Thursday, September 9, 2010

tonight would have been a good history homework night.

but i forgot my history book at school. we were going to stop and get it then my mother forgot. so it sucks to be me. whatever. i just won't do IDS. i finished my chart off of my memory and i am going to compare it to Katelyn's. so we will see. Katelyn is a good person to work with even if she annoys me often and she isn't my favorite person in the world. but not everyone can be one of my favorites.

i just remembered that i could do those readings for history. maybe i'll take a look at those.

i'll just mention a few things now. cause i'm in the blogging mood. when am i not? anyways. so at lunch Abby and I sit in the middle of freshmen boys. why the heck would we do that? we were there first. then they came. they were attracted to us because we are pretty juniors. probably not. it was probably because there was no one else sitting at the other end of our table then they multiplied. the only reason i don't mind this is because of Mike Rigali. i had heard of him before because he has a loud voice and i could hear him all the way from the third floor. hahaha not really but it's like a Lucas Fitzpatrick, sort of everyone knows who he is. anyways he's funny and makes me laugh. like when he told Abby that he was joining chorus and she got excited for a second and said "really?!" and he said "no. i was just kidding." just the way he was so serious was funny. that sort of sarcasm. even though i am never sarcastic i do appreciate every once and a while. AND THE BEST JOKE EVER. "two guys walk into a bar. the third one ducks." the funny thing is it took me a while to get it. abby had to explain it to me. it is absolutely hilarious though. so good. seriously so good.

ah what else? today my convo with Adam went like this "hi adam" "hi" ... "excuse me" "oh sorry!" (<- that was me saying oh sorry because i was in his way) "no problem" ... -awkward smile thing as we passed by each other- ... "bye" "bye" so yeah not very exciting.

jeez. i need to talk to people more.

and i just remembered that i need to give info to abby's madre in order for her to attend this fiesta with me. i could have just written that whole entire sentence in spanish (spanish 4 honors woo!) but those two words were fine. but i just sort of put together that danny responded "noo saturday the 11th!" on the event when someone said "this saturday?" last week. but the actually event says "friday the 17th" into what i guess would be early morning saturday the 18th if we actually stay that long. anyways. if it really was tomorrow we might be able to pull it off. it would be kind of hard in my family but it's not like i have anything else going now.

now i need to do something productive. like watch youtube videos. i'll probably be back later because i don't have a book to do IDSs with.