Thursday, August 16, 2012

i wish i could sing well. i've said that before and i will probably say it a million more times.
just a singer can get on stage in front of a bunch of people and by singing they can make them smile and feel happy, or some other emotion. they hold so much power. i mean, even more than just singing, famous singers are such a big part of our culture and society. it's kind of amazing.
i'm not saying i would want to be a famous singer, i just wish i could sing well so i could put a few songs on youtube and maybe get a small fan base going. now don't say that i can take lessons, because i want that raw talent that you can't teach someone. so instead i must focus my efforts somewhere else. like marrying a singer. wait, what? did i just say that? hahaha, i'm just kidding...kind of. XD no no, i think it would be pretty awesome to have a husband that would sing lovely songs to me all the time, but that is not what i'm going to focus my efforts on. ha, i'm cracking myself up over that actually. i'm sitting here at the kitchen table with my music playing out loud with no one in the house and i'm smiling over my own joke. i'm pathetic.

but not for too much longer. really, i am so excited for college. like beyond excited. i can just imagine myself doing all these college things around campus. it's awesome. i can't believe i only have 8 days. so pumped. i just have moments when the fear and scared stuff hit me, but it's not for that long. then i just get amped again. like i did a ton of packing today, all my winter stuff is packed away and all my shirts are ready in a wire basket thingy, they are just waiting for a suitcase or something. and later today we are going to go to staples and cvs, well we are supposed to, we will see what happens when my family gets home.

um, what else do i want to mention? i watched the glee project this year! my favorites were Nellie and Michael. but i'm happy for Blake (even though i kept called him Shane in my head...)! i thought they would have picked Ali or Aylin because Ali is an amazing singer and she also has the advantage/disadvantage of being in a wheelchair and Aylin already had a character for herself, the muslim who is trying to break tradition and all. but Blake will be good on the show, but they can make him into whatever character they want him to be so i don't know who he will be on the show! i'm excited for glee though, i still love it. okay, so i just looked stuff up and Blake will be dating someone and he will be on Ohio, so he won't be off with Mercedes in LA or Rachel in NY. i'm excited for glee now. i just wish more people from the glee project were on glee too because i love them all.

and i just tied my hair in a knot. i'm pretty proud of myself. i've always wanted it to be long enough that i could do that. and now it is! it's the small victories in life.

um i think i am done with this blog post, now i have to find something to do for the rest of the day.

oh! one more thing, i read this new Babson Magazine and it has a little thing in the back where it talks about what all the alumni are doing and it mentioned Nick Camillo who is a singer so i looked him up and listened to his music on facebook and liked it! so i gave him a shoutout on twitter and he said back "keey an eye out for me on alumni weekend :)" which is awesome, because i mean when i think alumni, i think old people and...yeah just old to think that an awesome young hot singer will be at alumni weekend, um yeah, thank you Babson. and now i'm listening to Jamie Kent who is also from Babo. yep, i think Babson and I will get along fine.

and look at that we are back to singers! i could imagine myself having a company where i help singers like Nick Camillo, Jamie Kent, and Taylor Mathews. market them, set up concerts, sell stuff. i guess like a record company or producers or whatever. it would be so much fun. but more than record companies, i would want my company to be a like a brand name, like big company. like what maker studios does with youtube, i would want to do with music. that would be awesome.