Saturday, June 18, 2011

so today sort of sucked.

only sort of though. ready?

- woke up at 7:30.
- got to horse judging practice at 9. didn't actually start judging until close to 10.
- watched conformation classes with the same horses.
- one of the most boring three hour periods of my life.
- left at 11ish and went to the car wash.
- was completely not dressed for a car wash outside in 80 plus degree weather.
- washed cars.
- our group for the trip to spain fundraised almost 500 dollars, 100 of which came from my family. cause my mom and dad are like that.
- went home for 20 minutes.
- went to Bella's to work on the costume at 4.
- was there until past 7.
- go home and now everyone is snappy and hungry and tired.
- put leftover spaghetti and meatballs on my plate. then realize there's no sauce. eat the spaghetti without sauce, which is so gross.
- drive to the barn at 7:45.
- while backing out of my driveway, hit the dumpster that is taking up my parking spot, and my dad's car. now i have a nice scratch on my car.
- cry a bit in the car on the way to the barn because of exhausted and frustration.
- send Josh a novel for a text.
- ride Dolly.
- Dolly and Josh make me feel better.
- put Dolly away.
- go home at 9:30.
- eat cake.
- watch youtube.
- go hide in room with laptop and cellphone.
- text josh.
- check tumblr and freak out when you check Josh's tumblr because he posts things like: "I just want to see that wonderful smile, hear that beautiful laugh, and hold you tight in my arms."

so the whole day wasn't bad, just parts of it. and i'm so tired and i don't know why i'm still up. oh wait, i do. because i'm texting josh. now i'm going to reread that tumblr post and some of the cute texts he has texted me today and wait for him to text me back, or for my phone to give me the text because it's being evil tonight. but that's all. tomorrow i'm sleeping until forever.