Sunday, June 26, 2011

such a crazy weekend.

let's see. when did i last post? oh right, thursday night when i stayed up until past midnight talking to josh for 5 hours.

well friday i went and worked in the office in the morning. then i went to the barn to get ready for the horse show. didn't finish getting ready. then went to an interview for states which took forever. but i got in. and then i went back to the barn at 9:30 at night and finished braiding.

saturday i woke up at 5:30 in the morning. went to a horse show. had my horse buck and act weird at the canter. whatever. then i went home, took a shower, and got ready to go to taylor swift. then we went and saw Taylor Swift.

let me just say I'm so glad Josh came. i wouldn't have wanted anyone else there with me. it started pouring rain, like extreme pouring, but we just stuck it out. at the end we were just hugging each other trying to give each other body heat it was so cold and wet. but i loved it. i loved it so much. because that's the kind of thing you're going to remember. "remember when we went to the Taylor Swift concert and it poured?" on the way home he got "yelled" at because he was trying to tell scary stories but Maeve was having none of it. but then my mom shut him up by saying that she had the power to ground me. that would be the only thing that was sort of bad. but seriously, it could have went so much worse. especially since Maeve, my mom, and I were exhausted from waking up at 5:30. Maeve got mad at us once because she was filming herself and we were jumping around behind her and when she asked what we did, i was just laughing. we were under instructions not to be lovey-dovey but that didn't happen. the only time Maeve got mad at me for that was when Josh was showing me that his goldfish didn't have a smile and I ate it. but I'm smiling remembering that. Maeve will understand eventually when it's like to have someone who just makes you so happy.

and when he got tired of playing with the glowsticks we both fell asleep but we were holding hands the whole time. it was so great waking up and having his hand holding mine. and then tonight i get to go see the fireworks with him. and then tomorrow he gets to come over to the pool so i get to spend that night with him too.

i'm so exhausted though. even though i slept until 2:30 this afternoon. and i'll be even more tired after staying out for the fireworks. and tomorrow i have to wake up early for horse camp. but that's what the summer is about.

i love it. (: