Thursday, January 15, 2009

are you kidding me?

i am so frustrated. if i said the word pissed i would say i am pissed. you know those wonderful new glasses i got and posted about early today? about an hour ago? guess what? i can see better with my old glasses. aasdkl;flasld. and i know that they cost a good bit of money for my mother, not enough for a dollar a day a year but still a lot. why can't i just get my lovely glasses and move on? i really was looking forward to wearing them tomorrow but now what is the point? it will make it even harder to see. i may bring both of them and just alternate. that might strain my eyes even more. right now they are freaking out of me and giving me a headache. aahahahaahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i have on my old glasses but i still feel awful. omg. ahahahadfjlaskldl;al;adfjlagkljvadsfkkdsgvjkadsfjkadskl;faklsdfkldasfklala;sdfasdfajskdlf;als and tomorrow i going to have to go back and i really don't want to. i hate to do things like that. now i just have no glasses on. why can't i just have my eyesight back that i had before? i really hate glasses now. hate them. alalksklsdlkfsadkl;adfskl;dfkl;safdjklfsjklfjajsdlkgjaeriohrjeaojkrdop'fbhijepodfj. grrrr ahahah falkdsjfklasas  gasslhgurfguaer;dfijlkbnjghafijdklaksdljfkaldjs