Wednesday, July 23, 2014

hi i really want to be asleep right now but i need work through this dilemma.

okay so i have this friend Joy, who is really Erin's friend and i met her through her or whatever. but she and Erin just had a big fight and i'm not going to go into details but basically Joy has not been a good friend to Erin and is blaming Erin for everything. and i haven't heard from Joy in a while even though i had texted her saying we should hang out a while ago. but then she texts me tonight and she needs a place to stay because her roommate is away but her roommate's ex-boyfriend is coming to get his stuff and is staying in the house and she doesn't feel comfortable staying there with him. but when i talked to Erin about her staying here Erin said she would feel uncomfortable if Joy was here even though Erin isn't here. and Summer i think is at her boyfriends house but i wouldn't feel right about having Joy stay here without asking her. and i don't know what to do. i feel like the big obvious choice is to just have Joy stay here but it isn't my house so really i shouldn't be making that decision. but it is also midnight and i just want to sleep. would I believe a horrible person if i just ignored Joy's texts and went to sleep...the answer to that is yes but i still really just want to do that. i am so tired. i can't deal. and i think Corey is upset that i didn't go to the belonging tonight. and i am starting to get stressed out by this but i really don't want to.

okay i have to text Joy back otherwise i'll feel horrible. i'll see if i can figure something else out for tonight. and then i'll talk to Corey tomorrow and make sure she isn't upset and see if she is moving in or what.

Erin just texted me and i feel bad that Erin has to deal with this now too because she is supposed to be on vacation. all i really want to do is sleep. i'll wait and see what Erin says then text Joy and either leave the door unlocked for her or i will sleep.

OMG she doesn't even need a place until Wednesday, why am i still awake! ahahahahahahah i just lost like half an hour of sleep and stressed over this when i can figure it out tomorrow. gaaaaaah.