm having a conversation with myself. so lame.


jeez cool it with the caps.

this is pathetic. i'm out of here.

no you're not.



the past...three nights i've spent on the computer reblogging things on tumblr. seriously. it's sad. actually make that more like five, because i think i did thursday and friday night too. cool. too cool.

actually no. it's not cool. i'm just you know...chillin. i have lots of new tumblr friends now. makes up for the lack of real life friends.

actually i am not too upset about this, for the only reason of wednesday. but at the same time i'm trying to not build it up too much because then i will be let down. so i am just going to go and try to have fun and that's it. you know.

this is a pointless post. i should get back to my pointless reblogging on tumblr. ehhh maybe. but i don't feel like posting this post yet.

oh go read this article.
i'm too tired to explain what i think of it. it's only 9:26 but i've been up past 11 the last two nights because i've been on tumblr. >.< tumblr.

and right now the most entertaining thing is a joke that i saw a tumblr. "wanna hear a joke about pizza?" "sure" "nevermind, it's too cheesy" hahahahaha. i think it is hilarious. but yeah that's my life so lame.

i have 71 posts in my queue on tumblr currently. i mean come on. correction 74. just wait i'm sure that will increase. 75. 77. woohoo. hey i'm at 99 followers though. I HAVE 99 FRIENDS! THAT'S A LOT MORE THAN IN REAL LIFE.

sorry i'm a bit tired. i was planning on going to sleep early tonight but i shall not. yay for messed up sleeping patterns!

hmmmdeeehumm. i wonder if this blog will actually become famous. i would love to see it made into a book and shared with the world. what a book that would be. you get to see what i sound like when i'm overtired. you get to hear me whine and moan. you get to hear me be thoughtful. you get to read more about me than most people see about me ever. lucky ducks. well i guess by then this will all be useless stuff. it probably will never become famous or be published and then i'll look like a fool. ahah. but i won't, because no one will read this so i won't be able to look like a fool. see i got this whole thing down.

not really. so tired. going crazy. beep beep. my robot circit is breaking down. beep. oh. no. i wasn't beep supposed to say beepbeepbeep that. i'm going. beep.

hahaha that was funny in my head. probably not so funny to people who actually read it. ah. sorry i'm being so awful. i really should stop this post and go to bed. or bring my computer upstairs so i can take pictures of my outfit and then go to bed. ooo. second option. except i don't want to get out of this chair. so lazy. but so tired. ooo. i have 79 post in my tumblr queue. let's see how long that will last me if i post 50 posts every 24 hours. Wednesday at 1:28pm the last post will be posted. pretty darn good. YES I HAVE exactly 80 POSTS IN MY QUEUE. okay now i should go to sleep. i'm using caps too much.

maybe when i wake up in the morning i'll have 100 followers on tumblr and a friend to talk to on the interwebz. or i'll wake up with 98 followers and as lonely as ever.

goodness. it's 10:41pm. night.


the shaytards make me smile so much. i just watched the christmas special. they are so awesome. i want to meet all of them one day. all of them. shay, mommytard, sontard, princesstard, babytard, rocktard, carly, coopertard, logan, casey, casey's family, grandpatard, grandmatard, and their doggie malaki. goodness. but when i meet them they'll be old. but i am sure they will be just as awesome. they are such an awesome family. ah. love them so much. but yes. they are so fabulous. and that's all i had to say. i haven't stopped smiling since i started watching their vlog. ah. i would know them and hang out with them. anyways i need to stop going on about that awesome family and go back to be productive. hahahaha cause that is what i was doing before...not.

day twentyfive.

challenge one - day twentyfive - favorite stores to buy clothes from
well i like aeropostale but a lot their stuff is all the same. i got some sweaters from American Eagle that i like but i ordered them online. delia's is nice but i don't buy a lot of things from there. i've gotten some nice things from Old Navy too. but yeah i'm not a huger shopper. but you wouldn't know that since i've been to the mall twice in the last month.

challenge two - day twentyfive - tell us about the last book you read
um. i read An Abundance of Katherines by John Green (dftba!) recently. but i feel like...nope i think that was the last one. i read some short stories for english. but yeah i love to read but haven't been reading lately. other than my ap u.s. history book, i read that all the time.

just so you know it's 2:10pm now.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

this came up on my tumblr feed, and this was quality enough for me to post on here, but too quality to post on my tumblr. get what i'm saying?

okay serious topic for a second.

okay so Katelyn and I have a sort of complicated relationship. we are friends. but i don't like her all that much. she is so negative. and things she says sometimes annoys me. and sometimes i feel like i can't really by myself around her. like i don't want her to be around when i talk to Josh, or even make new friends. it's weird. but i spend a lot of time with her at school. that's because we have a ton of classes together and neither of us have any other friends in those classes. but like at lunch i chose to sit with Abby, not her. and at driving school I talked to Emily and Danny instead of her. does that make me a bad person? but i can't control who i like and who i don't. right? i shouldn't feel bad should i? but i do. well i mostly feel bad for the following paragraph.

katelyn doesn't have a good family life. her parents don't treat her like they should. they aren't horrible. they just expect so much from her and give her nothing in return. they didn't buy her any christmas presents. they expect her to work at the store and they don't give her any money. they won't let her drop out of AP. and it just makes katelyn a more negative person. and i know that katelyn is going through a hard time. today on her tumblr she posted: "i’m screaming all over the place. I feel so sick. There’s only one thing I want right now, and it is never going to happen. motherfuck. i feel so lonely right now. the black hole is only getting bigger. " so i'm supposed to be there and support her but that's where the problem is. if she was perfectly fine then i wouldn't be obligated to be her friend because i don't really like her. but because she isn't perfectly fine, suddenly i have to stick with her no matter what. but that isn't fair to me is it?

but she invited me to go to her house for new year's. and i don't want to go. as simple as that. i don't like going to her house. last time i slept over there i had to sleep on the ground while she slept on the couch. her house smells. and i ripped a magazine of hers by accident and she won't let me forget it. when she invited me i said i wasn't sure because bella already invited me to her party and Mollie said in a joking way "oh choose your friends why don't you?" and i said something like "Bella asked me first!" but isn't that what you are supposed to do? choose your friends? you know that saying "you can pick your friends. you can pick your nose. but you can't pick your friend's nose" but is that even true? can you pick your friends? or once you pick them are you stuck with them?

i don't want to create any drama. and i don't want to make katelyn's life any worse. so my plan right now is to just hang in there with her at school. and you know have her follow me to my locker between each class and walk with me to each class. and then after high school have some correspondence during college but then just slowly lose touch. that would be the easiest and most painless.

