Thursday, January 15, 2009

"i can see clearly now, the rain is gone" <3

yep. new glasses. right now i love them. i had a headache because of them for the first half an hour but now they are wonderful. i already have some smudges on them though...but they gave me some cleaner stuff at this place, they didn't do that at Target. anyways i like them. we'll see how they are. i wonder how many people will comment on them. in 8th grade i don't think many people did. but whatever. i had wanted to get contacts but my eyes are too sensitive. blah. but i think that is okay. maybe i look better with glasses? i don't know. i haven't had them that long, 3 and a half years, and this is my third pair. each time i have liked the newest one the best.

"eh okay sorta' got a brain made of scrambled eggs" I love you Abbs. (: 

my blogs have been shorter lately. there has been nothing i can ramble on about. i'm sure i could think of something if i tried really hard but maybe it will be nice for the people who read this, if anyone does, to get a short one today. so yeah. maybe i'll post a longer one later.

oh wait. i remembered something i wanted to talk about. is it bad that i have an 87 in honors science yet i want to get it up to a 90. i know it is an honors class and technically it is 10 points more but. people would probably be like "what is wrong with you?" if i told them that, especially if they consider upper 80s wonderful in a normal class. my sister Maeve doesn't like lower 90s on a test or anything. those are my expectations for myself, 90s. when i get them it feels good but it most likely doesn't feel as good as something who always gets low grades get an 100. but i am keeping those expectations up, no matter what anyone else says.

there is another topic i want to cover about expectations just for a different thing but i'll probably do that later today or tomorrow. (: