Tuesday, August 31, 2010

i need to do something. i have been stuck at home all day. i'm hungry. and i'm still in my pjs. all i have had to eat today is a piece of pizza, milk, crackers, and some better cheddar. yup. goodness. school is starting. and i am starting to feel a bit nervous. mostly about my schedule. i had psychology but i am switching out of that class and into graphic design instead, with Katelyn. ah. but i am not sure if i want to take ceramics instead and then graphic design second semester. but i don't know. that is mostly whats got me nervous. i wish i had my schedule concreted down.

it seems like it was just last year before school started. there is no way i'm in 11th grade. no way. but goodness. i don't know what to do. i just want the first day of school to be over.

i have to go to the barn shortly. but i am so unmotivated today. ah. i think i am going to go work on that sketchbook. and maybe do some organizing in my room. good bye.