Thursday, September 2, 2010

my fourteenth first day of school (if you include preschool).

yep and it's over. it was a typical first day, nothing special.
my predictions:
English, Spanish, and (MAYBE) History will be the best subjects.
Chemistry and Math will be the worst subjects. (but Kellie is in my math class! so excited! she is my friend from the barn who is a SENIOR, what?)
Ceramics depends on if i find someone to be friends with. right now i'm sitting at a table with two seniors who just ignored me and i just ignored them. i could sit with two other juniors who i don't really know and a sophomore. but i don't know. i just want a friend in that class. like Ally last year. ):

OH! today i had double lab so between periods Katelyn and I did a loop through the science wing and right when we came down the stairs to the first floor Adam was there with one of his friends, i didn't really pay attention to who it was. anyways i knew he was in Ms. Seymour's room in the science wing on the first floor because when i passed by i saw him. (NOT because i knew his schedule but i really don't have any idea other than he doesn't have any classes with me and has the same lunch as me). but he sort of acted like he didn't know if he should say something or not and i said "hi Adam" and he said "hi" and i asked if he was going to the barn and he said he was. and then i asked if he was in physics and he said how he was taking two science classes and he wanted to take three and how i was in chemistry. and then that was it because i had to go upstairs and him to his classroom.

then after i finally got on the bus that went to the barn i got off the bus with Maeve and Adam pulled in. thankfully he didn't run us over. and he didn't come into the tackroom where i was. then i came out to go get changed and i was only in my barefeet (HAHAHAHA. that was funny how i wrote that. i was only in my barefeet...hahaha) because i had blisters. i explained that to him as he put Flyboy up on the crossties then Maeve called me back so i talked to her and then i came back and he was cleaning a stall so i just got changed and such. then i was going to get Pride and he was dumping his wheelbarrow so i asked him how his first day of school was and he said it was horrible or terrible or something like that and i felt bad. i asked if he liked any of his teachers and he said no so i said it would be a fun year then. and he asked about mine and i said how it felt like i had never left and it was decent and expected (which is GOOD). and that was pretty much it because then the barn went wild.

first there was a wild donkey from across the street that we rescued and then he freaked out all the horses so i didn't get on Pride because i was helping Maeve and Pride was freaking out so I helped Kate bring him down to the lower barn and then right when i was about to get on Pride the lawn people come and they freak Pride and Flyboy out so Maeve said we should go down to the lower ring so i said fine which i shouldn't have done because it was extremely hot out and Maeve was scared of Flyboy so she just hand walked him even though he was fine but i rode Pride and he only had one freak out moment so it was all good and then my mom came and when i got off of Pride i almost passed out and i could barely make it up the hill and then i sat in the tackroom with the fan on me but luckily Adam was already gone. you can tell i'm in honors English because of that run-on sentence.

and that's all. i have another day tomorrow. then 178 after that.

tomorrrrow. we will see what happens. Seventeen magazine told me something was going to happen tomorrow. let me look it up because i keep all my magazines. okay my whole Seventeen horoscope for September is "With the sun in the most outgoing area of your chart, you'll be in a very social mood all month. But on the 3rd, Mercury will give you an extra boost of confidence to break through your Cancer shell and chat up a guy who usually gives you butterflies. He'll be psyched!"

now i don't know how much i should trust Seventeen magazine's horoscope but you know i kind of hope it is true. but I talked to Adam today and it's not the 3rd and he doesn't give me huge butterflies. but i really hope that I will be in a social mood all month because this month is important. well not really because everyone already sort of has their ideas about everyone including me. i don't know what they think of me when they look over me but hey i do the same to them.

goodness. i might not make it to 500 posts by Friday because of the homework i'll probably have. especially since i said fuck homework tonight. OH MY GOD DID I JUST SAY THE F WORD? OH MY GOODNESS DID I JUST USE THE LORD'S NAME IN VAIN? yeah you can see what kind of night i'm having. but i heard my mother say "fuck" the first time at the horse show. it wasn't just by itself. i believe it was either used as a verb or adjective. but yeahhh yeahh. i don't use that word very often. and when i say "i said fuck homework tonight" that means i didn't do homework i could have done. i did all the stuff due tomorrow but stuff due next week, ehh whatever.

i just don't want to get in the shower and go to bed so i am going to stay on the computer. i'm hoping Abby comes online. she just liked my status and commented on it. now i better go ask why. and i should post this up so i can tell her to read it. and i'm going to go eat some ice cream that she scooped for me yesterday. wow that was only yesterday night. it seems like forever ago.