Saturday, October 2, 2010


i'm pretty annoyed right now. why? because my families are loser. they just sit there and sulk instead of dancing and then they leave early. i had no one to dance with because maeve wouldn't and then everyone was "tired". gahhh. so frustrating. especially since there was one cute guy i wanted to dance with but i had no one to support me in this because i had no one to dance with. my mom tried at one point to bring me over towards some guys but the one i actually wanted to dance with wasn't dancing at the time because he was getting some soda. so i'm just freaking annoyed. i don't even know the guys name. why can't i have a family that enjoys dancing? Jill and Kristy were dancing but i barely know them so it was pretty awkward. gah. i'm just frustrated. mostly because i didn't get to dance with the guy and it ended badly. when i had someone to dance with and it was a song i knew then it was wonderful. and right when we were leaving the cotton eye joe came on which i had been waiting for all night. they were all like you can stay but i was pissed off at that point because who the heck was i supposed to dance with because my sisters were party poopers and my dad had danced with me for like two songs and then he was done. i'm just really mad. maybe i'll go through Sean and T.C.'s friends lists of facebook and look for this guy. then what? like i'm going to send him a message after i didn't go dance with me. so mad. and frustrated. and tired. but at least Sean and T.C. are married. and i'm just sitting here in the dark typing on my laptop frustrated.

but hey if you went to Sean and T.C. Moynihan's wedding and you were wearing a dark gray/black shirt with a tie and you had the sort of Justin Beiber hair-do going on, but it looked much better - then hi because i was too chicken to go say hi earlier today.

i didn't find the guy i wanted to dance with but i found another cute guy who was there but he was shy and wasn't really dancing. his name is Alex Gross. hey Alex.

just through Sean's 123 friends and T.C.'s 261 friends and no luck. now let me go look at Alex's friends. i only got through the A's of Alex's friends and i gave up. why do i care anyways?

now i am even more fed up because maeve just asked me to "go somewhere else and type because it is really annoying" and i responded with "no" so now i am just typing slowly and gently.

but seriously why do i care? i am never going to see them again. and apparently they live in ohio. and i missed my chance.

now it's time to go to sleep and sulk.