Monday, August 9, 2010

hi. hey.

guess what i did today? i spent six hours in an uncomfortable chair listening to an old guy talk about a bunch of stuff that i don't need to know. otherwise known as driver's ed. it's not very helpful when you already have your permit so.

but hey remember at the beginning of the summer i had that list? i'm going to go find it now. alright i found it. it is a pretty fabulous list so i am going to copy and paste it. the original list will be in italic and my comments will be next to it in this regular font.

- learn to drive i'm working on it. my parents don't offer to have my drive often so maybe i'll just wait for those driving appointments
- crash a party i wasn't invited to has not happened yet and most likely won't but you never know i still have a little under a month left
- get an awesome summer wardrobe actually this is happening/has happened. two days of shopping have given me great new clothes. so i am happy with this one.
- have a summer crush, someone completely new (at driving school?) well there is one crush who isn't completely new but it is much more probable that it would be something more than just "i want to talk to him but i don't know what to say oh no there he goes" since i have talked to him and he has written on my facebook wall. the other one who would fall under the driving school crush i met today thank you very much and i did talk to him, thanks to Emily (so glad i sat next to her). we will see how tomorrow goes. and yes i'm already his friend on facebook.
- never say "no" or at least try to say "yes" as often as possible (to different events and such) i don't think i have said no just because i didn't want to go...yet but i am not sure about that. i haven't had many chances to say yes though.
- become a social butterfly if you count talking to two guys (two!) and talking to two girls i don't normally talk to counts then yes, if social butterfly means more than
- get my confidence up i think that is working. well i'm working on it.
- show my horse and win everything yeah no but we are coming along. next summer will be the "winning everything" part.
- work at Yankee Home Improvement i did a little bit and i think i am going to be able to do some social networking stuff at home once my dad sets it up
- make a new friend i would like to consider Adam a friend. and maybe Emily Larkin will be my friend at the end of 30 hours of driving school. and maybe this Danny boy.
- have fun sort of working, yeah, maybe?
- learn to talk i'm learning, i'm learning.

the weird thing is the other day I was thinking about the stuffed animal i had when i was little, Danny, and how i wanted to show him to my kids but i left him at a hotel. then somehow i thought about what if my husband's name was Danny then i would still have "my Danny". then guess what? this cute guy at driving school's name is Danny. and i remembered when i thought about that before. weird coincident? or do coincidences not exist? and i just remembered today at lunch before Emily talked to Danny, and me butting my way into their conversation, we were talking about braces which led to sucking thumbs and Emily mentioned how she had a blanket which made me think of my stuffed animal Danny again. weird.

now i have to eat dinner. then we have to go to the barn. goodness.