Sunday, January 11, 2009

"now when i caught myself i had to stop myself from saying something i should have never thought"

i managed to be on the computer all day and not come on here once. but of course i can't go by a day without posting at least once. i could never keep a dairy or journal. i would post a three page entry the first day. maybe another one the next day then never again. it is fun to look back at them and read them again...that is if i can read my handwriting. once i wrote in cursive and i couldn't read half the stuff afterwards which is sad. i like to laugh at my former self. (:

we went to go look at a horse today. he seemed perfect on the internet where he was posted and when we e-mailed the girl. when we went there though there was a bunch of red flags. i'm not going to go into details because most of you who are reading it won't understand and i just don't feel like it. basically we aren't getting him or leasing him or trying him or anything. we are done with him.

i think i got out of CCD today. seeing as it started at 7 and it is 7:25 now. yay! i'm not sure if it was because of the snow or my mother just forgot. i am guessing it is canceled because my mother doesn't forget things like that. i'm glad though. i don't like CCD. i sit around for an hour and a half doing nothing, learning nothing, and feeling left out. the rest of the kids are from Northampton and go to the same school and are friends and have stuff to talk about. i'm not from Northampton, i don't go to their school, i'm not friends with them, and we don't have stuff to talk about. of course they are nice - this is CCD class but you can still feel left out in a class like that. there is one girl who also rides but our conversations are short and formal. not to mention during class no one talks so the teacher basically has to kill us to get us to say one word. i don't think she likes it. oh i just remembered that i have a horse show next CCD for me then either! wooohooo. i think i have gone to a total of two so far. yeah...

i am thinking you like the internet since you are reading this now. correct? well let me point you to two different sites and i will probably write a paragraph about each. 

first: it is a site where you can get buddy icons for AIM and such which are 48 x 48 and then there are avatars which are bigger and would be used on fourms and such and they are 100 x 100. plus there are wallpapers and awaymessages. there are some really good ones there that you can use for free or upload your own. there is "A Day" for each of the categories. i would recommend checking it out. it is great for finding a new icon or whatever. so today i started making my own icons and avatars and uploading them there. they aren't great since i don't have a program to make them with. i use but that isn't the second site! they are still in moderation so i'm not sure how they will be received. it would be great if they got into the popular category but i doubt it since they are really simple. but that's okay. i had fun making them and one of them is my icon on AIM now.

the second site: Broken Northern (<-click). It is a roleplaying site. That is where you create a character (just in words) and you post like what they are doing and such. It may not make much sense or sound like fun but it makes sense to me and i like it. i would recommend checking it out. if you think i am a geek or nerd for liking something like that that's fine with me. i like it and it helps improve my writing skills so whatever. anyways i am officially the owner of that site. i created it using and it sat around for each other because while i wanted to make another one i didn't know what to do. then i was on (which is a place where you can advertise your roleplaying fourm and such) i started a thread about maybe starting a horse/human roleplay and someone replied and i started IMing her. she is amazing. it is because of her the site is where it is. i couldn't do it without her. she is the coadmin and probably deserves to be admin more than me but she is soooo modest. right now it is slow but if you feel like looking at it and maybe joining i would help you the best i could. don't feel pressured to join at all. 

omg. omg. omg. omg. guess what song just came on shuffle? IN COLOR. it's by Jamey Johnson. it is such an inside joke. but ahhasdkjflsakdjvlkasdjflkadsjfklasdjflkasdahahahahahahah i can't listen to the whole thing. i just skipped it. omg or i should say omec. ahhhhh!