Tuesday, September 14, 2010

people change get over it.

well 4h today made me decide that i am not going to "run" (as we are having elections this year compared to when Steph just picked who were the officers) for office. it's just way too disorganize and no one has any respect for anyone. all it is is bickering and people complaining and getting frustrated. we don't accomplish anything important really.

but what i really want to talk about are a few facebook posts that annoy me so so so so so much. i'll let you read them first:

ooooooh. someone deleted one of their posts. it was: "best friends my ass" and then people commenting and what not. none of the comments when i read them stand out in my mind but anyways here is another.

PERSON: AVARIE! im sorry people suck and best friends aren't really being best friends at all. im always here for you snaves! love you ♥

way to suck up. well i guess it is not really that. but still. it annoyed me a lot. "best friends" is such a weird term. it's like i'm your favorite friend and i'm always going to be your favorite friends. sorry to tell you this but people change and we meet other people who we might like better or show us that maybe you aren't such a good person as we might have though before. it's not the end of the world if someone isn't your "best friend" anymore. it's probably a good thing. move on. meet some new friends. just don't be "mad" because there must be some reason. try to see the reason instead of blaming and hating and giving the cold shoulder. if you were their "best friend" you don't just end that because they said they didn't want to be friends anymore. you still like them and their personality and such because they are still the same person they were two seconds ago when they were still your "best friend". maybe you get mad or upset for a second but i would be more devastated and would try to figure out why and try to fix the friendship if possible, if it's not possible i would be like "okay." because it probably wasn't the kind of friendship i would want anyways. then i would move on. i wouldn't drag other people into it. i wouldn't hold a grudge. i would give them a smile still in the hallway because i wasn't the one who wanted to end the friendship.

anyways. that's a bit of a rant. just because i saw that post on facebook. i'm not sure if i even really got my point across. but Abby I hope you are enjoying yourself serving people the best food in the world. at least ice cream can make people smile.

now i could rant about how all the t.v.s in school today at one o'clock was turned to CNN to watch President Obama's speech for kids going back to school. i bet you if that was President Bush saying that speech we would not be watching it. we would probably be talking about how much Bush sucks because that is what everyone in my school believes. why? because i live in Massachusetts that's why. it just frustrates me so much. well at least they offered the cafeteria if you didn't want to watch it. but still.

what else can i talk about? nothing. sounds like a plan. oh i could talk about how Dana might be coming to this Danny Hentz's party and how i had to fill her in. she could still be on crutches how. i hope not. if my second friends can't come either i might just give up. but anyways. i think i am going to eat some ice cream and read my Seventeen magazine. cause i'm a teenage girl and that's all we do right? and spend two hours doing our hair and makeup. yeah i'm lucky if i have five minutes to put on makeup and brush my hair.

OHHHH. i might be getting a car. it's getting checked and if it doesn't have any major expensive problems the car will be mine. oh my goodness. i'll know tomorrow. that is so awesome. so so so awesome. i'm excited. it's not yellow but it is black and it's cute. it's not really cute. but it's nice. and it can get me from place to place. and it's easier to drive than my mom and dad's cars so hopefully i will be driving more. so excited.