but then sometimes i think that maybe it is me. maybe i can only have one friend at a time. because back when i was really close with katelyn, i wasn't really close with abby. and now that i am really close with abby, i'm not really close with katelyn. bella and dana are always there but that's kind of different. but really other than them i don't have any real friends. that's sad. i have people that i talk to but it's really just the four of them. so why am i talking so negatively about one of them? shouldn't i take all the friends i can get? i don't think that way. i believe in picking your friends because they will shape you in so many ways. they can drag you down or pull you up. i hope that katelyn won't pull me down.

so my dilema right now. i want to do new year's with abby. i wouldn't mind if other people were there, but i would like abby to be there. so how do i say no to katelyn when i am going to be with someone i made plans with after she offered? and i'm not even going to the party i mentioned i might be going to. big sigh. i guess i should figure out what i am doing with abby. my mom said we could have a few friends come over our house. which is good because we have coolio games and enough room. but then i would want to do it at abby's because i get to be away from my family for a little bit, and she could invite other people to come over her house that i wouldn't invite over my house. but this will all be discussed with abby tomorrow.

okay. okay.

day twentyfour.

challenge one - day twentyfour - if you could change your first name what would you change it to?
i don't think i would. because i have grown into my name. now it fits me. sure other people have it to but it fits them in a different way. my name is Molly Marielle Ronan and that is the name that i would like to keep.

challenge two - day twentyfour - tell us about the last movie you saw in theaters.
i am trying to remember. i think it might have been Tangled with Colm and Kristen. but that was a while ago. hum. don't know.

today we were supposed to have a family christmas party at our house but we have a big winter storm warning for later today. my aunt called my family who were coming up from Delaware to tell them to turn around and go back home, but they didn't. so now we are having lunch at my aunt's house. so it will be the five of my family, Grampa, Auntie Julie, Cousin Sean and his wife T.C. (so weird to say that), and the three from the Delaware contingent. if we were having it my house we would have also been joined by Auntie Lorrie, Uncle Steve, Gramma, Cousin Jill and her husband-to-be Mike (that's weird too, but not as weird as Sean being married). so i am not really sure when we are leaving or whatever. it should be a pretty okay time though. i would have rather it was at our house so we could play with the Wii and Kinect and such. but oh well. maybe Sean and TC will want to come over afterward and get stuck at our house. probably not. i think they are supposed to go home tomorrow morning or later tonight. and then we probably won't see them for a while. oh well.

okay so i got this face stuff for "perfect complexion" and it makes my face look a little too orange for my liking. but i think it does work somewhat. i have to figure it out. but i am going to show you just because it is kind of cool. i am going to show you three photos. one is from before i had a shower. the second one is after the shower but before i put makeup on. and the last one is the final product.

photo one:

photo two:

photo three:

if this blog does get published maybe that wasn't a good idea. maybe seeing my face ruined the whole experience for you. the whole reading the blog experience. because you probably had your own image of me in your head and i am pretty sure that it wasn't that. am i right? i'll leave it for now. but yeah i look pretty nice. better than that last picture shows but i never look good in pictures so whatever, right?

now i have to see if we are leaving soon or whatever. time to go out into the wild.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

final christmas thoughts.

what is this the third time i've posted today? and it's christmas? i thought i wasn't going to post at all today. i was wrong there.

but today was a fabulous day. i had fun with all my new toys. and my gramma and grampa came over and we played Taboo and it was hilarious. i am so glad i mentioned that we played that game in Spanish and i wanted to play it in English. it was wonderful. the only thing that annoyed me all day was that Maura had to describe the word "blog" for people to guess. and she said "molly has one of these but she only let's one person see it" and i was like "SHUT YO MOUTH" but i didn't actually say that out loud. i was annoyed though because only Maeve and Maura knew that and they were supposed to stay quiet. but now my parents know. and i know my mother won't forget. my dad may though. but i didn't want them to know i had a blog. well they got me lights for my fingers for "night blogging" so maybe they already knew. but still. maura shouldn't have said that. even though i know we were in the middle of a game. but that was the only thing that i didn't like about today and that is pretty small seeing how some people have horrible christmases.

i'm just so lucky. i am lucky that i have the parents and family that i have. that is really what it comes down to. it is because of my mom and dad and family that i had such a wonderful christmas.

and questions that i would try to answer but i don't want to type anymore: why are we supposed to have a white Christmas? and Santa? (okay that last one wasn't really a question but i'm done with this).

dear Abby,

hi. i like you very much. and thank you for all that you have done for me. seriously. and thank you in advance for all that you will do for me. and thank you now for all that you are currently doing. cause you are just all around awesome. and i am excited for bowling. i shall make eye contact. k? if i do one thing at bowling it shall be that. i can be a normal human bean...sometimes. and go for it. i will help! we should go on a shopping spree at the...mall (going there twice? whatt?) and buy stuff for ourself with our christmas giftcards/money. and i am going to play with the glee game soon. and have a wonderful relaxing christmas.
i love you very much abby. thank you again. and have a fabulous christmas. (:
NOTE: i wouldn't care if you sent it to him or not. cause it's your letter. just don't let him now that i read it. and you'll be good. now i continue onwards in my christmas celebration. :D

day twentythree. (a.k.a. CHRISTMAS!)

hey did you noticed i messed up the challenges, actually only challenge one? i did number twentythree yesterday instead of twentytwo. BUT THAT'S GOOD because now i can post what i want. and i didn't do it on purpose. so awesome.

challenge one - day twentythree - anything you want to post about.
today's christmas. i'm smiling. i am very happy. i am listening to Charlie McDonnell's album now and it's just so fabulous. ah. i love Christmas. i love that everyone is so happy. and i love this album. and the song i am listening to right now IS THE BEST ONE EVER. its called Chemical Love! ahahhhahhh! so happy!

challenge two - day twentythree - your opinions on lady gaga
i am not a huge fan but i like her. she songs are catchy and i admire her confidence. and she is cool. you know. i like her.

:D now i am going to go listen to this album with my new headphones that make the sound so great. ah. woohooo.

Friday, December 24, 2010

first five words.

Our psychological state allows us to see only what we want/need/feel to see at a particular time. What five words do you see?

