Thursday, June 9, 2011

i feel like i owe you a blog post, my future readers.

just because if this does make it huge you'll be wondering where i am and what i'm doing.

i'm here and i'm not doing much. i'm just plugging away. things are different a bit but not a ton. like now i talk to Josh all the time about most everything. like he knew I was going to China days before i told Abby, i didn't even feel the need to tell her. and Josh was the first one, actually the only one, who i told that i bought a horse. now you might be thinking i'm ditching my friends but i'm not at all. i never realized how much i just threw my life into their faces. now i'm only doing that to josh. i've barely talked to Abby, but she hasn't texted me either. it's not like we're suddenly not talking, i'm just not texting her first everyday like i used to. it's not bad, it's just different.

i'm still getting used to it. i'm still afraid i'll do something stupid and mess everything up. and i still don't get how come he likes me so much. everyday when i ask him how his day was he'll mention something about how it was good because he saw/talked/got to be with me. still don't get it.

school's going fine though. only three more days of classes. it doesn't seem like it can just end. this has been my life since september and then suddenly i don't have to go anymore. but i'm ready. i'm so ready to be done with school and get into carefree summer.

but my life is so fabulous right now. i really need to thank my parents. they are so fabulous and awesome and i love them so much. they do so much for me. my mom brought us to see the glee concert two nights in a row with friends. they bought all those tickets, 13 total, and gave away 6 of them to our friends. i can't think of any other parents who would do that for their children. also they let me sleep in the days after the concert. and apart from that they run their own company and go through all that stress just so that we can have a better life. they do so much. i can't think of any other parents that do more for their children. i will forever be grateful for my parents. i hope one day i'll be able to give back something, i know i'll never be able to repay them for everything but i would love to give them something and then be the kind of parents they were to me to my children.

and school's fabulous too. i won the highest award our school gives. i got a scholarship for $44,000; $11,000 for each year. that's a lot of money. i always told my parents that i would go to school on a scholarship because i didn't want to make them pay. and i already got one. my hope is just that i fall in love with Clarkson so i want to go to school there. but if i don't like it, i know my parents will pay for me to go someplace i want to go, because we already covered how fabulous they are. but just getting that award is fabulous. so fabulous.

and Dolly is great. other than the fact that she has lime disease. but that's treatable so it's not a big deal. and i'm making Josh come over to the barn a week from tomorrow and if i ride when he's there then he will become my first friend not from the barn to see me ride, even though i've been riding for almost seven years.

it's hard to think that in a week and a weekend i'll be a senior. i just have to get through a history project, a research paper, and five finals, then i'll be done. i'm way too young to be a senior.

it's it always calm before a storm? or is it calm after a storm? i'm a bit afraid that since my life is so great right now that something will happen. but i'm not going to think about that, i'm going to enjoy it. i'm going to enjoy my summer with my license. my i got my license Dana told me that having my license would change my life and it has, it has made my life so much better. it's so lovely being able to drive wherever, whenever.

um what else? i wish you could tell me what you're thinking so i could then write about that.

oh, Riker Lynch is my new favorite actor from Glee. he's just precious.

i think i'm going to end this post and then stay up late talking to Josh, cause that's what i do.