Saturday, January 17, 2009

"so are YOU alive?"

well i guess my glasses are okay. i like them a lot. i think i just needed to get use to them. yeah. anyways. i had a banquet last night. i got four awards. more by default since i was the only one who went to three required shows. it was okay. sort of...blah. but whatever.

so i should be doing homework now seeing as i have a horse show tomorrow and later we may not be here. but i'm not. i'm doing this instead and other insignificant things. i don't really want to go to the horse show tomorrow. we have to be leaving from the barn by 5:00am. ahahahahadskfjasdkljfkladsfj. thank goodness we don't have school on Monday. but i'm probably going to end up being left out again. me and Maeve. not mention i am the weaker of my team seeing as I am only doing flat, not jumping. sure there are two other girls at the same level as me, and in the same class...this may sound mean but i really want to beat them. i know i win a lot but i think Abby (one of the girls at the same level as me, who is in 10th grade) needs a kick in the butt to see that she isn't the best. it is a lot about the luck of the draw - which horse you get. hopefully i get a good horse. i am only in one class and pretty much i blow it or i do wonderful. if i get a 1st or 2nd place at this show that means i have enough points to go onto zones or regionals, not sure which one is first. plus i have three more shows where i can get those 5 more points. so yeah. i get to wake up at 4:30am and not ride until like 2pm. i'll probably rant about it tomorrow afterwards. no need to worry. and if you don't get any of that then that is okay. (: