Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"music and ice cream are the two most popular things in the world...that's a fact"

that was a quote from Struan Shields in a little vlog he made. i think it is very true. duh he said it was a fact.

and relating to the music thing: we were all waiting in the drama room to do our little induction thing. (yeah i had to be "inducted" into the academic society tonight). well i was standing off to the side near the piano with Renee and Vicky, trying to ignore the stuck up loud obnoxious girls on the other side of the room (cough cough Katherine McKemmie). then Sam Hanson came over and played the piano. he was really good. then he went back with the rest of the seniors, because we were clearly divided by the seniors and juniors, except for Ian who hung out with the seniors cause they actually have guys in the academic society. then Sam came back over a little bit later and started playing and singing. guess what he played and sang? Hot 'n Cold by Katy Perry. it was fabulous. right before he stopped Katherine was like "is he singing?" and then he walked away and she said in her obnoxious voice "what were you singing?" and he said "nothing" and i just smiled quietly to myself (you can't exactly smile loudly) and she said "oh you're a good piano player" and he said "thanks" and then she turned back to the circle of girls around her and said "that was awkward". i just don't like her at all. the way she complains about everything and how she thinks she is the greatest. and she talks down everyone else and it just annoys me so much. gahh. but anyways Sam Hanson was wonderful. too bad this whole academic society thing includes obnoxious people like Katherine and we only meet once a month for a little bit. it's not like i'm going to really talk during this stuff because there are so many of us. but whatever. don't really care. maybe Sam with will Katy Perry again some day.

the actual induction went fine for all i know. whatever yeah yeah? my aunt Julie showed up and my gramma and grampa. ha. at least they gave me gifts. and then auntie julie starting saying how Ian had grown and how that tall guy over there has good looks, or something to that extent. i didn't turn around to see who she was talking about because it was obviously Ryan. we followed him all the way to the school. he pulled out of his driveway the same time we did and we followed him all the way there.

anyways. i jumped 2'9" today on Maeve's pony, Max, and he was so good. and that's the highest i have ever jumped.

so it was a good day. i didn't do any homework other than working on my essay. but that was all i had. i made sure that any homework i would possibly have i did before and it's a half day tomorrow. yippee.

so yo yo. i don't know what else to write. i don't really want to go to bed but I'm tired. this is a reoccurring theme isn't it? i'm thinking about getting some ice cream but i don't think i am going to.

i just became friends with Kelsey Platanitis on facebook because she added me. she is in the horse world and i've heard her name before but i am not exactly sure who she is. but anyways this was on her profile: "In my sport, there is no off season. My teammate is 1,000 pounds and we communicate without words. We practice for hours each day when we only get two minutes to shine. There are no timeouts. This is my sport. I am an Equestrian. ♥" There you go.

i think i am done now. i just sighed. my life. i wish that...i am not even sure what. that's the problem. i'm happy. i'm content. but maybe not to the fullest i could be. outside of my family there are only about five people who have seen who i really am. the rest see the bottled up silent Molly who is awkward. that's frustrating. but you know whatever.

i need to stop complaining i might sound like Katherine McKemmie. i bet you if she ever reads this she will start complaining and then she will start saying all these "heinous" words about me. don't really care. i am sure that everyone will know her opinion about her being mentioned in this blog.

i don't want to think about her. i need something good to end on. i can't think of anything.

it's 8:58 woohoo. "the club can't even handle me right now"

i have to do a project with Steven Cowley and i'm not really looking forward to it. the whole partner thing and we have to make a poster. why couldn't i have gotten Emily or Jess or Cindy or Dimitri or even Ian or Katelyn? whateves that project will be over in a little more than a week and i'll be on to other stuff.

it's 9:00 woohoowooohoo.
