Wednesday, October 27, 2010

today is october twenty seven.

i'm so tired. like too tired to do homework. so i am going to watch some youtube while i'm writing this blog. and maybe study. or i'll study during lunch. sounds like a plan.

oh i have a good line that could be good for a song. "If the sun decides to burn out, you got eight minutes." and you can run with the whole "eight minute" thing and it could have a catchy beat and be an awesome song. Mr. Cole you are good for something cause he was the one who said that.

just remembered what i was going to do. i'm going to tell you two stories.
story one: going to lunch Abby asked me to get her a milk for her cereal. i said sure. then i forgot. as i was paying for my lunch i realized i didn't get her milk. so i told her and she said "really?" and i was like "yeah, do you want me to go back up and get you one?" and she said "no no, i'll go get it" and she went and got her milk and that was the end of that.
story two: during science Katelyn asked if i had my IDS sheet and i said it was in my locker. she asked if i would give it to her during studying and i said sure. and then we went through the rest of science class and i went to my locker and she came with me. and then we get back to study hall and she turns to me and asks for the paper. and said "oh i forgot it" and she gives me a look and says "reeeeallly?" and i was like "yeah do you want to to go and get it?" and she was like "no. don't." and i told her to ask Jess if she had hers and she did and Jess didn't. and then Katelyn gave me more grief and i just got annoyed at her. it's not my fault she didn't have the paper.

did you see the comparison there?

but chyeah. and apparently yearbook order forms are due Friday but i never got a form and i didn't know that until now because the speaker is broken in my homeroom and the people in my homeroom are too loud so i can't hear it in the hallway. but whateves i have another day. i just have to remember to get the form tomorrow.

and i think that is all. here's my schedule for the next forever or two.
tomorrow: school, homework, riding lesson, sleep
Friday: school, staying after to work on the project, AGT show, meeting Taylor Mathews, sleep
Saturday: waking up too early, horse show, homework, sleep.
Sunday: sleeping for forever, homework, maybe halloween activities, sleep.
Monday and Tuesday: school, homework, sleep
Wednesday: school, riding lesson, homework, sleep
Thursday: school, AP test, homework, sleep
Friday: school, second half of AP test, homework sleep
Saturday: sleep, homework, Maeve's birthday
Sunday: horse show
Monday - Tuesday: school, homework, sleep
Wednesday: school, riding lesson, sleep, ALL NIGHT SKATE
Thursday: sleep, homework, sleep, sleep
Friday: school, Fantasia
Saturday: horse show
Sunday: sleep, homework, sleep

sounds like fun right? let me go finish my youtube videos so i can go to sleep at a ridiculously early hour.

edit: and i like the quote of the day
"The human heart has hidden treasures,
In secret kept, in silence sealed;--
The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures,
Whose charms were broken if revealed." – Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855)