Monday, October 18, 2010

you didn't think that i was just going to post that once today?

actually i was planning on not posting at all today. it's a bad addiction or habit or whatever this is. but now this is my second post.

i don't have anything to say really but hi. oh. i guess i should talk about the academic society. i wish there weren't so many kids in it. there are like 17 new juniors so i just get lost in the crowd of all the other girls with a 92 or higher average. whateves. it's good that we have such smart children.

the induction ceremony is a little bit ridiculous. it's like walk here in a nice line. sit down. stand up. slide over. get your rose and such. sign a book. go back into line. slide over. stand there. turn to your right. stand there and have everyone stare at you. and that's it. you are now part of the academic society. meaning i have to maintain a 92 or higher average or with my head.

hey at least Ryan Thornhill and Sam Hanson are in it so maybe i'll figure out who they are just in time for them to head off to college. coolio. but hey they have no idea that there names have even crossed my head let alone my blog. and let's keep it that way because this thing is really creepy in all sorts of ways. really. just creepy. i'm a creeper. well not really. instead of keeping all the thoughts i have in my head i just write them down in here. or type them in here. so everyone else has the same creepy thoughts as me.

i would like to quote my sister Maeve. my mom and dad are going to see a concert of the band Massive Attack tomorrow. so Maeve was looking up some of the songs and my dad told her to play one and she did and a little ways in she said "Oh I know this song!" then she paused for a couple of seconds then said, "It's horrible!" and I laughed.

i need to paint my nails. not sure if i will do that tonight or not. again i'm writing in this blog so i don't feel bad about doing nothing when i could be doing history homework or reading Ceremony. really i'm a slacker. and a lazy bum. but it's a secret. shhhhh. but i get my work done when it has to be done. i guess Ceremony was supposed to be done for today but it's not but whatever.

i forgot about this post. it's 8:32 now. the last time i wrote something was 8:04. i think that is a sign that i'm tired.

edit: think about this:
"Mad, adj.: Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence." – Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)
that's worthy enough for facebook