Sunday, August 22, 2010

i love this boy.

okay that title was kind of deceiving and evil like. but it's the kind of love like you love ice cream or you love summer. plus i've never met this boy so i don't LOVE him like you are thinking. but i just used that title because i do love him just like i love my cellphone. alrighty then. who is this boy?

Charlie McDonnell. and I really really hope he reads this one day. Hi Charlie. WAIT. I take back that hi. -points finger- I FOUND YOU. okay I don't think that really counts but I want one of those pin that says "I Found Charlie". So that was an old video but that is what I am spending my Sunday morning (the second to last Sunday before school starts, my last Sunday morning spent at home before school starts) doing, watching old Charlieissocoollike videos because unfortunetly i have not watched all of them yet. i am actually a fairly new charlieissocoollike subscriber because I never knew he existed until my sister's friend posted his Bieber Fever video on facebook and i absolutely loved that video and all his other ones on youtube. that was a little while ago though. maybe about a month? then why am I writing about him now?

because i just watched probably my favorite video of his so far. he posted it on January 25th 2010. and i really really really like it. so go watch it. i'm going to go watch it again now so you can pretend i'm watching it at the same time as you even though I'm really not. i'm about to click play now...and NOW.

so that was just as good the second time. i did have the pause it to answer the phone, it was my sister's friend but not the one who posted Charlie's video on her facebook wall. anyways.

yeah i really do like this guy on youtube. i like all his videos. but i like the ones when he has longer hair better but he looks cute with short hair too.

i loved his video about how to understand teenage girls and now i have to go watch the one about understanding teenage boys because i do need to know that. hahahahaha so that was pretty funny. now i know exactly what to do.

other fabulous videos that i am watching now because i am lazy and i don't want to do anything. it's 3:15 and i'm still in my p.j.s thank you very much Charlie: A Song About Acne, (SIDE NOTE, he has short hair because he cut it all off for charity. awwwww. that makes more sense), I was going to list some but I'm getting bored of Charlie. YES CHARLIE I AM BORED OF YOU. I've been watching him for a few hours like. but i am still watching him. geez. i am going to stop in five four three two one. when i counted that down he said "um" two times. HAHAHA. i just watched another video about some girls that called him it made me smile. anyways i really am stopping now because i'm hungry i need to take a shower and i need to get dressed and i didn't use any commas there ha.

just kidding i'm watching him make balloon animals. that was a fabulous video as well. now i am really done. i just Xed out of his channel. goodness. what time did i start making this at? it's 3:31pm now.

anyways bye Charlie. hope to see you in real life? yeah probably not but who knows maybe years from now i'll actually be successful and can meet whoever i want. so this youtube star is on my list of people i want to meet. or should i say you are, because maybe you are Charlie and you are reading this. sorry if your name is Charlie but not the Charlie McDonnel: Youtube Star I'm talking about because then it just sucks to be you. so hi to all the other Charlies out there reading this.

i feel kind of stupid typing i'm someone named Charlie is actually reading this because he isn't...not now at least. see there i go again talking like he may read this in the future. i'm going to shut up now.

it's 3:34pm on Sunday and bye Charlie.

p.s. i'm going to be really sad when you turn 20 because then you are no longer a teenager while i still am so that sucks. four years older than me. anyways. bye Charlie.