Sunday, July 6, 2014

hi, it's late and i should be asleep but i kind of felt like i hadn't posted here in a while and wanted to come do that. i am not completely sober, i had two drinks but i'm definitely not drunk. my fingers are just a little slower than usual, but that could just be because i'm really tired.

the thing i am most excited to tell you about is that i met Struan Shields. way back i posted a video of a cute little stop motion video and it was to one of his songs. i discovered him and his music four years ago. Katelyn liked him too. we are both facebook friends with him because he added all his fans back in the day. i have both of his EPs, one that came out in 2010 and the other in 2012. and i do remember a good amount of the words to his songs even though i haven't heard them in forever.

but i had seen that he was invited to one of the same events as i was a while back and i was like...what?! and then i looked and sure enough he was living in Nashville. and he was invited to a few more of the same events i was but i kind of forgot about him. until i saw him at Jordan Gable's show, the first time i saw him play. and i took me a second to register why he looked familiar. then i was like...oh my god. it's Struan Shields. i didn't say anything to him then and i didn't meet him then or anything. he is friends with Jordan, who i did meet then. which apparently i talked about last time. anyways so i went to another show of Jordan's and Struan was also there i believe, but again did not talk to him.

okay now fast forward and i am at Julian's house concert (more on Julian later) and Erin and I go to talk to Jordan and then Struan comes up and introduces himself. and the 16 year old inside of me is fangirling and i'm just this real life? some random guy i listened to and was a fan of 4 years ago is now at the same party as me and is introducing himself to me. it sounds so crazy but stuff like that happens all the time in Nashville. anyways i didn't really talk to him too much then. and i might have been making stuff up but it seemed like he was looking at me a lot during the show. but most likely i just making that up because you see what you want to see. he is very attractive. but he has a girlfriend who is back where is his from, Virginia and they are adorable together. still i would like to be his friend. he did say bye and it was nice to meet you when he left. so i am hoping i have another chance to be at the same event as him so i can talk to him. i'll probably tell him eventually that i used to listen to his music because he may eventually find out we are friends on facebook and wonder why. but anyways it made it soooo happy to meet him.

okay Julian. so i found out that the girl he was into is Rebecca, who i had met a while ago and who actually sort of helped me get this apartment. this is all told to me by Erin by the way. but so Julian and Rebecca were hanging out a lot together (we were at Rebecca's house when i first met Julian and they were sitting next to each other and i did wonder if there was something there but anyways) but nothing actually happened. then Julian told her that he had a lot going on in his life and didn't really want anything. so fine. but then actually at Jordan's Show Number Two we (including Rebecca) saw Julian there with another girl. apparently a girl he had blown off before to hang out with Rebecca. so that was awkward. and he was with here at his house show as well. so they are a thing now. and i do not want to get involved in any of that drama so i am glad i did not talk to him at any of those shows because he just seemed like trouble. plus he doesn't look as attractive anymore and i expected to like his set more than i did. it was good, but i guess i was expecting more. he was sick so maybe that was it.

but can i just tell you the little friend group that Jordan, Julian, and Struan has going on is awesome. they have a huge bromance. and they all support each other and show up to each other's shows. when Jordan played on night two everyone ran up to the front and was jamming out and when he sang his most popular song everyone sang it so loudly. and the same at Julian's show too. it was crazy how everyone was singing along. they are really awesome friends to each other.

umm i could talk about how Erin is going through boy drama as well and is kind of crazy and about tonight but i am kind of ready to sleep now. but kind of not. i am listening to Struan's EP from 2010 right now.

oh by the way now i am not going to be home for two weeks before going to China, i'm going to Ireland instead. so there's that.