Tuesday, January 13, 2009

just three and a half more years.

i get so frustrated at people. extremely. so there is a special needs girl who is older than me and her locker is near mine. she has a lock and key instead of a combination. she is extremely nice but some other people are not. one girl helped her unlock it right when i was getting there. this isn't exactly one of my friends - she is pretty much a snob like a ton of other girls in my class. so she went back with her big circle of friends ignoring everyone else. then Sheryl (i think that is how you spell her name, she is the special needs girl) needed help with her lock so she was saying "Can you help me?" to the girl and her friends who had helped her before and guess what they did - ignored her. they just completely ignored her leaving Sheryl there calling to them for help. guess what they did next - walked away. it was obvious they could hear her because they kept sneaking glances. it was awful. when they left i was pretty much furious at them so i went over to Sheryl and asked if she needed help and of course she did. so i did it for her then she was saying how it was cold outside and i was like yes it is very cold. and we went back and forth for a second while i was at my locker then she went her way and i went mine. why do people have to be so mean? i really do not like those girls one bit.