I saw (in order):

now can someone tell me what that means?

day twentytwo.

challenge one - day twentytwo - five people you are annoyed with right now.
i'm not really annoyed with anyone. you know i'm always a bit annoyed with ____. but i guess i am kind of annoyed at him but i can't really be since i don't talk to him. i guess the person i am most annoyed with is myself. but IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE SO I DON'T REALLY CARE!

challenge two - day twentytwo - do you play a sport? if not talk about a different hobby you might play
i ride horses.

today's christmas eveee and in honor of that i am going to go look at my posts from the last christmas/eve

okay in december of 2009 i only posted 12 times. but let's see what we got. ah come on. i was lame back then. i only posted on december 21sts about Sawyer (remember him?) and then on December 27th about Jill and Kevin's wedding dance thing. so lame. i'm cooler this year. why? because this will be my 32nd post this month. chyeahhh.

yesterday i was just going to go have some ice cream and see abby. we decided not to go to bright night. anyways i drove there and it was fine except when i was coming up to a light it turned yellow and my mom grabbed the handle and i didn't want to slam on the breaks so i kept going. and my mom was like "you probably should have stopped there" so that frazzled me for a bit but then i was fine. i just needed to mention it so i could get it off my chest and get on with my life. and then at ice cream Nicole was there. and Abby was almost done working. after i ate my ice cream i came over and sat next to Nicole and we were talking to Abby. and we decided to go bowling Wednesday but then, i think it was Abby's idea, she said "let's go bowling right now." so we did. Nicole ended up going home and getting socks then coming back. and i drove there. which was pretty scary. i had never driven that far. and i had to go through a 50 speed limit zone so i was going pretty fast but i managed. i think the worst parts of driving for me are 1. not letting the people behind me affect me. when there is someone behind me i feel like i should go faster. 2. going the right speed. i feel like i slow down too much at points and yeah whatever. i'm getting better.

but when we got the bowling everything went well! the three of us played two games. and it was very nice. it was the first night of vacation and we didn't worry about anything. we just had fun. i don't talk to Nicole often because we don't have any classes together and i never see her. but now i am going to say hi in the hallways and stuff. and you know it was a good time. we didn't really care about the actual bowling. Nicole and I got along well and it wasn't actually that awkward you know with the first time hanging out sort of stuff. i hope she got a good impression of me. at one point when i came back from bowling Abby was talking to Nicole and Abby said "her future boyfriend" and it was obvious they were talking about me so i was like, "what was that abby, i couldn't quite here you." and Nicole said, "i think she said 'future boyfriend'" and i was like "nah it sounded more like 'funny pickles'" but you see if i was thinking straight i would have said something like "me? boyfriend? nahh" and then they would have come back with something and i would have known what they were saying. because i am like that. i always like to know what is going on. even when i'm driving. i don't like not being able to see far ahead and i like to know what way i am going in advance.

but that was very nice. i am excited for wednesday. if it happens. then that will be me, abby, nicole, josh, colin, and jayna. even if josh wasn't going i would be excited to spend time with nicole and abby and jayna. i never see jayna. but i wonder how it will work out with the six of us. last time we all went bowling Mollie and Katelyn were also there. and then the last time it was just me, Abby, and Nicole. and then at all night skating it was me, Abby, and Josh talking for a part, then Colin, Mike, and Katelyn were also there for part of it. but we shall find out.

anyways i'm going to go tumblr it up and then maybe go through my clothes and get some breakfast. and do nothing all day. sounds like a plan.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

day twentyone.

challenge one - day twentyone - a person you can't live without
well my mother, father, maeve, and maura. but other than my family would be Abby. that was easy.

challenge two - day twentyone - your favorite subject to study
what? the way that is worded is weird. but i like spanish. and english. and i think i would enjoy a business class. or maybe psych class, which i could have taken this year but i thought it would be too much. i haven't been able to study enough subjects to answer this question correctly. because i am not sure if taking a class in school is "studying a subject"

okay so now the part where i you know talk about my life. do you realize that no matter how much i write you'll never get the whole story? there will always be pieces missing. there will be parts of my life that make me who i am that i won't write about. because every little thing that happens helps shape me into who i will be. and everything that has happened has made me into who i am now.

today was the last day of school before vacation. it went very well. i was in a good mood all day and the AP test went well and i am wearing a fabulous necklace right now and it's all just fabulous. this morning before i was leaving to go to school i got a text from Abby saying "Dear molly. please bring your book to school today. :) and bring you too. Love abby" so i was like okay dokay. knowing that it probably had something to do with josh since you know that story. and i asked her why during homeroom but she "because" and i just accepted that answer. but it turns out i brought it back home with me today without even taking it out of my bag! -_- if you want to read the stupid book then just ask me. i don't bite. honestly. but i can say that yet i won't talk to him. my excuse is that i don't have anything to talk to him about. DARN IT. I JUST REMEMBERED NOW THAT I COULD HAVE ASKED HIM ABOUT THE CONCERT. DAMN IT. yes i did just swear. that is how frustrated i am right now. but you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at me. my expression hasn't changed since i started writing this. my mother and sister are sitting at the table right now and they have no clue. but yeah i had said to myself last night that i should ask him and i just like yeah okay i will. AND THEN I FORGOT UNTIL NOW. and i legit forgot. it wasn't like i remembered and was like "i don't wanna" i really FORGOT AGHAGHAGAHHHH. missed my chance. damn it. yes i just swore again.

now we're going to change the subject so i stop swearing. let's talk about beauty. i firmly believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. also how beautiful you think someone, or something, is can change when you learn more about that someone/something. like you might think this painting isn't that good looking the first time you see it. then you see it some more and talk to the artist and you find out about the amount of work that went into that painting. and you begin to see it differently. you appreciate it and you see the beauty in it. it might end up being your favorite painting. it wasn't instantly your favorite but eventually it became your favorite. that's the same with people. when you see someone you have an impression of them immediately, whether you want to have an impression or not. like "he's cute" or "she's so good looking, i wish i looked like her" and the same thing for a guy too. you make assumptions off of how someone looks. but let's just get back to if someone is beautiful or not. so you meet a guy and isn't drop-dead gorgeous but he isn't ugly. he's somewhat cute but not extremely. but then you get to know this guy. and you find that you like his PERSONALITY more and more. then i think the way you look at him chances too. suddenly you think he is more attractive. you're attracted to his personality but the way you see his looks begin to change because of that. so now you're dating this guy and you think that his is gorgeous. OKAY CHANGING THE STORY BECAUSE I COULDN'T MAKE MY POINT THERE. you're a guy and there's the girl. and when you first met this girl you didn't think she was that attractive. but then blah, blah, blah, personality, you like her more, blah, blah, now you're dating. and now you tell her that she is the prettiest girl in the whole universe. you tell her that she is beautiful. you didn't think that when you first met her. she hasn't changed. she still looks the same. but how come now you're telling her she is beautiful? are you lying? i don't think you are. i think that now that you have gotten to know this girl you truly believe she is beautiful, you just didn't see it before.

whoa that was a big paragraph. what do you get what i'm saying? about beauty? but that is beauty when someone is looking at someone else. what about looking at yourself? half the time when i look at myself in the mirror i don't think i look good. i see my pimples staring at me. my hair is crap. my whole face shape just looks horrible. and that is how i think everyone else sees me too. but then the other half of the time i look in the mirror and i think i look great. my skin isn't perfect but it isn't horrible. my hair looks fabulous. and i just look great. but what changes? i don't completely change from day to day? actually this can happen within seconds. why? that i don't have an answer to. but yeah i don't always like how i look. i think Maeve and Maura are both prettier than me. and i think that other people don't think i look pretty. but i'm hoping that someday a guy will be able to say so me "you look beautiful" and be telling the truth.

that's deep yo. but we needed some deep stuff because i've been talking about trivial stuff in my life and you can't think that all i care about is all that stuff. i think that has been enough. i believe that we are going to go see abby somewhat soon and maybe go see some christmas lights. alright. over and out.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

free download of the week on itunes = sick.

literally. it's by the band "Sick Puppies" and it's called "Maybe." my mother had mentioned that her and maeve had heard it on the radio and i meant to look them up but then they happened to be the free single of the week. so i downloaded it. and now look at these lyrics. good lord this is song.

