Tuesday, January 27, 2009

yes i swore a few times in here.

okay well i haven't posted in this for a while. honestly i forgot about it like completely. (i'm not suppose to use 'like' like that but i just did and i'm not changing it - ha!). well i should probably first update you on Colin - everything seems fine. completely absolutely fine. he came over Abby's house and it was wonderful. it just doesn't sound true to me. but i don't know. i barely see him ever so yeah. i don't really want to talk about that anymore.

can i talk about how much of a bitch Bella is? yeah, i just used the word bitch, though it could easily be replaced with idiot, retard, and any of those sorts of names. my mother was feeding on Monday night and Bella didn't empty out Tiger Eye's (she is leasing Tiger Eye, so she is responsible for him) water bucket and there was ice in it which isn't good for horses. so my mother was like "uhh Bella? are you planning on emptying Tiger Eye's water bucket. it is filled with ice." and she gave her some sort of crap about breaking it up. umm Bella - the point is to get rid of the ice completely not just break it up. anyways she gave my mother some more shit then went down to empty it. she came back up. then my mother and i went down to finish up and my mother checked Tiger Eye's bucket. it was EMPTY. she emptied it but she didn't fill it up! what a jerk! my mother filled it up but that is Bella's responsibility - not my mom's, my mom just has to top it of not completely fill it. she only has to do that with Carolyn's buckets. so we went back up and i was getting my stuff together to go home and mommy confronted Bella again. Bella gave her crap again saying how she couldn't carry a water bucket full of water. she couldn't even carry half a bucket because "her back hurt" or something. BULL SHIT. Maeve can easily carry half a bucket of water. could she have at least told my mom that she couldn't fill it because if my mom didn't check it then he wouldn't have any water. then Lori came over and asked what the problem was. UGG SHE ANNOYS ME TOO since she did such a great job parenting didn't she? doesn't she see who Bella has become. she is a huge jerk. but yeah i am mad at Bella and i really don't want to go to 4H and deal with all those jerks. jglkdjfgladksfjadls;

let's see i have a few more topics i want to cover including office aid, the other jerks at the barn, boring life at school, and more but i have to babysit. i have to walk because my mother isn't here - she is at the barn. it is cold outside. gah.