Friday, August 17, 2012

today has been a crazy packing day. like that's basically all i've done all day.
i started yesterday but i pretty much had to redo everything because i got new storage containers last night.

so this is what i have:
two pins that are long and short enough to go under my bed with all my long sleeve shirts.
a medium sized suitcase with all my sweatshirts, t-shirts, and some jeans
a small suitcase with all my dresses, skirts, and the rest of my pants
my sleepover duffel back with all my pjs and camis
another duffel back with all my toiletry stuff
my backpack with all my school stuff and books.

what i have left to back:
stuff for under my clothes
and random stuff like my lamp

i really wanted it to all fit in what i have but i don't know if it will end up fitting in all that since i still have all my shorts and all the shirts that i'm wearing for this week and i have a few new pieces coming that i ordered online. and i have to buy a few more things. so i might need one more smallish bag. but i think i have done enough packing for today. now i get to go babysit and then go to jayna's party. but i'm already wiped out, packing really takes it out of you. plus Finn woke me up at 8:30 and wouldn't let me go back to sleep, like she has for the past week, she only let me sleep in one day since Monday.

but now i should get some food and then get ready to babysit. i have a lovely three and a half hours in front of me. i wonder if the kids will let me take a nap, ha. definitely not.

and i'm hungry, oh right, Maura ate the rest of my mac & cheese that i made for myself. but i'm such a good sister that i knew she would want some so i didn't eat all of it. that just annoys me a lot. even though i was the one who left it for her. she should have said, that's okay Molly, i'll make my own. yeah right.