Maybe I'm a dreamer
Maybe I'm misunderstood
Maybe you're not seeing the side of me you should
Maybe I'm crazy
(Maybe I'm crazy)
Maybe I'm the only one
(Maybe I'm the only one)
Maybe I'm just out of touch
Maybe I've just had enough

Maybe it's time to change
And leave it all behind
I've never been one to walk alone
I've always been scared to try
So why does it feel so wrong
To reach for something more
To wanna live a better life
What am I waiting for?
'Cause nothing stays the same
Maybe it's time to change

Maybe it's hopeless
(Maybe it's hopeless)
Maybe I should just give up
(Maybe I should just give up)
What if I can't trust myself?
What if I just need some help?

Maybe it's time to change
And leave it all behind
I've never been one to walk alone
I've always been scared to try
So why does it feel so wrong
To reach for something more
To wanna live a better life
What am I waiting for?
'Cause nothing stays the same
Maybe it's time to change

And maybe it's time to change
And leave it all behind
I've never been one to walk alone
I've always been scared to try

And maybe it's time to change
And leave it all behind
I've never been one to walk alone
I've always been scared to try
So why does it feel so wrong
To reach for something more
To wanna live a better life
What am I waiting for?
'Cause nothing stays the same
Maybe it's time to change
'Cause nothing stays the same
Maybe it's time to change

so i love this song. so much. i'm going to put it on repeat right now. goodness. i feel like this song is straight from my brain. maybe even more so than taylor swift. i talk about this all the time. how i want to be different and show people the true side of me. what am i waiting for? you know. i've always been scared to try. god. this song is so right. instead of going to sleep i am going to look up the sick puppies on google. and listen to this song a few more times.

day twenty.

challenge one - day twenty - five people you are happy with right now (no names)
how the heck am i supposed to say who i am "happy with right now" without names? that is what this blog is built upon, naming names. because i can't do it in real life. so i get to do in my little secrecy. well i am happy with the person who is reading this. i am happy with my family. i guess that's it. i am not really mad at anyone but i'm not "happy with" them. i guess. that was fairly silly.

challenge two - day twenty - do you wear glasses? if so, what are they for?
yes. so i can see.
did they really just ask what i wear glasses for? jeez. but yeah i've had glasses since before seventh grade. and i guess they were probably getting at this: i need them to see far away. i can see close up fine. but i may be getting contacts. this is actually a perfect question to segway into what i was going to talk about anyways.

i got fitted for contacts yesterday. everything went fine, i got to actually put contacts with my prescription in and try them out. it was awesome. i could see everything. i didn't have the constraints of only seeing where my glasses are. i didn't have something o my face and i could see! so contacts see like a go. the next step is the doctor is going to order some more contacts and when they come in i'm going to go back and the nurse is going to teach me how to put them in my myself. and then i'll be able to take them home and wear them for a little bit each day until i can wear them all the time. then after two week i'll have a check-in with the eye doctor and then they will supply me with a year's worth of contacts. and i'll be all set.

i'm afraid though. i am mainly afraid that i will look worse without glasses than with. i know that it will take some getting used to but what if my face just looks better with glasses? i know i didn't wear them for the first 12 years of my life but i've worn them for the last 4 years and i'm used to them now. i guess that is a risk i'm going to take. if i really hate them i don't have to wear them. my hope is though that i'll look better without glasses.

today is a holiday concert but i'm not going. why not you may ask since i go to all those things. because i have an AP test tomorrow so i am going to be doing some more studying for that in a second. and i didn't want to stay up that late. but i sort of wish i was going. gah. i'll be okay at home though. me and my apush book and the rest of my family.

abbbbbbby i do miss you. i see you at school in the morning. but the morning doesn't count because i can't actually form sentences that make sense, so i'm just sitting there like "yeah i don't know what to say, i really want to be sleeping right now." and other than that i never see you. and i haven't talked to you online lately. it's sad. i haven't talk to you. i haven't talked to you about my contacts. and about Christmas. and i haven't been able to tell you how i'm not as stressed out as i probably should be. i haven't been able to tell you about what i'm doing in ceramic. and i haven't been able to tell you about 4H. and i haven't been able to tell you about the IEA christmas party. and i haven't been able to tell you about Christmas shopping with my family. and i haven't been able to tell you my new thing about drawing circles and snakes and squiggly lines. and i haven't been able to tell you about project for awesome. and i haven't been able to tell you about my driving appointment. and i haven't been able to tell you about free mail. and i haven't been able to tell you about probably more but i can't remember now.

how sad is that? very sad. i can talk all about it on here but it isn't the same. i miss telling you stories during lunch. and i miss hearing your stories. i have no idea what is happening in your life right now and i don't like that. maybe i should have went to the concert tonight just so i could have saw you. but this vacation i hope to see you. and we can tell each other stories.

now i must go study for APUSH. unit three multiple choice tomorrow, woot woot!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

day nineteen.

challenge one - day nineteen - random fact about yourself.
-when i'm nervous i will play with my bracelet/ring/necklace. but for some reason today i was biting on the sleeve of my sweater.
-i pick off my nail polish when i'm bored.
-i have my library card memorized
-i have a blog

challenge two - day nineteen - the initials of your crush(es)
i hate that word "crush." so much. too many connotations. let me look up and see what urban dictionary says it is. okay some of this are funny so read: (1) "a burning desire to be with someone who you find very attractive and extremely special." (2) "a painful experience, very common amoung middle schoolers (and high schooler's and even adults to a lesser degree) that involves being obsessed with a member of the opposite sex (or the same sex, if u prefer), being attracted to them physically (most common), or emotionally- also called 'puppy love' also: the object of this affection Verb: crushing" (3) "1. the act of falling hard for someone even though it isn't love yet 2. a precursor to love 3. an amazing thing that gives you feelings of nerves and excitement whenever you see them"
those are the best three. i like the third one the best. so with that in mind.
J.R. A.M.
but i'm a silly little girl and don't talk to either of them. when i have the chance i shy away because i'm silly. silly is a nice word for stupid.

i skipped 4H today. i probably shouldn't have but i have more important things to do than 4H. like this blog. and a bunch of homework. history test tomorrow and thursday! THEN CHRISTMAS. Christmas gets built up so much but it is so wonderful. it's just a great day. sure there is all that blah blah about how it's stupid and everyone is selfish and just wants the gifts. but i just like the idea of christmas the spirit and i'm actually excited this year to give some gifts. my elephants in particular and the paperjam to maura because she isn't expecting it! but yeah i am excited. but then it will go by and we'll have to wait for next year. but it will come again!

there was a super cool total lunar eclipse last night and it occurred on the winter solstice, which makes it extra special. but i slept through it.

i miss abby.

i think i am going to go on tumblr for a bit now. or watch youtube. i should be at 4h. but i need to relax. or else i may explode.

