Tuesday, June 21, 2011

it's been one month since we almost all died!

also known as the rapture. or the day that Josh and I got together. I'm surprised he remembered.

M: "Isn't today the 1st day of summer anyways?"
J: "it is indeed the first day of summer! And it is also another day today as well. =)"
M: "another day? Ohhh, one month right?"
J: "It is indeed one month, another day, and the beginning of summer rolled into one =)"
M: "Jeez, we get together on the day of the rapture, then our one month is on the 1st day of summer. XD"
J: "Haha, wonder what next month will be? Maybe aliens will invade the earth? XD"
M: Whoo knows, a long as it doesn't kill us then it's good. XD"
J: "that's true, as long as the world doesn't end then we're all set!"

but yep. one month. it really doesn't seem that long, yet it seems longer at the same time. like it's like "wow, it's already been a month." but then it seems like Josh and I have been "together" for longer. it seems like he's always been there.

it's weird though. you see Abby who's obviously in love and has been for a while, she's been with Colin for close to three years. and to me three years seems like such a long time. i'm not in love right now. there's a good chance i will be eventually, but i haven't fallen completely yet. i don't think you can. you have to seriously know someone to fall in love with them. there's none of that love at first sight nonsense. and love is such a scary and big word. i want to be careful with it. i want to save it until there is no doubt in my mind. i don't want to regret saying it later and be like, i actually wasn't in love. i only want to say it if it's true.

right now i'm so happy and content with my life. sure, that could change any second, but i'm going to enjoy it while i got it.

i am not sure what else to talk about. how i'm going to be 17 on monday. which is ridiculous. i just turned 16. i'm too little to be 17. i mean birthdays are nice, but not that nice. really it's silly that people give me all this attention all because i was born on a certain day. but hopefully this birthday goes nicely. it's the first day of horse camp then i'm having people over to the pool. i'm a bit worried about how my grampa will act, cause you know how he can be. especially since my gramma won't be there. and i was just going to invite Abby and the Rivards but then Dana was asking what I was doing, so I invited her over too. which means i'll probably invite Bella too. but then that leaves me with the question of if I should invite Katelyn. honestly, i don't think i would want her there. but then if she sees pictures and know that i didn't invite her, she'll be pissed. so pissed. oh well. that's what she always says.

i still feel like writing more but i don't have anything to really write about. so i guess that's it.