Sunday, June 26, 2011

so i like fireworks. i do not like the fact that someone we ended up sitting next to obnoxious kids from our school but we didn't actually socialize with them so it was fine. and i like having Josh drive me around. and i like when we sing in the car along to the CD i made him and how he knows the words better than i do to some songs. i do not like that i have to wake up at 8 tomorrow. and it's almost midnight now. i like that tomorrow's my birthday and i get to see Josh and Abby and everyone one again.

really that's the only thing my birthday is good for, giving me the excuse to have a bunch of people over the pool, and the chance the eat ice cream. pretttty much it. but it should be good. minus the whole waking up and dealing with horse camp. but horse camp shouldn't be that bad either.

but i'll be going to sleep soon, cause Josh should be arriving at his house in around 5 minutes. but only 35 minutes until my birthday. too bad i can't really stay up for it. well i could, we'll see what time Josh texts me and how tired I am. wait, did i just ask that? yeah i'm tired enough to have been asleep hours ago. and probably should have so i'm not exhausted for horse camp. whatever, it's summer. you know what i'm going to do? i'm going to go look at posts from last horse camp.

okay I didn't find anything about horse camp but look what I did find:

TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2010

11th grade. read this. k?
this isn't really about 11th grade because i don't feel like a junior yet. juniors are old. i'm not old.

this is about a resolution i am making for 11th grade. this is if there is someone in the class that a) i think would make a good friend b) is very cute c) would like to know better d) for some reason i just want to talk to...i will talk to them. i will talk to them more than once. i will make an effort to get to know them. not just an effort. a big effort. unless i find out there are a completely jerk/creeper/dud/woahno. because i could give you a list of people this year who i would have liked to have gotten to know but i didn't because i never took the first step and said hi to them. so nothing happened. next year, i'll talk to everyone though and i won't miss out on anyone.

there you go. now i am going to get something to eat and go babysit because this resolution does not effect me until September 3rd 2010. boom.

I forgot about that but hi Josh Rivard, that would be you. so i guess i could say i fulfilled my resolution, if that's what you do with resolutions, or is it keep? don't you keep your resolutions.

i don't know. anyways i'm going to take out my contacts cause Josh will be home soon and then I'll be going to sleep! less than 30 minutes until i'm 17.