Monday, December 20, 2010


i might as well get this post over with.
i was hoping i would have some big revelation about what to post about because this is an important number. but none came so i am just going to post about a bunch of random things that i would have posted about if you know i wasn't waiting for something genius to happen.

but for those you who you don't know. 627 is my birthday. june 27th. so that number pops up all the time. like when it is 6:27. or the other day we were going through pictures and my dad said something like "6 out of 27" and of course i picked up on that. but i swear it comes up all the time. anyways that is why i wanted my 627th post to be special but it ain't gonna be. (<- improper grammar)

let me get my challenges out of the way since i missed a day.

challenge one - day seventeen - favorite genre of movie
ooo. this is actually a good question. but too bad i don't have a good answer. well i love corny movies. i just do. the ones that make me smile. i also like the ones that make me think and go "whoa" i also like a good chick flick. i like a comedy and dramas too. the only ones i don't really like are horror movies, but even that isn't certain because i haven't seen a lot. but there you go.

challenge two - day seventeen - your thoughts on Ugg boots
i like em. they are sooooo warm. after i had an hour and a half lesson in the cold my toes were frozen and these Ugg boots warmed them up. I don't care if they are attractive or not but they are so wonderful.

challenge one - day eighteen - favorite class/school subject
those are two completely different things.
so let's start with my favorite class, or period: i am not really sure. i like ceramics class, mostly because i am comfortable about Mr. Smith, i also like APUSH class, but i don't feel as comfortable in that class. psh. i don't really have a really good class. spanish is alright too but i feel stupid in that class sometimes, and uncomfortable. but i guess you can blame that on me. i should describe what i mean when i say "uncomfortable" but i don't wanna.
my favorite subjects: english, but i HATE my english class this year, which sucks. spanish, and my class is okay. and that's really it. i'm good at school but that doesn't mean i like it.

challenge two - day eighteen - Do you drink soda more often than milk?
that one was easy. i almost never drink soda. i drink milk all the time. i loveeeee milk. well maybe note loveeeee, but i do like it. a lot.

okay now that the challenges are done let me move down my list. and yes i do have a list, i created one while i was on the computer today and i added to it as i went throughout my homework. so next.

Dave Days. he is a youtube star. and he just release a music video today and i watched it and i loved it. so much. it made me look and think of how hard he worked to get this success. all he did was post videos on youtube and now he has a huge fan base from all over. it's so awesome. he put a ton of hard work into those videos and he got so much back. and i'm glad. and he is just an awesome musician and actor and i loved his music video. and i would buy his album but i have no itunes money, and i am old fashioned and actually buy artists' music from itunes because i like to support them. but Christmas is coming! but i just wanted to give him a shout out cause he's awesome. well i think he is. i've never actually met him.

Shaytards. yes another youtube thing. i was watching youtube while procrastinating today (i got all my homework done, don't worry). but Shaycarl is a youtuber and he started a daily vlog a year or more back and he is still doing it. i'm a new fan but i love watching his videos of his family and daily life. There's Sontard, Princesstard, Babytard, and Rocktard, and then the mother Mommytard or Katilette. but i was curious and i wasn't really thinking i looked up their real names. And it sort of ruined it for me. I found out what they were and they lost something. I don't know. I guess I didn't really want to know what their names were, but i didn't know what until i knew what they were. i wish i could go back before i knew their real names. but hey it's alright. i just wanted to tell you how learning their names made them lose some of their magic. but i love them all anyways. i especially like it when their teenage uncle, Shay's younger brother, Logan is on the vlogs. mmmhmmm.

next on the list is Emily & Adam, specially Emily Noonan and Adam Beaupre. they're dating. and i when i first heard that i was like "really? that seems weird" but since then i have only heard good things about their relationship. when i see them together and heard about them. i am not really sure why i am writing about them. i guess i just wanted to say... i'm not sure. i don't know either of them so i can't really say. and i don't like to judge people's relationships. ever. like you won't hear me say stuff like that. but i don't know. this seems stupid now. next item.

All I Want For Christmas Is You. that has become my favorite christmas song. before this year i never had one. now that is it. i don't care who sings it. i just really really like it. you can figure out why.

Abby got a callback! Yeah yeah yeah! I am very happy and excited for her! Yayyy! Woohooo!

Did I mention back months ago about a sketchbook project? yeah i never finished that. it seemed like a good idea at the time. now i feel bad for making my mother spend that money on something stupid. gah.

I made a music video. I like making them. I used Maeve and Maura. It's coolio. I have a list going up in my room about ideas for videos. I would love so much to have an audience on facebook and subscribers. Ooo. Subscribers would be awesome. But I don't have any. But you know I think if I just keep posting up videos and keep improving then eventually they might come. Maybe I should add annotations asking to subscribe.

I want to redo my room-ish. Mostly just one wall. Take down a picture and I want to add string and clothespins and print out some pictures and hang them up there. I think. I'm not sure. I also want to go through all my clothes. That's something to do over vacation. Vacation. Only three more days of school. Three more. I can do it.

I think I am done. or I think I should be done. Alright. Goodbye. okay my use of capitals and not using capitals is annoying me. SO Much. so MUCH. WooaHoooHaaahHH.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

day sixteen.

challenge one - day sixteen - what did you want to be as a child?
i'm not really sure. there wasn't that one thing that i absolutely wanted to be. i wanted to be an egg-opener-uper once. probably a princess or a singer or a dancer. but nothing really. so i don't know. but if i still count as a child now: successful business woman.

challenge two - day sixteen - your favorite disney princess movie.
oh i have no idea. i can't think of one i really like. i haven't watched them in a long time. i like the idea of Mulan thinking about them now. i never liked Aladin because it scared me. Cinderella is a good one. The Little Mermaid is awesome too. Sleeping Beauty scared me a bit too. Snow White is good but not as good as the other ones. I never was really into Beauty and the Beast. and i think that is all?

i could tell you about the christmas party & sleeping over & the huge group lesson but i don't feel like it. i'll just tell you that adam wasn't there so that was one thing i didn't have to worry about. it was actually much better that he wasn't there. and i am so so so so so tired. i got barely any sleep last night.

now i should do IDSs but i don't want to. too tired. maybe i'll talk a nap. i'll do that. i am going to go curl up on the couch right now.

the next post i make is going to be a special one. i don't know what it will be able. but i know it is going to be good.

