Wednesday, October 6, 2010

i'm drowsy.

i'm not tired. i'm drowsy. because i had some medicine for my itches. they were itchy. but the medicine helps. even though it makes me tired and unable to do my history homework. it feels like it is nine o'clock right now but it's not. it's five thirty. so i apologize if this doesn't make any sense. not that i normally do.

i think i am going to talk about God. faith. religion. because Glee did. i am going to tell you my views and i don't expect you to agree. i am just telling you. i don't care what you think or what you do this this information.

I am Catholic but I don't really know what that means. I don't know how it is different from other religions and other forms of Christianity. I went to CCD but honestly I think it was a waste of time. They talked about applying God to your life and such but I barely remember anything they taught us. I don't know what the main points of the religion are. I barely know anything.

But I firmly believe in God. I think that there is someone up there looking over all of us. I think He is with each and every one of us at all times. He can hear what we are thinking, He knows what we are feeling. He helps us and guides us. He knows what our life is going to hold but He doesn't completely control it. Make sense?

What about all that science saying God doesn't exist? I don't believe that. I believe God controls all that science. Evolution? That was God's doing. God has had this world his plan all along. Back when we were colonists in this country He knew what this country was going to turn into and He knows what it will be in the future. Good so far?

And praying. I think God listens to you all the time but when you pray you are having a direct conversation with Him. Every time else He is sort of listening in to check up on you.

Heaven and Hell. I don't think you have to believe in God to go to heaven. I think that everyone goes to Heaven to a point. If you want to be forgiven for your sins then God will forgive you and you will go to heaven. Because that is what He does, he forgives. Maybe if you don't want to be forgiven then He won't be able to forgive you and you will go to Hell. I'm not even sure I believe that Hell exists.

That is pretty much where my certainty of my religion ends. It's not a lot but it's what I believe and now you have it in writing what I thought as a 16 year old on cherry liquid medicine.

So tired. Oh! Why do I capitalize His name? Not really sure, everyone else does and it just seems right.