Saturday, October 30, 2010

Taylor Mathews, it was enchanting to meet you.


well it was one of those things where he came out and signed stuff. but HE KNEW MY NAME! what? what what? yeah that's what i said.

let me tell you the whole story. i would like to go to sleep but i think i need to document this now.

so Friday we went down to Foxwoods and I was wearing my Taylor Mathews t-shirt obviously. before we went down I posted on my facebook wall: "+ Maeve Ronan + Nancy Ronan + Taylor Mathews = [the event]" and I tagged all of us and the event but I don't want to write that out. And my name was before that. Anyways. on the way there Maeve made a poster that said "Taylor Mathews" with a big heart around it. And Maura was with us. And it was a grand ride down. The actual show itself was okay but the majority of people i think were old people. It wasn't the exciting concert-going crowd. So when Taylor Mathews came on we were the only ones screaming and no one was standing up or whatever. But he was definitely the best. Everyone else was good but he was for sure my favorite. Fighting Gravity is really cool so i have to mention them. And what I really liked was that you could tell that they were all real people. They weren't completely comfortable on stage. When 12 year old Christina was standing there while her sister was singing, she wasn't completely comfortable. She didn't know what do exactly. And when they talked it was obvious they aren't big stars but I like that. It's proof that these people were just average people. They were like me. And now they are on that huge stage. It shows that it is possible, you know? But anyways the show was pretty good. OH and during the intermission I was on my cellphone and I decided to check Taylor's twitter in case he went on it backstage. And he hadn't updated it lately but I @tagged him and said "@TaylorMathews1 just saw you sing live. We were the ones creaming in the back with the sign saying your name. 1 bird a stick & a stone <3" Just so you know "One Bird a Stick and a Stone" is the name of the original song he sang on the tour that I liked a lot.

Then after the show we waiting around in the Foxwood lobby near the Lion. Anna and Patryk came out first and I didn't even notice them at first. We didn't get their autograph or anything because the only reason we were actually there was because of Taylor Mathews. Then Jeremy the biker came out. Then when we were waiting for Taylor Mathews to come some guy walked by with a gray sweatshirt and these big silver headphones. And I told my mom that he is from Fighting Gravity so my mom yelled out "WOO FIGHTING GRAVITY!" and then every something screaming and cheering and the guy looked around and smiled and gave us a wave and kept walking. If it wasn't for me he would have just been able to escape without anyone knowing who he was. But he looked exactly like he did on T.V. he was even wearing the same outfit as he did in the interviews, he would always have those headphones around this neck. But since Fighting Gravity performs in the dark you don't get to see their faces.

Then Taylor Mathews came out. WOO! and there was a big crowd. and this one lady was like "you girls are so cute you have to get up there" and she helped us push our way up. we would have gotten there eventually but it was nice of her. and then right when we were about to get to him one of the people who works for the MGM theater yelled right in Taylor's ear to move back. so we all shuffled. then when we were all set i asked if we could get a picture and he said "yeah, Molly right?" and I was like "Yeah!" and he said "Oh don't you have a birthday coming up?" and I said "No..." and then he might have said something else, I'm not sure it was really noisy and people were saying stuff. But I said "But I got this t-shirt for my birthday" and he said something typical that you would respond like "Awesome" or "Oh yeah" or "That's great!" and I don't even remember. And then I got my picture taken. (And those pictures came out horrible. Well I looked horrible at least. Like really bad. Like I don't know if I even want them on facebook. My eyes were really wide and my smile looked so bad. But hey you can't blame me, I was in shock that he freaking knew my name!). And then as I was saying "Thank you!" he said "You're welcome! Oh do you want your shirt signed?" And I said "Yeah! Of course!" And he signed the back of my shoulder and guess what he wrote? He wrote "To: Molly! :) Taylor Mathews" I love that so much. He put my name on it and he put an exclamation point and I enjoy exclamation points. On all my binders after the subject I have a ! and for my name on my binders I just have "Molly!" and you know that I enjoy smily faces.