Friday, December 17, 2010

day fifteen.

challenge one - day fifteen - reblog the first thing you see on your dashboard.
well seeing as i'm not on tumblr let me go look, i'll let you know. what are the odds. it is a post from Katelyn saying her plans for tomorrow. really that is kind of rare because i'm following 111 people (the truth) and katelyn is just one of those people and she happens to be first.

challenge two - day fifteen - tell us your favorite junk food.
i don't eat junk food. ever. i am so healthy.
hahahahaha. that was sarcasm.
um. ice cream. does that count as junk food? or some chips are nice. or hot pockets, but hose aren't really junk food. but anyways. that was a nice challenge day.

today i am going to a barn party. so almost everyone from my barn will be there. adam might be there. i feel bad for him though because he will most likely be the only boy that age there but there will be a bunch of girls there that age. and after eeryone leaves, i'm not leaving. the williston-fuller iea team isn't leaving. we are sleeping over. then having a huge group lesson tomorrow. i'm excited but i'm also kind of nervous and like okayyy i'm not sure how this is going to go. but i'm going to do it. and i'm going to look good doing it too. so i have to go get ready. and watch the Shaytards because i love watching them.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

day fourteen.

challenge one - day fourteen - something you're addicted to
this blog. facebook. my computer.

challenge two - day fourteen - Do you have siblings? Talk about them, or talk about what it's like to be an only child.
yes, i have two younger sisters. Maeve and Maura.

now i'm going to bed. good night.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


here is abby's post for those of you who aren't abby or me:
"i guess thank you Ms. O'shea, you have me thinking...
as a student, i feel that we have no choice but to conform to everything that is thought as us. the whole thing is a never ending cycle of out our destruction. i should make a flow chart of this.

nonconformist on this level means being everything that the teachers and your peers don’t want you to be (examples: good grades, work hard, dress similar to those around you, have a few close friends, have a lot of general people you know.)

Conformist on this level for simple terms is following everything spoken above.

Choose is writen in this way, so as to show that sometime we don’t choose to act this way,we are just born this way, or our home life has us acting in such a way.

Choose to be a nonconformist(in the eyes of your peers)——-> you look like a looser to your peers (EVEN though we are told to be ourselves(( i know you are thinking i am an accepting person, i don’t think that. but please ask yourself.”have i ever though that someone looks so weird or acts different?))

Choose to be the conformist(in the eyes of your peers)——> you are just seen as a normal student.

nonconformist (eyes of your teacher)——-> you look like you don’t care about yourwork, your future or anything.

conformist——> you are just an average student, trying to do your best.

i am going to add here that i was told that being a nonconformist is risking being misunderstood. which i agree with. and i must also add, i am making this seem like everyone fits on to one of these levels, which they don’t. everyone has a little of both. i am just giving the extreames. because we all conform to some degree, such as we all need air.

i guess that my thoughts lead me to this:

we are told to be who we are, but at the same time told to be the same. so if we are all being told to be different then aren’t we the same? and if not, who are we?

answers would be great i would like to talk more on this topic."

i agree so much with this post. i'm trying to think of what to add or say without saying what Abby already said.

High school is a press mold. They get some kids in 7th grade, or 6th, or 9th, and then they start shaping them the way they want. Get your homework done in time. Participate in class, but don't talk too much. Agree with the teacher and then the teacher will like you. Don't question what the teacher says because the teacher is always right. Perform well on the tests and quizzes because that is what you are supposed to do.

That is what the teachers do. What about the kids?

Jeans can't be too short so ankles are exposed. Jeans. Sweatshirts. T-shirts. Pick your style and don't change it. Sit at the same seat at lunch everyday. Have your group of friends and stay with them. Don't say something stupid during class. Don't be too smart or too stupid. Don't do something out of the ordinary. Stick to the schedule.

Honestly come on. It's stupid. Everyone does it without even realizing it. It is like an unspeakable code at high school. Everyone follows it and whether they acknowledge it or not, they dare not break it. And it is even bigger than what I mentioned.

Okay that is good. I guess. I stopped because I had to eat and now I forgot my train of thought. And now I have to sleep.

day twelve & thirteen.

i did not post here yesterday because i had my first driving appointment from 4 to 6 and then from 6:30 to 8 i had an officers meeting. i got home and went to bed. and i felt horrible all day. and i decided before i went to bed that i wasn't going to school, so i just turned off my alarm. it was actually my mother's idea that i didn't go to school. but i don't feel like talking about yesterday. i will eventually because i'm going to keep a list of all the people i have driving appointments with. but now i am going to do my day things and then write another post in response to Abby's.

challenge one - day twelve - anything you want to post about.
you are supposed to tell me what to post. that is the whole purpose of this. so my whole blog isn't nonsense. but these have been not very good things to talk about. plus i have three other things to post about so i am not going to waste my time with "anything" that i feel like.

challenge two - day twelve - your thoughts or opinions about harry potter.
okay this is a good one. i read all the harry potter books. they were good books. but honestly i don't remember all that much about them. and i watched all the movies but i honestly don't remember all that much about them. so yes, i like them and i think they are good, but i am not a huge fan. i can't tell you what happened in each book compared to each movie and list all the characters. but i appreciate them very much.

challenge one - day thirteen - favorite season and why.
this one is good too. SUMMER. because it doesn't get dark at 4:30. because it isn't cold. because there isn't snow on the ground. because i don't have to wear a million layers. because i don't have to go to school. because it's not winter. because it's summer.

challenge two - day thirteen - your thoughts or opinions about mean girls.
okay this is a funny story. back when i must have been in ninth grade, or maybe 8th, i was babysitting Abby and Annabeth one night. they were in bed and i was looking for something to watch on t.v. and mean girls was on. so i watched that. that was the first time i watched it and the last time. i liked it. i thought it was a good movie. poor lindsey lohan. but yeah i don't even know if my mother knows that i watched it.

and now i am going to post this and then respond to abby's post.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

not going to school tomorrow.

i don't feel good.
did i do the "day" thing yesterday?
i can't remember.
okay going to bed now.
i'm not even going to take a shower.
turning my alarm off.
never waking up.
and katelyn can deal.
cause i don't care if she wants me to be there.
think about someone other than yourself for once.
i just want to sleep forever.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Taylor Swift is just awesome.

just really really really awesome.

day eleven. (unmotivation.)

seriously. i have so much history to do and if i don't do it now i'm going to be stressing out next week but i don't want to do it. plus i have a spanish test and a spanish oral to study for. but why don't i just be lazy and post on here instead of being productive. i won't be able to be productive tomorrow either because i have a driving appointment and a 4h officers meeting. garrrrr. oo. "Appologize" by OneRepublic came on shuffle and i started to learn how to play that on the piano and now i want to go try it again. it's hard but when i got it, it sounded so good. and i want to do stuff with my camera and editing and ah. maybe i'll work on the video i don't have enough footage for yet because it has been so dark out so i can't film.

