Wednesday, January 21, 2009

i guess i should talk about this stuff too...

guess what. we have a new president. everyone is so thrilled, blah, blah, blah. well while you are all celebrating i bet you only know one side of the story. seriously. how many kids out there have been educated about politics from both sides? i am pretty sure their parents told them one thing and they believed it not caring what the other side may be. in this state that was probably the democratic side. especially since almost everyone is liberal along with all the teachers.

my family is republican.

if that surprises any of you who read it well that just means that i don't go around shouting how much i hate Obama just because he doesn't believe the same things my family does, unlike some Obama supporters who all they do is bash Bush and McCain. you know Bush may not have been perfect, or McCain, but we are humans we know. Bush helped us get through 9/11. we are still alive today. he wasn't a dictator. we are safe and healthy. so really there is only so much bad stuff you can say about Bush because right now you are alive. 

honestly i can't say how much i really understand it all but at least i know that i am getting both sides. at school i get the democratic side mostly, even if they try to be unbias and at home my father tells me both. he tells me what he believes and what other people believe. i'm glad that i am in a country where i can be the odd one out, and be a republican, and not get killed.

but time will tell. we will see how this works out and maybe Obama will be a wonderful president, or he will be a horrible one. i am sure that the democrats will make some excuse for him, probably blame it back to Bush again, but we will see. 

and after reading that don't go and hate me because i believe something different that you. i don't care what your political views are. i don't care if you are gay, straight, bi. i don't care if you are black, red, white. i don't care if you are male or female. i don't care what religion you believe in. i don't think it should even be brought up that there is a difference if we are all the same. how come they are making such a big deal out of the first black president if we are all the same? how come they made a big deal about Sarah Palin being female if both genders are equal? should it matter?

well that is my political stuff. i can't wait until i am older and actually know what i am talking about and i look back on this. who knows what will happen.

oh i just want to add what happened on January the 20th. 1st period = study hall = t.v. on the whole time. 2nd period = English = t.v. on for second half of class. 3rd period = spanish = t.v. on end of class. 4th period = Geometry = t.v. on while doing homework. 5th period = gym = swearing in of president = no t.v. 6th period = science = after speech = nothing. 7th period = history = 1:30ish to 2:15 = no t.v., just talked about it the whole period. the next day = 7th period, saw the swearing in and speech.