Sunday, August 15, 2010

two parts.

this post is going to have two parts. why? there are two things i need to talk about. so i'm not going to capitalize, i'm just going to write. it takes took long to press that little shift button every time i want to say "i".

part one. stupid texting. so last night i texted Danny for the first time asking if he did his open water test (i called it in water and realized that later >.<) and it took him a while to respond. actually let me give you the whole play by play so you can get the whole thing. hopefully i don't look strange with my cellphone open and typing.

Molly: Hey did you take your in water test today? Sent: Sat, Aug 14 6:13pm
Danny: noo hahaha unfortunately it got rescheduled but it's k cause i need to chill after drivers ed Received: 8:03pm
Molly: Ahh well did you do something fun instead? Sent: 8:13pm
Danny: yeah totally a friend of mine left her cd case lying around and i'm downloading it! with permission of course Received: 8:16pm
Molly: Thats awesome. Does she have any good music? Sent: 8:20pm
Danny: yeah pretty good music too many artists to even start with! phew! :) Received: Sun, Aug 15 12:40pm

so let me dissect that a little bit. after i sent the first text message it took him about two hours to respond. that is sort of reasonable because maybe he didn't have his cellphone on him or was doing something. so i responded 10 minutes later. that is a good amount of time, right? then he respond 3 minutes later! 3 minutes! that is really good! so i respond 4 minutes later. then he doesn't respond for 16 hours. we go from 3 minutes to 16 hours. and i have no idea if he read the text message right away then just didn't want to respond for 16 hours or if he just got it this morning. so i don't know there.

when i got that last text message i didn't know how to respond so of course i asked Abby (happy birthday! it's her birthday today!) what i should say and she told me to ask if there was anyone i knew. which i liked that idea. so here is the next part of the conversation.

Molly: Anyone i would recognize? or anyone new you think i would like? Sent: 1:12pm

so i sent that like a half an hour after he sent that. he takes 16 hours and i take half of one. but it's his move now. if he doesn't respond that it's pretty much over. the way i see it i am sort of interested in him but if he isn't then whatever i'll move on. i just sort of want to know so i can know if i should waste my time on him or not. i'm not crazy for him so that is sort of where i am. i'll do this whole texting thing and see how it goes but i'm not really counting on anything.

plus next week there is a high probability that i will be seeing Adam.

now part two.

i went to a party. a surprise party for Abby. it was pretty good except for the fact that no one there was my friend except for Abby. so when Abby wasn't there it was really awkward. and everyone there felt like they were home when i had never been there before. i can't just make myself at home in someone's house who i barely even know. but it wasn't that bad. lookpark was enjoyable. and so was the movie, that was pretty much the first PG-13 "scary" movie i have seen. my family just doesn't watch scary movies so i never watch them. when the movie was done Avarie's dad and Jess came into the living room and were acting like teenagers with us. Jess came and sat right next to me and her breath smelled like alcohol. she would turn to talk to me and it was pretty overwhelming. that and her perfume. they kept asking me if i would ever come back and if i was scary. really i was exhausted and i just wanted to go to sleep. and truthfully i am probably not going to come back anytime soon. i'm not really friends with Avarie and it's her house. and then when we all made it to our beds they were talking the whole time. they thought i was asleep but i wasn't. i heard everything. i heard Casey and Avarie "arguing" i heard Casey yell out something that try to whisper something to me to blame Jordan. i don't know if they knew i was actually awake or not but whatever. then when i woke up Abby was already gone so it was reeeallly awkward. i didn't even have breakfast. i think i said "hi" when i woke up then an hour later i said i was leaving. and then i was gone. maybe the whole experience wouldn't have been so awkward if Nicole and Anna were there but they weren't. so i was sort of the one left out the whole time, with them talking about certain things that i had no idea, sure they would explain it sometime but you could tell they didn't really want to. but whatever. it wasn't like i was going to say "nope i don't want to go to my best friend's surprise party" and they were the ones who invited me. now i am home and i am probably going to do nothing today other than sleep and stare at my cellphone.

it has been 15 minutes since i sent that text to Danny and no response. but i have to think that he wants to talk to me because he responded. if he didn't want to talk at all he just wouldn't respond ever. so i'll keep texting him back until one day he just doesn't respond. and that will be that. ahhhhhh. i really need something to occupy my time.