challenge one - day eleven - a sport you love to watch/play
okay you can't just say "watch/play" because those are two completely different things.
the one i love to "play" is horseback riding.
the ones i love to "watch" are soccer, dancing, and more but those are the two that pop to mind right away.

challenge two - day eleven - your top three favorite bands
oh jeez. another one of those questions that you should know but i don't. and does it "band" i'm changing it to "singer." and this is currently
1. Taylor Swift
2. Florence & the Machine
3. Glee Cast
4. The Killers
5. Boys Like Girls (but i haven't actually listened to them lately)
and others you know but i'm lazy and i'm not going to look them up.

i guess that is all i have to say. maybe i'll go on tumblr and reblog lots of pretty pictures. gah. i should do work. i really don't want to.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

today was a lovely day.
even though the mall isn't my thing, it's nice to go every once in a while.
and i have a wonderful new wallet.
and somehow abby managed to buy me a present without me even noticing.
and i am going to go to sleep.
hopefully this is a nice week.

and go listen to this song:

day ten.

challenge one - day ten - worst day of your life
this is the stupidest thing ever.

challenge two - day ten - talk about your pets, or the pets you would like to have
well i have one horse who is a jerk and a half.
my sister has a cat who is next to me.
i have dog who follows my mother around everywhere and barks and annoys everyone.
i would like a chinchilla.
maura has a fish that should be dead right now.
my mother has a cat that doesn't like it when i do homework.
maeve has a horse that she worships.
our family has a horse that is the greatest little pony ever.
maura has a bunny rabbit that she neglects.
and that's all our animals.

abby's over. i'm happy. (:

Saturday, December 11, 2010

day nine.

so tired. and in a bad mood. i'm trying to write an essay and i can't think of what to write. i need three paragraphs and i don't never know one. and i have no information and it just sucks. and my horse was a jerk. and it's so late. and i am just gah. the only good part of the day was when i was with abby. i didn't want to leave, i just wanted to hang out there but the rest of my family wanted to leave. but i'll get to see abby but if i don't do my homework now then i'll have to do it tomorrow. gah. such a bad mood.

challenge one - day nine - best day of your life.
well not today. i can't even think of one. these are stupid questions. who has that one day that is the best ever? plus i don't want to have my best day of my life yet, i haven't been alive that long.

i wrote that a while ago. it's 6:25 now. since then i've had part of a breakdown, gave my mother her birthday presents, and tried to do some stuff on the computer. now i'm trying to decide if i want to go to the show tonight or just stay home and go to sleep. or do homework which i gave up on so i'll have to do it all tomorrow morning before abby comes over. in other words i'll have to write a whole essay tomorrow.

challenge two - day nine - Favorite meme at the moment?
What the heck is a "meme"?

Okay so i am not in the greatest mood. i'm trying to decide if i want to go out or not. but i don't think i have someone to go out with. or i go with katelyn and whatever friends she is bringing. and i just don't want to have to worry about anything. but i do. and it's 6:27. and i am so tired. and i am dreading this essay. gah. this sucks.

Friday, December 10, 2010

day eight.

challenge one - day eight - worse job ever
you're kidding me right?

challenge two - day eight - are you a fitness guru or a couch potato? Talk about your exercise habits.
Coach potato. But I'm fit when it comes to riding horses and mucking out stalls.

So sorry those were so short. I would rather talk about improvisketchologues.

Best parts:
1. finding out josh was going to be there.
2. when i started singing "Living on a Prayer" to Maeve when it came on between acts and everyone else started singing along.
3. when Maura asked Lucas Fitzpatrick for his autograph.
4. seeing everyone on the stage and knowing that together they worked hard to put on this show for me. well not specifically me, but you know.

Worse parts:
1. Not saying anything to Josh because I'm a chicken.
2. When someone stood awkwardly on the stage because they forgot their lines, not because it bothered me, but because i felt for them and i felt bad and really wanted them to remember quickly.

So yeah. Improvers are great. Like always. But I am pretty sure they went to the North Pole last year.
The skits are wonderful. The first one with Ryan freaked Maeve out and she was like "i see that guy when i go to study hall! i am going to have to walk faster past them.
The improvers were great, that was the third time I had heard them sing "Club Can't Handle Me." There was one moment when they were singing WakaWaka and Sam looked at Lucas and he just smiled at him. It's like they have a sort of special feeling or moment that you can only get after you have practiced for hours and share it with people, and knowing everything that it took to get there and just being able to share that with everyone and they want to hear you. It's a wonderful feeling. I wish I could have that. I remember it from 7th grade chorus and from dancing but that was a while ago and I don't think that I ever fully have had it.

I think that is all I have to say. Oh let me mention this here first. I'm going to tell Abby text time I talk to her, either online or in person.
Okay so I was you know browsing on facebook and it came up "Bella is attending SUPER POINTLESS COMPETITIVE EPIC SLEDDING." so i went to look at it. So pretty much two sophomores are hosting this event. Over vacation they are having a sledding competition. But you can't actually use any sleds. There are teams of a maximum of four and each team has to come up with a way to get down the hill of snow. You can use any ways but you can't actually snowboard, ski, or sled down. You could attack skis to the bottom of a chair though and use that. And each team has to bring in one dollar and then the winning team (it says most creative/fastest/original but i'm not sure if they are just picking one team that has all of this, or one for each category) gets all the money.
Doesn't that sound awesome? So instantly I start thinking. Obviously the team would be Abby, Colin, Josh, and me but I guess it could be different. We could get Jayna or Mollie or some other people. But who is involved in this? There are five teams currently and out of them the only person who i am friends with is Bella. But people like Nick, Ryan, and Mike and doing it and they are friends with Abby, Colin, and Josh. So. Who knows if this is a good idea or a horrible one. But you know we could get together and build our sleds and Abby and I could make everyone where matching hats or something. We could have a team name and our sled could have a name and we could just have fun. Again, I don't know if this is a good idea or a horrible idea. Plus I don't know if we are going to New York when the actual event is happening.

