Saturday, January 10, 2009

"itttt's threeeee o'clocccckkkk"

my computer talks to me. isn't that great? i can ask it what time it is and it will tell me. like i actually talk out loud to my computer and it responds. sometimes it ignores me but that is just because it loves me very much. it also tells me what time it is at every hour without me having to ask it. it is just so kind to me. oh! and it tells me if something needs my attention. i don't like calling it "it", he or she needs a name. have an idea?

i had my riding lesson today. luckily it was later and i got to sleep in. one of the fancy, high-class people at my barn (she just went to Germany and came home with two horses!) hosted a clinic with some European instructor. so it was crazy over there and we (the people who ride there twice a week or more) were forced to ride during their break. well i was glad for that because that was the reason it was later than normal. i started off riding this Fjord (google it. they are cute. and it is not the geographic fjord it is the pony/horse Fjord) who was new the barn and was only going to stay there until the end of February. i hadn't ridden him before and i was a bit nervous but i knew i could do it. he was a bit of a challenge but he was good. i liked him a lot. oh his name is Pharley. (: then we switched horses and i rode Revy who is taller and built completely different than Pharley and it was a biggggggg different. i normally ride Revy so he was a breeze and was perfect. much easier than Pharley. then we switched again and i rode my lover Herbie. Herbie is shorter than Revy but taller and Pharley and built different than the two of them so it was completely different again. for those of you who don't ride horses - each one is completely different, they feel different when you ride them, and you have to do basically the same thing but sometimes they do different things forcing you do to something else. make sense? anyways i showed Herbie all last summer, we leased him so basically he was mine. i rode him over three times a week. he was such a good boy. then our lease was up and there were no more summer horse shows and i have barely ridden him since then. i miss him so much. i was glad i got to ride him. he was sooooo perfect and made me miss him even more. next summer Maeve will probably show him and i will hopefully get my horse that i will buy and keep. (:

oh my goodness! Maeve is going to try hot chocolate! Maeve doesn't like hot chocolate but pretty much every winter she tries it because she always feels left out. she just said "it's not that bad but it burnt my lip. but i want some more whipped cream." we will see if this is the winter when she decides that she does like it! whoo! i am having some now and i don't know how anyone can not like hot chocolate or whipped cream. i lovvveeeeeee whipped cream. (: hot chocolate i think is the only reason i survive the winter. how do you make hot chocolate? we have a water heater thingy that we put water in and it makes it really hot but not boiling. then i put the hot chocolate power/mix stuff in a mug then pour the now warm water into in the mug and stir it until it is all mixed up. then i'll add some milk and mix that in. then the best part - the whipped cream on top! (:

i am going crazy with this blog thing. i already have a ton of posts and i have barely even had it for that long. yesterday i had two posts! maybe i will actually keep up with this. i do like it even though i talk about nothing and probably barely anyone reads it. in a while though i will probably look back on this and be like - i wrote that? that was how i thought? really? yeah. i can see myself doing that already. (: