Friday, August 6, 2010

i almost forgot.

so you know one thing about going on vacation when you live in a small town is looking for cute boys, right? well i have had absolutely no luck. seriously. there were no boys at the mall, except for one who gave me one of those blank looks when he walked by. there were no boys at the beach. there were no boys at James's t-ball game (well ones of an appropriate age. if James was more than 10 years older and on a baseball team instead of a t-ball game then maybe it would be a different story). we were driving home from the t-ball game and i was looking out the window and my heart did that little stop/fluttery thing where you miss a beat or stop breathing for a second. you know what i'm talking about? it's only a moment. but it happened when i saw this boy driving a car. he had just stopped at a stop sign on a road joining the road we were on. our eyes met as we drove by and that was it. he was freaking good looking. he had the messy blonde hair going on and was so just so good looking. i wish that he was at the t-ball game. i wish that he was at the beach. i wish that he was at the mall. i wish that i didn't have my family so he could have said hi. i wish that i could have said hi. i wish that i was in that car with him going out to get pizza instead of coming to my aunt's house with my family to eat pizza at home. but i will most likely never see that ridiculously good looking boy ever again. and i'll never get to tell him how i think he is extremely attractive and i would like to get to know him. i never will. and even if for some strange reason he happens to read this, he won't think it was him. but i'll give another description just in case. Winthrop, on the top of the hill where you can look out over the rocky beach, a smaller car in some sort of gray/silver/light brown call, wonderful blonde hair, a great looking face, and the ability to make my heart do that little thingamabober in one look, around 16 probably not older than 18 but i that's just what i thought, unless you looked young for your age in August of 2010. anyway.

jesus holy mary st. joseph.