I think I need to go to sleep though.
Alright. Good night.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

day seven.

challenge one - day seven - best job you ever had.
well seeing as i haven't had an real "job" except for babysitting twice a week every week. i did like that but not enough to keep doing it this year. my dad did mention that i might be their main secretary in the office on saturdays, i would go and open up the office saturday mornings. but i have my lesson saturday mornings and i can't drive yet. so i guess i am saying i can't really answer this question because i haven't had a lot of jobs. so my best one is my only one, babysitting! yes!

challenge two - day seven - How you came across tumblr,and how your life has changed since joining.
Well tumblr I am pretty sure was Katelyn and my life hasn't changed that much because of tumblr.
But blogger? Hm. I'm not sure how I initially started or why. but how has it changed me? i am not sure how but i am sure it has. now sometimes i think like "i'm going to post that on my blog, what am i going to say?" and then i will plan it all out. i guess the person to ask would be abby, i think she would be able to see any change better than i would.

and by the way, i have a driving appointment on tuesday. super excited and nervous. just thinking about having my license is so great.

oh read this quote: "Finish each day  and be done with it. You have done  what you could; some blunders and absurdities  have crept in; forget them as soon  as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

just so you know i'm just a stupid little girl.
yes i know it is stupid that i come home and post in this blog and do nothing about it in real life.
yes i know it is stupid that i don't talk because i know i have a voice for a reason.
yes i know it is stupid that i spend my free time watching youtube videos.
yes i know it is stupid that i don't feel a need to change the statements above.
but that is my life right now.
maybe someday i will change it.
maybe i'll just keep saying "someday".

day six.

driving appointment set up. ah. scary. there was a cancellation so i'm in tuesday at 4. and i made my mom call. and i think i am going to be driving. ah.

and maeve and maura did their circus coolio stuff today and it was coolio.

challenge one - day six - five favorite songs
come on now. give me some good questions that i can actually answer. because my favorite songs change all the time, like daily. so i'll include the five songs that i enjoy listening to the most and would never skip if they came up on shuffle, currently.
1. Enchanted - Taylor Swift
2. Hey Molly - Mike Lombardo
3. Night Vision Binoculars - Passenger
4. Stolen - Dashboard Confessional
5. Don't Be Shy - Burnham
actually those were just the first five songs that i could think of/find on my itunes. so those may be completely inaccurate, minus the first two or three.

challenge two - day six - your favorite season and why
Summer. Because it's not cold. Because it has my birthday. Because there is no school. Because I can relax and not worry. Because it is not winter. Because it is awesome.

abby no matter how alone you feel, you aren't. cause i'm here and you know that.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

i forgot to mention earlier. today when i was walking up the stairs to english all three of the guys that i am supposed to be talking to were walking in front of me. seriously. you had josh right in front of me and right in front of him was Joey and in front of him was Adam. if everyone spread out their arms we would have made a chain, we were so close.

now you are probably asking, what did you say to who? yeah nothing.

but honestly what's the rush? why do i need to have a boyfriend? well i guess that isn't even really the problem here at all. the problem is i am a shy little girl who doesn't have enough confidence to talk to someone. i acknowledge that yet i'm not ready to take the steps to change that. who knows when i will be ready, if ever. so maybe i just need to give myself a boot and say "get over yourself" or i do what i always do, play it safe - write and complain about it in my blog and do nothing about it in real life.

hm. maybe the magic of christmas will show me the way. but right now i'm sleeping. or i am going to sleep within the next half hour. i'm so tired.

day five.

today i dropped my cookie on the cafeteria floor. then i ate it. and i'm still alive.

challenge one - day five - favorite memory from childhood
you're kidding me right? i have no idea. i remember memories in fits, something has to jog my memory and remind me that they happened. and pick a favorite?
but one that i am thinking of now. my dad, my sisters, and i took an adventure in our backyard. we climbed up the hill behind our house and crossed the river. or when we had the float and tried to go up the river.
so pretty much the whole family in the backyard thing.
or when we would dance around in my room putting on shows for my parents.
or [this is from a home video] on Easter when i said that i was going to be an egg-opener when i grew up.
or when i got Finn. i was at my grandparents house and i was told to sit down and close my eyes. i heard people coming so i opened my eyes a little bit and i saw a gray ball of fluff in my mom's arms. then i was told to close my eyes again and she placed Finn in my arms. and then we went out in the yard and played with her.
but those aren't good. i guess i don't have that one memory that i'll remember for the rest of my life from my childhood.

challenge two - day five - tell us your three favorite colors.
that's it.
all the other colors are chill too though.
ha i just said "chill"

Monday, December 6, 2010

4:50pm: yeah "Say" by John Mayer would come on when i am thinking about how Abby was saying that "the three of us are all the same" and how we we won't talk to new people and how i'm frustrated at myself. and yeah that song would come on. it would.

5:58pm: okay i finished my homework so now i can actually write this blog. i just need to say that first.

but yeah it looks like i'm going to cotillion. but i'm not really going to get into that right now. instead i'll do my day...four(?) stuff.

day four - challenge one - ten places you want to visit (in no particular order)
1. China
2. Australia
3. Hong Kong
4. South Africa
5. Antarctica
6. Spain
7. France
8. Chile
9. Argentina
10. Brazil
11. A lot whole more, including small little countries that most people don't hear about

day four - challenge two - write about your closet friend(s)
this one is easy. hi Abby! actually i'm not going to direct this to you because it said write ABOUT your closest friends.
Abby is just such a wonderful person. She will go out of her way to talk to new people or shy people and just make their day a little bit better. She has such a positive outlook on life. Her confidence is amazing. She is just amazing. She can get on a stage in front of an room filled with people and either say her lines or just improv it. She has been there for me through so much and I don't know what I would do without her. i am extremely excited to spend sunday with her. and yeah it's going to be great. (:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

day three.

first off - i woke up at 4:30 this morning, was at a horse show for twelve hours, and i just got home. so that is why these answers are less than adequate.

day three - challenge one - hometown location and facts
Westhampton. What do you want to know about it? It's small. We don't have any stop lights. We don't have a gas station. We don't even have our own zip code, we have to share it Easthampton's. But for some reason we have the high school for the surrounding towns. But it's coolish.

day three - challenge two - Your favorite television program.
Second - Pretty Little Liars.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

day two.

day two - challenge one - how you got your tumblr name.
well my tumblr name currently is mollyisjustmyname and to me it sort of means that yeah my name is molly and you know that but do you really know who i am? you add me on facebook because you can put a face with the name but do you know me? and really i was just trying to think of a tumblr name that include my name. so there you go.
and i'll tell you about my blogger name since this is on blogger. that one is believeitandyoullbewalkingonair. back almost two years ago when i made this blog i first heard of the song "Walking on Air" by Kerli (and i'm going to go listen to it now) and i sort of fell in love with the lyrics of the song. and i believe it.

day two - challenge two - talk about your piercing or tattoos, if you have any.
each of my ears is pierced once. i almost passed out when i got my ears pierced. we were in Delaware for my aunt's surprise birthday party back when i was in fourth grade. maeve, my dad, and i were walking around the mall and we walked by Claire's and maeve (who was in first grade) wanted to get her ears pierced, and my dad being my dad, said sure. and before maeve actually got her ears pierced my mom and my other aunt, who had been shopping elsewhere in the mall, walked by and came and supported us. and after maeve got her ears pierced, of course i had to. i couldn't have my younger sister with her ears pierced and me without them. and then i almost passed out and i had to go outside in the cold air and then i was fine. and now they are pierced but i barely wear earrings. i don't think i will ever get a second hole or tattoos. while the idea of having a tattoo is kind of cool the cons outweigh the pros so yeah no.

and a joke for you:
- did you hear the joke about the butter?
- uhh no?
- well I better not tell you might...spread it