Friday, January 30, 2009

so it is a yes...

Wow. Someone actually does read this. My twin does. I really believed that I was the only one who ever read this. Knowing that someone does read this may affect how I write them...maybe? I'm not sure. I am going to hope that it doesn't but I know it will probably be in the back of my head. Not that it matters. Blogs are suppose to be read. 

We are doing a time capsule thing in health and in my note to myself I am going to put this address. the url to this site i mean. i really want to be able to look back on this and remember what i was feeling so i can see how i have grown and changed and so i won't forget when i was a little freshman.

so this Sunday is Horse Bowl and i am extremely nervous already. first off the questions are much much harder than last year because i am a senior this year. and you have to buzz in and say things out loud and if you get it wrong then you get minus a point. yeah. it is very nerve racking. is that even how you say it - nerve racking? either way i am nervous already.

then next sunday is another horse show. i am probably more nervous for that because i pretty much need to place if i want to qualify for regionals. i only need 5 points so if i get a 2nd i am all set. i can only show in two more horse shows. i would like to place in this one so my last show i don't have to get a second or higher. so yeah. i really want to qualify though. Maeve already did for jumping. last year i didn't even come close. yeah.

do you notice how i switch back and forth from capitalizing to not? at the beginning i did and now i'm...not. the beginning of this post. i tend to not capitalize more often. i wonder why...

we got back our English essays for A Separate Peace today. I got an 80. It is a decent grade for first real essay of the year and it being an honor's class. Most people ranged from a 60-75 i think. so yeah, i am happy with an 80. not really why i wrote about that. but i did.

i often will start thinking about writing blogs and what i will put in them. i actually thought about writing this and here i am writing it. but sometimes you just don't feel like writing about what you thought before or you forget or you word it differently. or whatever.

club penguin. probably one of the most stupidest sites i have ever been on. Maura has a membership. yes, she actually pays money so she can get all the special features of it. I use to be obsessed with it then i completely forgot about it until now when Maura got me back into it. they added a lot more things than before. like this card thing. it is sort of like super Rock, Paper, Scissors. you earn belts though, like karate. i have my brown. i almost have my black. i need to get my black. it is like an obsession but not really because if it was i would be on there now instead of writing this extremely long blog [ are you still reading it Abby? ]. 

right now my friend, wait my TWIN, Abby is at practice for the musical our school is putting on. this year we are doing The Music Man, last year we did Fiddler on the Roof. that was the first year we did it. but yes Abby is there now and then afterwards she is going to hang out with those peeps that also stayed after then she has LOL @ HRHS where Improvers Anonymous are going to preform. Abby is apart of Improvers Anonymous. she had to addition and she made it! wooohooo! so yes she is there. i most likely will not be going for the reason that i never mentioned it to my mother and i don't feel like stressing everyone out today and bringing it that not very good of me? i sort of feel bad not being there for my twin especially because of the reason i am too chicken to ask my mother if we could go...and if we did go it would be my whole family...

i think i am out of things to say right now. i am sure if i keep thinking long enough i will think of something. i just did but i'm not going to write about it. i am going to be done...for now.