Friday, June 10, 2011

stupid sickness.

i guess it wasn't a completely typical fainting episode, it was a bit worse. one reason i already said, because usually i can go back to normal at school and don't have a killer headache. unfortunately today i had to go home and had a lovely headache. and now talking about headaches is giving me one. did you notice i used the adjectives "killer" and "lovely" to describe the same headache? hmm. interesting. but another reason why it was typical is because i fell asleep from 4:15 to 5:15, while i was texting josh. i just fell asleep. i've never done that before. i barely ever take naps because i can never fall asleep. and even when i'm texting josh at night before i fall asleep i have never fallen asleep on him. and today i did. and i slept for a whole hour. and then after i woke up and texting him and Abby i went back to sleep at 5:30, expecting not to sleep for that long, and then if i was feeling better i could head over to the show at 7. nope. i slept until 7:20. i guess i could have gone to the show late but sleeping for 3 hours sort of showed that i wasn't feeling well. and i didn't want to pass out during the show because the i would really freak josh out.

i really wish i was there though. i think this is the first show of Abby's at the high school that i've missed. actually i might have missed one when I was in Tobago. and i know once when she had a show at a different high school i wasn't feeling up to it. but i go to all of Abby's things, even if they aren't at the school. i've gone to both Northampton and South Hadley to watch her. and i really wanted to be at this show. cause in addition to seeing Abby perform I would have gotten to see Josh and i'm not going to get to see him at all this weekend because tomorrow i have my riding lesson then i'm babysitting and sunday i have to do homework since i didn't do any today and work on the slideshow. i might be able to sneak in seeing him on sunday but i also don't want my parents and sisters to start complaining about how i see josh all the time. i just have to wait for the summer then i can see him more. and katelyn had cookies for me too.

i hate being sick. i think i'm going to go put on a movie and probably fall asleep.