Sunday, August 12, 2012

How's your new laptop, Abby?!

Things I need to talk about in this post:
- Miley Cyrus
- One Direction
- Video Stuff?
- let's just start, i have a love/hate relationship with lists.

Miley Cyrus cut off her hair and dyed it blonde and for some reason that is a big deal to the world. I miss her old hair because it was long and gorgeous, but i applaud her for doing what she wants and doing something different - not that it matters what i think, she can do whatever the hell she feels like and my opinion doesn't matter.

One Direction performed at the Olympics! Not that long ago they were just boys with a dream to make a living singing...and then they went on the X Factor and got put together and together they become the biggest boy band of today. and they were on the olympics. i mean come on, they are pretty awesome then. and let's add them to the list of people i want to meet. but i want to meet them soon. i don't want to meet them when they are all old, because i'll be all old too, and the excitement of meeting them would have wore of a bit by then.

I want to read my blog through, like in a book form, from the start until now. But that would require printing it and it's not done yet! i'm looking up now how much it would cost...

I don't think my brain has grasped that I won't be living here in less than 2 weeks.

I don't need to talk about video stuff now, we are still trudging through the depths of youtube hoping that one day we will be youtube famous. but when you think of everyone who makes youtube videos, the chances of that are very slim.

and it's taking a really long time for it to create my book...i kind of want to go to sleep now. i'm tired. i was up at 8:30 today to go out to breakfast even though i didn't go to bed until 12:30ish.

hahahaha. guess what? my blog exceeds their maximum size for a single volume. i would have to get multiple volumes. there are 43 pages just for the table of my real book i guess i wouldn't have one of those, maybe just what page each month or year starts on.

now i'm going to go to sleep because i'm getting sick of seeing all the posts on facebook and tumblr and twitter about Miley's hair, don't you have things better to talk about? like all the amazing olympians? oh right, i talked about Miley's hair too...