Saturday, September 18, 2010


this is my 500th post. and i have a lot to talk about.

there's Danny Hentz's party. which was really just awkward all around. there were a bunch of people there but all the people knew each other. some of them were nice and talked to us. but they would talk to us then go and talk to their friends and just sort of leave us awkwardly standing there by ourselves. and then some of them just gave us looks and never said hi. Danny is just such a nice guy. he introduced us to some people. and made sure everything was alright. he got glowstick stuff in his eye because it exploded and somehow got in his eye. and then the speakers blew out. yep. and there was no movie like there was supposed to be. so we were just "dancing", talking, and eating food. pretty much. there was a pool but no one went swimming. he has such a big house and nice backyard with an inground swimming pool and a little bar thing and surround speakers. it was awesome. and Danny Hentz has a girlfriend and she was there and she was nice but she didn't go out of her way to talk to us more than a few times. at the end we were sitting around the fire and it was nice talking to some of the people. then we had cake and when we went back it was more awkward. we were just sitting there and there were all the couples. seriously everyone was in couples. but that's alright. i would have rather Abby was there because Dana doesn't do the whole talking to new people thing. i talked to people and it was pretty good there. and when we got there Danny was like "hi Molly and you're...Abby, right?" but nope it was Dana. but that was okay. and it was a good night overall. i am still not sure why he invited me though. i kind of want to ask him but that would be weird. anyways.

earlier that day i got a car. it's a black 2006 ford focus. and it's very nice. i like it. but the first time driving it they had me drive to Easthampton which is the farthest i have ever driven with the most cars. we were going down one stretch for a while and i had at least two cars behind me, maybe more. and when i turned they kept going straight and someone yelled at me "horrible driving" but hey it's not problem, it's theirs. i am learning how to drive so i would like to get to point a to point b safely please. but on the way back was better. two people passed me but i was going to speed limit so they were speeding. and i got gas for my car for the first time. my dad drove into the gas station and out of it for me but i had to fill it up. it cost $25 dollars to fill up 3/4 of my tank. it looks weird in the driveway. i don't like my license plate. it's 699 lv8. why don't i like it? cause of the whole connotation with the number "69". i don't mind the lv8 or "love 8" part but whatever. i have to wash it because it's sort of dirty and you can see all the dirt on a black car. anyways. driving to school will be scary with all those cars and school buses so i may not do that. but who knows. i just sort of have to do it.

i think that is all i have to talk about. i had a lesson this morning and it went so much better than my last lesson. riding Donnie wasn't a big deal. and it all went well. it makes me feel a lot better about my riding abilities. too bad i didn't ride like that in front of Taylor, Chelsea, and Alyssa. i had a nice lunch with Dana, Bella, Abby S, and my mom too. and it was nice having dana sleep over. she just left a little while ago and i think she should of left a bit earlier because i was and still am so tired and i didn't want to play host anymore. and i didn't know what to do with her, i just wanted to come on my computer and watch youtube videos. but that's alright.

i am trying to think of something else to say. happy 500. my "so-called" 300th post was in March and 400th was in June when I was talking about APUSH. which i should be doing now. i'm not going to though. i think i am going to read or sleep.

now let's put yesterday behind me and move on to better driving and better parties.