Monday, June 13, 2011

one more freaking day.

i only have one more day as a junior. thank the lord.

but really junior year went by fast. really fast. want to hear what i said the first day of school?

"yep and it's over. it was a typical first day, nothing special.
my predictions:
English, Spanish, and (MAYBE) History will be the best subjects.
Chemistry and Math will be the worst subjects. (but Kellie is in my math class! so excited! she is my friend from the barn who is a SENIOR, what?)
Ceramics depends on if i find someone to be friends with. right now i'm sitting at a table with two seniors who just ignored me and i just ignored them. i could sit with two other juniors who i don't really know and a sophomore. but i don't know. i just want a friend in that class. like Ally last year. ):"

umm, fairly accurate excepted english sucked and spanish wasn't all that great. i didn't really like any of my classes, other than history, and the only reason why i didn't die this year in my classes is because of Katelyn. i'm going to have to stretch myself next year when Katelyn isn't in all my classes.

and the rest of my first and second day posts has stuff to do with Adam. amazing how things change in one year. but have they really? am i a different person now than i was when i started school? i want to say yes but i have no evidence to back that with.

but hey i survived junior year. apparently i freaked out the second day of school. but it wasn't really all that bad.

i think i must have changed because i can't standing reading any more posts i made back in the beginning of September. just because i know how my brain worked and how i was just holding on to every little thing, hoping, wishing, imagining, but never doing anything. i think that might be where i changed. i actually do things now. not drastically. but i must have done something to end up with a boyfriend.

i wish someone could just lay it out all for me and be like "Molly, throughout your junior year of high school you have changed in the following ways:" and then list them all out for me. i like being able to see progress. that's assuming i actually grew and made progress. who knows.

i'm not even stressing right now. what could i be stressing about? history project, research paper, finals. ehh whatever. my life is going to be amazing in exactly one week. one weeeeek.

i'm so excited. tomorrow i have a busy day. after my last full day of classes i have a hair cut, then ground work lesson with Laura, a research paper to finish, and an english final to study for. then Wednesday after my english final and after he takes his 2nd period final, Josh is coming to the barn to see me ride (he wants to! i offered to ride earlier but he wanted to see me ride) and then he's coming over my house and we'll have to figure out lunch, and then i'm going to make him study for my finals the next day with me, and i have to finish the 6th grade slideshow. and then thursday i have math and spanish finals, then a riding lesson, then Maura's graduation. and friday i have chemistry final then the plan is to go to 6 flags, but we'll see if that happens. then saturday i have horse judging practice, then car was for the spain trip, and then i feel like there is something else. then sunday is father's day. then monday i have history final and fun day. and tuesday i have nothing and wednesday i have nothing and thursday i have nothing and friday i have nothing and saturday i have nothing and sunday i have nothing and monday's my birthday and i have horse camp. do you know how nice that is? to have nothing. i can do whatever i want. i'm so excited. we so excited, Rebecca Black and I, we so excited.

alright this is a long and pointless post. peace out homedoggie dogs.