Thursday, August 19, 2010

just a few things to tell you.

today so far as been pretty good day. Abby visited me at the barn! It made me very happy. Sure she was only there for a minute but she showed up and it was a very nice surprise. I was thinking and I don't think Abby has ever seen Pride before but I could be wrong about that. I can't remember. but yes.

Adam was there. I didn't really talk to him. he said hi first. i said hi. i gave him my wheelbarrow when i was done with it and he passed by me once and i didn't say anything and the next time he asked how it was going and i said good and i asked him how his birthday was. and that was it. i rode and i saw him a few times but i was riding so i didn't say anything. and then he was cleaning the stall next to where pride was but i didn't know what to say to him so i didn't say anything and he didn't say anything. and then i was rescuing a dragonfly and then he was leaving and he said bye and i said bye and he was gone and i was stuck waiting for my mom. there you go. not very exciting. tomorrow he will be there again though. yippee.

but i think i am going to decide that i am going to let the guy make the first move. he if wants to talk to me, then he will. if he wants my phone number then he will ask. if he wants to text me then he will. is that a good thing i decided? Abby? should i go out of my way to text Danny or talk to Adam or should i wait for them to make the first move? i don't know.

okay so on tumblr they are doing something where you post something everyday. here:
Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.
Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two smileys that describe your life right now.
Day Ten: One confession.
i am not sure if i should do it on tumblr or not. i did the first one but i kind of didn't get the point of it. now i do after seeing a bunch of people's maybe i'll do it again. on tumblr? errrr i don't know.

okay so guess i what i did? i made a new ten things and posted it up on tumblr. wanna see it?
Why not?
10 things to ten people, not necessarily people with tumblrs.

1. I love you but sometimes I feel left out. It’s supposed to be the three of us, right? But it seems like it is more the two of you and then me. I shouldn’t complain though.

2. I blame you for ruining the friendship I had but I don’t know if we ever had that friendship. I think I just saw who you really are. Or maybe it was me that changed while you changed in a different way or didn’t change at all.

3. My life would be so much worse without you. I would be so lost and so alone. Thank you.

4. You drive me crazy sometimes. I don’t know if I want to stay close or try to break away.

5. I really want to know what you think about me. I would ask you if it wasn’t a question not accepted by society. Plus you would probably lie and I wouldn’t know the truth. But after that short time you must have some impression and I want to know what it is before I make a fool out of myself.

6. Do you look at me differently now than before? In a better way? For a good reason? I think that maybe the only reason you would is because you were sort of forced to. You didn’t ask me to be there. You didn’t ask for me to talk to you. I’m there and I talked to you anyways. Are you glad?

7. When I look at you I really don’t like you. At all. You used to be my best friend ever but then you decided to ditch me. Did you even like me in the first place? Well now I don’t think very highly of you. And truthfully I hate when other people think highly of you, it’s like you are a snake hiding behind some wonderful personality and I’m the only one who knows what you are capable of.

8. It took over a year of knowing you to become friends but I am glad we are. I am just worried that I’ll ruin it by saying the wrong thing or not being a girl with a huge personality. I am not sure if I fit into your life like I should.

9. Thank you so much. I wouldn’t be who am I now without you. I owe so much to you. So much.

10. If you are wondering if I want you to, I want you to.

and here is who each one is to:
1. Maeve
2. Bella
3. Abby
4. Katelyn
5. Danny
6. Adam
7. Shannon (I needed one negative one in there, right?)
8. Dana
9. My mom and dad
10. Everyone who reads that tumblr post meaning the 7 followers i have

so i think i am going to do day two now on here and think about it and then post another day two on tumblr tomorrow. sound like a plan?
Nine Things About Yourself.
1. You don't know the first thing about me.
2. I would rather type or write all my conversations with everyone instead of doing the whole talking face-to-face thing.
3. I have high expectations for myself once I am out of school.
4. I love to sing but I am so bad at it.
5. I tend to quit when I'm not good at something. Examples: Soccer in fourth grade when I was the reason our team lost according to one girl. Irish dancing when I didn't practice as much as the other girls and I couldn't stretch like the other girls and I was in a class lower than all the girls my age. Chorus in 7th grade when it was the only grade I had in the 80s.
6. The only thing I haven't quit yet is horseback riding but I have thought about it before.
7. I feel left out so much in so many things. I blame my personality but I'm not going to change it.
8. It takes me a long time to make friends. I need a guide or something.
9. If you talk to me, I don't bite and I will try my hardest not to scare you away but I would really like it if you did.
10. Your welcome annoys me so much.

It was supposed to be nine but there is 10. I am not going to post them on tumblr now. Tomorrow I may. Now what am I going to do? I do not know.