And then somewhere in all of this Maeve got her picture taken with him (which of course came out wonderful because Maeve always looks good in picture) and Maura got her picture taken with him (and yeah that one looks fabulous too) and then we got one all taken together (yeah i still look like crap). And then we were just waiting around and we held up the sign and starting cheering and he smiled and maybe said something. And we got him to sign the sign. Ha.

We were waiting around because we didn't know if we should leave or see if we could talk to him or whatever because the crowd was dying down. But I didn't know what to say to him. And as we were waiting Jeremy the biker was standing near and I noticed his sweatshirt said "Equestrian" on the back so my mom asked if he rode horse and yes he does. It happens he is the coach of a high school team, he even showed us on the front of his sweatshirt that it says "Coach". and he rides western and does drill teams and he taught his horse to lie down. And then my mom was asking about IEA and she asked if their team brought horses to their horse shows and he was like "yeah of course" so he probably thought we were crazy. but hey when we show we just show whatever horse we get. But then we wanted a picture with him. We didn't really care when he rode bikes but when he rides horses, yeah we want a picture.

And then we were getting ready to leave and my mom saw someone give Taylor a hug and she was like "Molly, you need a hug." and I was like "No way, let's go." I ended up winning and we just left. The reason why I didn't want a hug was because it would have been so awkward. You know he already wrote on my shirt and took a picture with me, I don't need a hug from him too. Maybe someday.

So we left. And we talked about it on the way home. Apparently back in June my mother had emailed Taylor asking if he would write me a birthday card and send it so I would have it for my birthday and it would be my birthday surprise. He emailed her back saying "Sure, I would love to!" and my mom sent back our address and stuff from her phone and he never emailed back or sent anything. And then maybe a month or so ago she emailed him asking if he was going to be signing and he emailed back and said yes he was. And then just a few days ago my mom emailed him again this time asking where exactly he was going to be signing because we had to drive back 2 hours and blah blah. and then mentioned how the girl who he was supposed to send a birthday card was coming and how he should wish me a belated birthday. And apparently he read it. But just got a little confused and thought it was coming up. But I had no idea that my mom had contacted him about birthday related things! I thought he got the wrong Molly had first.

But that was so awesome. So so awesome. Taylor Mathews knew my name.

WAIT. I'm not done. And then we got home around 1:30am and Maeve was on her laptop and said something like "Oh my god, Taylor Mathews commented on Mommy's status" or I thought he said Mommy but I think she said Molly. So I went and I looked through my mom status's on my phone and I didn't see any. But it happened to pop up that I had new emails so I went to check and I had an email that said Taylor Mathews commented on my status! OH MY GOODNESS! he hadn't commented on something that i posted on his wall. This was something i posted on my wall for all my friends to see and such and he commented on it! AHHHHH! take that Katelyn. anyways. that is almost better than meeting him altogether. but oh my goodness. that will be on my profile forever. And I took pictures just to make sure. I'll include them at the end of this.

But now I don't now how to comment back. And my mom wants me to email him and ask what he is doing for the couple of days he has off in Boston. and invite him to come up to Northampton and such. I might as well. Because while I want to make a good impression it's not like he is ever going to see me again. that was a lie. I am going to see him again. Yes indeed. Whether it is at another concert or actually talking and hanging out with him without a bunch of other people wanting to do the same thing. And maybe without my mother and father and maybe with friends? that would be nice.

He is shorter than me though. Which is sad. But anyways. It must be so weird for him to go from nothing to this. But I need to finish this up so I can send him an email which I am nervous about doing and then go to bed.

Today I woke up at 5am. Actually I was also awake from 12 to 2am. But you know. So i got three hours of sleep last night. And I would like to say that I can function with three hours of sleep. I always thought that I couldn't but I proved that wrong today. You know what? I won third place in my jumping class and FIRST PLACE in my flat class. I won my flat class. That makes me so happy. I won my flat class on three hours asleep and I had to go pee. So there you go. I'm just amazing. Maybe some of Taylor Mathew's amazingness rubbed off on my and helped me win that first place. I'll go more into the show tomorrow but now I need to sleep. Nighty night. It's 6:51 but it feels like 10:51. ahhh.